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Spring 2014 Anime Discussion


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Oh gawd, episode one of love live is even more love-liveish than season one, is this even possible.

Also, if I hadn't been told NicoMaki was canon, I would be surprised at how suddenly they showed affection towards each other. Was there a scene when they weren't together?

Season 2 has a lot more NicoMaki.

I feel like Sunrise really understood their fans loved them together and put several scenes with them which is great.


Why does everything in the flag anime end up revolving around the protagonist?

It's going in ridiculous levels now. I was expecting a harem not some weird sci-fi stuff. This anime falls under the same flaws as Date A Live 2. Trying to be 2 things at once and then failing at both. Granted Date A Live was slightly better in the aspect but this one is just *facepalm*. 

Especially because for me most of the characters are just bland stereotypical arch types with no depth to them.

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Dammit Sena-chan... could you be any cutter than that? I'll miss this show...

One more episode.. *sob*

There's some specials coming up though.


Ashisu in S mode always gets to me. I kind of wish they'd show her submitting the manga though. That part was great.

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Hmph, implying they weren't full canon already. Blasphemy.


In the previous episode they had a really adorable moment.


In this one, Maki could have just said she didn't want u's without everyone but she specified Nico out of all of them.

See the canon level?


I also present to you the ship swans:




Hanayo x Rin

Nozomi x Eri

Umi x Honoka

Nico x Maki


It's all here

yuri sens activated  :wub:

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No game No Life is hopefully building up to an epic conclusion.

Izuna's transformation looks really cool. Though the FPS game was expected it was still pretty exciting overall.

I can't wait to see how this ends. It's just sad that it has to end </3


There's going to be a bunch of tears shed in 2 weeks. Mine included. Just thinking about this week's episode makes me tear up a little. It's K-On graduation all over again!


Just the thought of Nico graduating makes my heart shatter.

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No game No Life is hopefully building up to an epic conclusion.

Izuna's transformation looks really cool. Though the FPS game was expected it was still pretty exciting overall.

I can't wait to see how this ends. It's just sad that it has to end </3



Just the thought of Nico graduating makes my heart shatter.


^I was tearing up just now watching that scene to get the screenshot. I went into this anime season having Love Live as my most anticipated and it definitely didn't disappoint.

I actually fell behind on most things this season. Normally I keep up with everything, but out of the 15ish shows I'm watching, I'm only up to date on Love Live, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka, Mekakucity Actors, 1 week behind on Black Bullet, then like 3 weeks behind on everything else. I guess you could say those are the ones that's completely kept my interest so far. I used to like Brynhildr but that dropped off, I hate NGNL (I know I'm in the minority) and I'm sick of the MC in Isshuukan Friends. Everything else isn't worth mentioning.

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No game No Life is hopefully building up to an epic conclusion.

Izuna's transformation looks really cool. Though the FPS game was expected it was still pretty exciting overall.

I can't wait to see how this ends. It's just sad that it has to end </3



Just the thought of Nico graduating makes my heart shatter.

Niko graduating will put a huge stain on the series overall for my enjoyment tbh. Lol, I'm going to need to read NikoMaki doujins just so I can see my Niko again. Oh, and the first season OVA.


@ Ceris: Yeah, I'll be going hardcore crybaby in the xbox live party ): ugh.. goodbye my Niko.

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Ryuugajou Nanana no maizoukin a.k.a best show of the season is over ... WHY ;___________________; !!??

Hopefully there's a season 2, tell me there's a season 2 ! PLEASE !

It's the 5th decent shonen anime I've seen.

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It's the 5th decent shonen anime I've seen.

But it's not a shonen :/ It's not adapted from a manga.

Just a regular adventure show. There's too few adventure anime those days. I need to try out this one.

I haven't watched much this season, but I know I'd like to try one or two of those that finished, like NGNL and Nanana.

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But it's not a shonen :/ It's not adapted from a manga.

Just a regular adventure show. There's too few adventure anime those days. I need to try out this one.

I haven't watched much this season, but I know I'd like to try one or two of those that finished, like NGNL and Nanana.


Yes it's a shonen ^^"

Shonen is a demographic (Beato was right) and adventure is a genre.


And yes you should watch it. There's 1 really bad episode, otherwise it's particularily good in my opinion.

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Shonen is a demographic (Beato was right) and adventure is a genre.

...A demographic that applies to manga. Even if by extension we call shônen adaptations in anime "shônen", Nanana isn't adapted from a manga.

And even if we stretched it and defined "shônen anime" by "anime targeting little boys" (something which isn't done in Japan), it still doesn't apply, since Nanana is a late night anime (therefore aimed at otaku)



And yes you should watch it. There's 1 really bad episode, otherwise it's particularily good in my opinion.

Will do.

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Deus Ex Machina.. Deus Ex Machina everywhere.


Oh Akuma no Riddle, I really thought you'd do some other cliché. Guess old habits die hard.

And of course in the end everyone lived happily ever after because screw all the drama and assassinations that happened right? It's like Kyoukai no Kanata's final minutes.


*sigh* Well I was silly to try and expect something out of it.

I shall now bury you deep in my memories so I never have to recall your name again.


RIP. It was nice enduring your cliché and awfully poor writing, but we now have to part ways.

I hope that I will never encounter such unfullfilling and average anime ever again.


Akuma no Riddle is a 5/10 for me. It's just completely and utterly average, I can't say anything else about it. It's filled with cliché in every corner. I guess the art was decent, but that's about it.

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How great would it be if the cannon foddder(Steph) is what causes them to win the game- assuming they win. Actually, I'm almost expecting something ridiculous like that to happen

I wouldn't have it any other way in fact.

Steph will rise against all odds one day.

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