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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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Just curious but how much loveca on average do you use to stay in the top 200? I spent about 7 loveca last event for a top 500 finish so if the difference isn't too great I just might join you in aiming for top 200.

Oh, didn't know that you lose out on half the exp through that method. Thankfully i didn't employ the same method as him in idol cannibalism or I would've felt very bad over the loss of exp.


Top 200 for Kotori event was around 25k - so about 70 love gems minimum.


- 52 LP - Level 54/55

- Used love gems from the start

- Reset LP immediately when empty

I didn't take leveling / LP normal recharge into the calculation


I spent about 30 gems and got around rank 30, so other factors do have a noticeable impact on how much you eventually use.


Not gonna lie, I plan only using at least 100 love gems for this. The top 200 could once again be 25k, it could also not be. I can't afford to make a mistake...... unfortunately.

On the plus side, 100 love gems for 3 SRs is pretty worth it, considering my misfortune.

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Okay scratch that though I think I'll just aim for top 1000. I'd rather try my luck at 2 10+1 pulls and hope for a UR than use that 100 loveca to get the 3 same Umi SR. I mean, it's just Umi. 

Things wouldn't be the same for the Nico/Maki event though *grins*

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Okay scratch that though I think I'll just aim for top 1000. I'd rather try my luck at 2 10+1 pulls and hope for a UR than use that 100 loveca to get the 3 same Umi SR. I mean, it's just Umi. 

Things wouldn't be the same for the Nico/Maki event though *grins*


"It's just Umi" - Lies, Deceit, Blasphemy!

I would gladly give my life to her if it weren't for this cursed reality.

You would do the same for Nico and Maki right? Rightttt? ;)


And I have absolutely horrible luck so 100 gems for 3 SR is fine in my book.

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I was debating whether or not I want to do my 10+1 draw when I got 50 or wait til a Rin UR came out, but I figured it's going to be a while before that happens. I'm 3 gems from my 2nd 10+1, and I'm dreading my continued membership of #Nomakifaction.

Oh, and I tried playing a couple songs, but for some reason my bodily rhythm must be off or something because I'm getting like 30+ Greats per song :(

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One must endure and be proud of the #nomakifaction

It is a path entrusted to us. 


I'm just waiting for my LP to recharge. Still haven't tried the event song on hard because I don't have enough of those bunny things.

Luckily I'm ranking up soon so more LP.

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I can't wait for next event, we get to spam Love Novels, definitely gonna be fun. I hope they don't give us the repeats they did on the JP servers, else we have to wait a while while they redo Kotori's and Umi's event. I'd rather just move on and go through all events and get to the Rin event new songs.


Looks like the next story chapter will require you to be rank 40. Good because I'm already 39 and will already meet the requirement when it comes out.

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I can't wait for next event, we get to spam Love Novels, definitely gonna be fun. I hope they don't give us the repeats they did on the JP servers, else we have to wait a while while they redo Kotori's and Umi's event. I'd rather just move on and go through all events and get to the Rin event new songs.


The notes on Kotori and Umi's event song are from the repeat version. So if that's any indication, we'll jump straight to Honoka's event after Nico's.

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Just rewatched the first few episodes of the Love Live anime S2. Nico is really so so cute!! Gotta wait about 2 more weeks for her event to come around :/



Just look at that! How can anyone resist her charms I wonder~ <3

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Everyone in that PV that gif comes from is cute lol.


I went a step further though, I rewatched all of S1 in one sitting. Oddly, Rin does her Nya~s at the beginning of the season, like none for 4-5 episodes, and does a bunch again starting like episode 11. That's completely different from how she does it 95% of her lines in S2.


I think my chances of FC'ing this are very slim


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I saw a notification on my game that you got that SR Nozomi, congrats~ Though, I'd suggest not doing 5-gem draws and save up for the 50 gem one. Not only do you get a free card, you get a guaranteed SR or UR on the 11th (dunno how long that lasts, could be limited time?)


Yeah, I read about it and I'm currently already saving up gems for that bulk draw. I just wanted to check out how everything works and got lucky. I didn't knew the game sends notifications about lucky draws to people on the friendlist, that's quite neat.


As for the event, I doubt novices like me will be even able to get anything from it except that bunch of rewards for clearing subsequent entries; You will propably need a decent team to score high enough; at least I get a taste of what's coming, considering I will play the hell out of this game.


I got another R Kotori from basic recruitment a while ago. The issue is... it's only them I get (and not even a same card). I really like Kotori, but this is getting a little overboard; If anything, it should be at least an SR! T^T


I so want a NicoMaki as well.



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Got lucky with the 10+1 draw a few days ago and got myself a UR Umi. That helped loads towards my cool team  :) 

Well, I'm holding onto my regulars for now as i got 2k FP from the S-S rank and have maxed most of my cards. What my friend is doing is maxing all his regulars and feeding the maxed out regulars to his SR's. Idk if he gains the same amount of points as compared to the regular method but oh well.


070649210 <<< add me up for UR Umi buff hehe. Leave me a message that ya all are from this board though as I've been getting tons of friend requests from randoms ever since the event started

I added you, if you have enough space for me. I have UR Smile and Pure if you ever need them, and UR Umi would be sooo nice xD

Either way, your team is op. I second that 190k points!? I've been saving up points so I can level my cool rares a little more before I do the event song, cause I'm only at 25.5k cool team atm, with a rare leader T.T

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Oh my goodness I want to get a second SR Umi so much. I'm gonna try hard!


On another note, I got a whopping 38 combo on my first try of the hard mode song, as opposed to insta-FCing the easy and normal modes. You get 65 points for an FC/S on easy, 140 for FC/S on Medium, and 205~ for 70combo/A-rank on hard. So I'll be working on improving my hard so that I can get over 210 to make it more cost-efficient than the medium, assuming I can FC that on a whim.


Also THANK YOU FOR THE UR UMI, JkR!! (so appreciated u.u)

I'm 1 point ahead of Ceris in the rankings right now ^^ (buahahahahahaha)


edit: I pulled both of my URs from single draws. I've done probably 9 single draws (including the free one at the start) and a single 10+1. I got 2 URs and 7 Rs from the 9 singles, and 10 Rs and 1 SR from the 10+1. I will say that you guarantee yourself better pulls when you do the 10+1, and the only reason I did single pulls afterwards was because I thought my interest in the game would wane (it did not, xD), but it happened to work out very well for me. I'm saving up for a 10+1 because I need SRs (and a UR Umi would be AMAZING) but that's 45 points away... T.T ... we'll see how fast it comes... if I dont expect to be at 50 loveca by mid-July I'll probably just return to doing singles and getting SRs from events... I'm too poor to buy much/any loveca atm, tragically

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Today and tomorrow I'm not going to play a lot because exams.

But after that I'll focus on the game a lot more.


Yeah, I read about it and I'm currently already saving up gems for that bulk draw. I just wanted to check out how everything works and got lucky. I didn't knew the game sends notifications about lucky draws to people on the friendlist, that's quite neat.


As for the event, I doubt novices like me will be even able to get anything from it except that bunch of rewards for clearing subsequent entries; You will propably need a decent team to score high enough; at least I get a taste of what's coming, considering I will play the hell out of this game.


I got another R Kotori from basic recruitment a while ago. The issue is... it's only them I get (and not even a same card). I really like Kotori, but this is getting a little overboard; If anything, it should be at least an SR! T^T


I so want a NicoMaki as well.



Eh you can probably manage quite some rewards, if you can't do the hard difficulty just grind one below :)

The difference in event points is not too big (if you can't FC on hard) and you waste less bunny things.

I started the event halfway in and could barely FC the song and I got like 3/4 away from the SR.


You can't get SR in normal scouting sadly.



And at least you're not in the #nomakifaction

Or do you not have a Maki either?



Just tried the hard difficulty on the event song.

It's actually not as hard as you guys seem to be making out to be, certainly I couldn't FC first try but I found the previous one harder to be honest, I believe I can FC this with a little practice.

Really shocked I could S it though.


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"could barely FC the song"
he says nonchalantly
Curse your impressive motor skills Nosebleeeeeeed!!!


It's true.

It took me quite some time to FC the last event song. I failed it once even.


This one on the other hand i didn't even miss a note.


Edit: Got 2 Hanayos in normal scouting and one is pure. Get all the idolized cards! (sadly cool Hanyo has crappy stats so I won't level her for now)

And I don't have to be bothered with using 2 Hanayos since I now know I can S the event song surprisingly.

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The S rank is extremely easy for some reason. And maybe I just suck at this song, cuz you saw my results above :P

Yeah I noticed.

My cool team goes up to 28k with a cool UR and I can S it. Normally you need at least 30k base stat to S a song.


All those normals I got now just maxed out my cool Kotori~

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Oh yeah, I changed my leader to a SR Cool Eri if anyone wants to use me for extra points in the event. I'll miss Rin, but it's for a greater good! At this time, I'm not doing the event for this SR Umi, I'm doing it to get Love Gems since I'm so close to doing my next 10+1.

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Arrgh! Almost FC'd the event song.

Missed one single note, didn't even see where it was to be honest. Wish this had a replay feature.


I'll definitely FC it next time


Hey Ceris, I got a Rin after clearing the event song for the 2nd time, I have no idea why, this is the first time I ever got a rare card like this but,  U mad?



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