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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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Day 1, they grinded for nearly 18 hours straight (Well, Cryza had a 30min break from what he told me) I don't think we'll get a vote in the EN version. KLab EN was too lazy to get our newest UR and SR card descriptions right, I doubt they'll take the time to make us a brand new card. If there IS a vote, I expect Maki to win, with Nico in 2nd, with Rin in dead last judging by event turnouts :( Expect the end cutoff to be ~65,000-70,000.

Wow. I salute them. Seriously, it just shows how they're so determined and how much they love this franchise (or the character).

That prediction though... *shudders* I'm just glad that I'm not bothering to get a second maki. Don't want to compete to that extent of extremity.

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Wow. I salute them. Seriously, it just shows how they're so determined and how much they love this franchise (or the character).

That prediction though... *shudders* I'm just glad that I'm not bothering to get a second maki. Don't want to compete to that extent of extremity.

Don't forget there's still over 7 days worth of LP to be earned, so you're still going to be getting a lot more event points, don't underestimate that. Also, that's judging ours based on the JP event, we could have a smaller or larger cutoff, you just never know.


This is all taking only token events into account after this point: When I went for the Hanayo event (my first time in the top 200), I realized that I got 13k points off gems, but then earned another 20k+ off just LP naturally recharging, making me realize that unless you're going for the top 10 (Rin's case, top 5), you're spending significantly more time recharging LP nartually as opposed to using gems and earning way more off that LP, and the gems is just a small boost (or top 200 wise, a decent boost) and only accounts for a fraction of your final event score.

Top 5 is a different story. Over an event, you'll  get 17-20k event points if you don't waste LP, depending on event length. I earned 142k (145k if I had spent my last bit of tokens I was too lazy to do). That is literally 7x the amount of points you'll earn off natural recharge, I spent so much time using gems and playing songs, I only actually recharged ~800LP worth in that whole event, and if you use no gems, and don't waste any, you'll recharge 2400, 2640, or 2880, depending on 10, 11, or 12 day events.


I'm not using this to brag, I'm using my experience so you don't underestimate the top players' dedication, and you don't get discouraged in events for the tier rewards.

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Ew. But that sounds feasible for me to do.

Now, what will the 200 cutoff be? :P

I typed that long post above, then I realized that it could be completely different since I was comparing the JP events with ours, which had more players but larger number of players per cutoff. The EN side also spends less on gems, on average. If we go by the JP event, the cutoff will be near 100k by the end...




What I'm most intimidated by, is that the Rin score match had a tier 2 score cutoff of 75k. That's fucking ridiculous.





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Yay! I got my SR Maki, now I just need to stay in the top 1000 by the time the event ends.........which is pretty far away, I just hope I can hold out by then.

We shall wait out the storm together.

The 1000 cut off seems to be increasing by like 5k a day. But there will probably be huge spikes during the weekend and of course, the last couple of days.

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Everytime I wake up I feel like I drop an extra 1000 than the previous night. Yesterday I dropped 3000, today I wake up and found I drop 4000. I just want to stay in the top 25000 so I can get a second Jennifer for the album bonuses (I'm 3 away to 75 for 3 of them so I can get three love gems) /hasherprioritieswrong.

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Everytime I wake up I feel like I drop an extra 1000 than the previous night. Yesterday I dropped 3000, today I wake up and found I drop 4000. I just want to stay in the top 25000 so I can get a second Jennifer for the album bonuses (I'm 3 away to 75 for 3 of them so I can get three love gems) /hasherprioritieswrong.

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Could've gotten 3rd at least. But it's always the ONE SINGLE "GOOD"

Oh and hihi Mr. Rank 1  :ph34r:

It sometimes feels like my opponents are fluctuating depending on my performance

ie. get 1st or 2nd then I get opponents that completely outmatch me by like 10-20k+ points

get 3rd or 4th and then I can derp hard and still get 1st or 2nd by a comfortable margin

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Could've gotten 3rd at least. But it's always the ONE SINGLE "GOOD"

Oh and hihi Mr. Rank 1  :ph34r:

My opponents are fluctuating heavily depending on my performance 

ie. get 1st or 2nd then I get opponents that completely outmatch me by like 10-20k+ points

get 3rd or 4th and then I can derp hard and still get 1st or 2nd by a comfortable margin

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But then again I need my love gems for the next hanayo event so....

I don't know. Is the skill of this version of maki that good? And another question is, are the skills of event SRs better than normal SRs or not?

It's okay. The daily Experts have over 500 notes. The Maki card activates every 32 notes 36% of the time, so that's 15 chances of it activating. The score is only 570 added, so it's not too significant, and if, like this event, you're playing hards, it's not that good.

As for comparing Event SRs to normal SRs, no idea. I know my event Rin's perfect lock kicks the hell out of my Crepe Rin's perfect lock ability.

Yay, top 15 again, though I'll probably even drop out of the top 20 by the time I wake up. And the gap to 14th made ma a little sad, don't have it in me to play any more tonight.


I'm also almost out of love gems... Only 2 left, though there are some reward for gems later on, going to hold off on buying any until the final couple days so I know how much I need.

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I know that. What I meant was, is the general characteristics, like for example how much points you get if its activated, or the duration or probability of the skills and etc better than normal SRs....

Probably going to use 25 gems if I do try to get this maki.

I'd say save your gems for Hanayo, if the deciding factor of whether to go for Maki or not is her card's skill xD

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Yay, top 15 again, though I'll probably even drop out of the top 20 by the time I wake up. And the gap to 14th made ma a little sad, don't have it in me to play any more tonight.jWYaUeX.pngI'm also almost out of love gems... Only 2 left, though there are some reward for gems later on, going to hold off on buying any until the final couple days so I know how much I need.

Congrats ceris! How many gems did you spend to get there?

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30 or 31, can't remember if I started with 26 or 27 gems, and I've earned 6 from rewards since then, and I have 2 left. I'm to the point where I don't even pay attention to recharging, it's second nature now. Hoping I won't have to buy any for the event, as there are still 7 gems worth of rewards left to boost me a little further If needed.

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