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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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New data extracted related to the new event coming on the 5t





Edit: Translation


Page 1:

友達が応援にきてくれたよ - Your friend is here to help (You can use your friends)

学院生が応援にきてくれたよ - Academy student is here to help (You can also use academy students)

獲得EXPアップ! - Experience points obtained increase!

獲得Gアップ! - G obtained increase!

獲得イベントptアップ! - Event points obtained increase!

報酬追加:金! - Additional Reward: Gold! (Currency you get)

報酬追加:銅! - Additional Reward: Bronze! (Currency, bronze implies it is worth the least)

タップSCOREアップ! - Tap Score Increase

ダメージガード! - Damage guard! (Perhaps nullifies damage taken for bad/missing notes for a few seconds)

パーフェクトサポート! - Perfect support! (Perfect Lock support maybe)

特技発動確率アップ! - Special Skill activation probability increase!

体力回復! - Stamina restored!

報酬追加:銀! - Additional Reward: Silver! (Currency you get, worth less than gold but more than bronze)

Page 2:

Left to right top to bottom.

第 話 - Chapter # of the story.

次のストーリーまであと pt - Points until the next story chapter.

3/2/1 曲 - 3 2 or 1 songs.

ダメージガード! - Damage guard!

特技発動 - Special skill activation.

チュートリアルを再生する - View the tutorial.

イベントpt - Event points.

パーフェクトサポート! - Perfect support!

出現率 - Appearance rate

体力回復 - Stamina restoration.

アップSCORE - Increase SCORE.

難易度選択 - Select Song Difficulty.

曲数選択 - Select number of songs.

アレンジ - Arrange order of songs.

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Good Morning (at least for me ;) ),


saince I was having fun at my draws and I'm such a lucky bastard there I thought I should give something back to the SIF-society ;) ... So I'm planning something like a Christmas-giveaway or more a lottery. Saddly it is not possible to transfer a single card to an other account (I asked the guys of klab directly) I'll thought about a Gift-Card/Code for your SIF game (respectively for your Google Play/Apple Play store) so you can get Gems and make several draws. For that project I need to know If all the Android Players (because Google is there really complicated not like Apple :P) are able to cash in a Gift card and when yes in which currency.


So to summarize, thats what I'm planning:

- Christmas-Lottery for a Gift Card / Code for your App Store

- the 3 Winner of that will get a Price -> 10 - 20 $, depends on your currency and maybe the place :P


The "rules":

- I'm a friend of justice -> So it will not be simply based on Luck. I want to make it a little bit like the NBA Draft Lottery for example.

- You will be ranked by a probability of draw, that will be based on: Your Rank in SIF, the Amount of SR/UR you already own (idolized ones simply count double). That means if you have the same amount of SR/UR a higher Rank has a higher probability to win.

The "Formula": Probability = Rank / (( Amount of UR x 5) + (Amount of SR x 1))



Do you wanna participate?


If Yes -> Terms and conditions to participate:

- Active Player on SIF (should be not a problem if you read that here ;) ) -> that means everyone in the Inactive User list can't participate.

- At least Rank 50 in the game (should be not that hard for active ones)

- Send me a complete Overview about you Members/Cards (Screenshot preferred) and from your Rank per PM. And please be honest there for the sake of the other participants.

- Your Platform (Android/iOS) and the currency ($,€, or whatever) you can "add" to you Account. Further infos only needed if you are winning.

- At least 6 participants to make it a little bit thrilling ;)


The final Drawing I'll be broadcasting then. The Deadline for that will be for now the 7th of December 23:59 pm (Sunday, my time). Maybe I'll delay that later, if it is to soon. That will also be the Deadline for your Rank in the game.



So thats all about that for now. What do you think about that? Have you some advices for me? Have you other questions? Ask me or tell me!


Oh, that was the longest thing I wrote here so I'm exausted now. Let me now your thoughts, also if you think it is a bad idea. I can handle that and also I'm just a little unforgiving :P , If I've something forgotten I'll post that ... If not just participate. One thing at the end -> thats a private thing of me so are my decisions are final ;).

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I like lotterys. I'm in xD

Though if you meant 'justice' as in 'fair', I'm not sure if making the draw probabilities based on Rank & number of SR/URs will be more fair than just using random luck (cuz it means the wealthy rank 200 person with 50 URs/SRs will have a higher chance than the sad rank 50 who has no URs)

edit: Actually I wasn't paying attention to your formula so never mind me if what I said above is wrong

edit2: Okay yeah nvm me xD so the way your formula works is

  • The higher rank you are, and the less UR/SR you have, the higher chance you have to win
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I like lotterys. I'm in xD

Though if you meant 'justice' as in 'fair', I'm not sure if making the draw probabilities based on Rank & number of SR/URs will be more fair than just using random luck (cuz it means the wealthy rank 200 person with 50 URs/SRs will have a higher chance than the sad rank 50 who has no URs)

edit: Actually I wasn't paying attention to your formula so never mind me if what I said above is wrong

edit2: Okay yeah nvm me xD so the way your formula works is

  • The higher rank you are, and the less UR/SR you have, the higher chance you have to win





A little Example ;) ... The last one would be someone like me :P

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I don't think I'd want to participate since I have a decent amount of cards already. My chance is 4.07%, I have 30 SRs when counting idolized as 2, along with 1 UR as a rank 142 (will be 144 or 145 by the end date, due to SR Hanayo rush on the 5th)

Random thing, someone posted a graph of the rank of players in SIF, I found out I'm in like the top 25 highest ranked, or so.

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I don't think I'd want to participate since I have a decent amount of cards already. My chance is 4.07%, I have 30 SRs when counting idolized as 2, along with 1 UR as a rank 142 (will be 144 or 145 by the end date, due to SR Hanayo rush on the 5th)

Random thing, someone posted a graph of the rank of players in SIF, I found out I'm in like the top 25 highest ranked, or so.


Well, your chances depend on the other participants so you can't say it finally. I really think your chances are pretty high, because you have a high level and not so many cards like me (i don't participate, of course ;) ) or also Praelitator and Eclipsed should be have lower chances.


But anyway, If you don't want it you don't have to participate, but you can only win.

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I don't really get what I need to send you in PM I get that I need to screenshot my members but what else ? also thanks for doing the lottery :)

What platform you're playing LL:SIF on (either iOS or Android), the currency you're using to buy love gems, and I just basically type out how much SRs and URs I have (taking into account that idolised cards count as 2) and my rank along with a screenshot.

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The Links to my Christmas-Lottery-Post




So that nobody, who wants to participate, miss it (I don't want to make an own Topic for that, which could attract a weird crowd :D) ...


@arakura and others ... Everybody who fits the description can join (Rank 50, active player -> that doesn't mean hardcore) ... The more people -> the more fun :P and don't worry about me too much, I'm relatively trustworthy, I'm not Google and want to collect your data ;)


Edit: About the rank of everyone... For those who are at my friend-list -> I'll take it from there at the deadline... for all others please tell me ;)

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Yay new update <3 can't wait :) and omg Maki chan you have 31 SR omg but no UR that is weird. I have 3 UR and 11 SR.

Yeah... Ahh why don't I have one? I really don't know :D I have 1 UR on my japanese account and 1 on 2nd jp acc. I don't have any on eng account I did many draws too that is just weird :D

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Okay so I'm watching this guy open cases in cs:go for over 2 months and he is yet to get a knife which is the rarest thing you can get from cases. He opened over 1000 cases which if I did my math right cost something like 3150$

Edit: I forgot the keys cost money too :D so he wasted way more than 3150$

His latest opening

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