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Fuwanovel League of Legends Thread


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Anyone else getting sick of Katarina in general?  I swear, she's in almost every ARAM and Ascension game I play.  I'm of the opinion that she needs some nerfs to make playing against her a little more fair in non-SR modes.  Soraka counters her hard (if you can silence her fast enough), but she has a major advantage over a lot of champs in teamfights, and a lot of the other modes are focused on them.  If you can't insta-gib or stun her, she melts over half of your team.


That said, anyone got any good tips for playing against her, aside from counter picks?  I don't play ranked, so that's not really an issue.

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Anyone else getting sick of Katarina in general?  I swear, she's in almost every ARAM and Ascension game I play.  I'm of the opinion that she needs some nerfs to make playing against her a little more fair in non-SR modes.  Soraka counters her hard (if you can silence her fast enough), but she has a major advantage over a lot of champs in teamfights, and a lot of the other modes are focused on them.  If you can't insta-gib or stun her, she melts over half of your team.


That said, anyone got any good tips for playing against her, aside from counter picks?  I don't play ranked, so that's not really an issue.

hmmm in Aram .. you just have to pick a champion like her .... or pick someone with really strong cc ... In ascension: I always ban her, fizz, fiora and akali (one is usually banned by the other team).

Well tbh I always call her the ap version of master yi .... and that's not wrong actually... she just needs a peel to go super strong ... the only way to face her is cc and only cc since she's too squishy ... especially stuns ... 

Oh btw play ranked since the worlds are starting today so technically the season will be finished after a month or two.



That aside, when I play against katarina ... I just ask my mid and jungler (since I am usually adc) to keep tabs on her (in other words, jungler just babysit mid).... make the top and bot sure to ward the river so that she doesn't roam

once I told my supp to leave me to solo bot after lvl 3 and go gank mid (it was a blitz)

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I can't seem to get away from yasuo Dx


I play a couple of top games and meet him 1/2 of the time... Then I move to mid line and HE APPEARS AGAIN!! Dx




I'm starting to copy him whenever he says ASERYO!


I can't seem to get away from yasuo Dx


I play a couple of top games and meet him 1/2 of the time... Then I move to mid line and HE APPEARS AGAIN!! Dx




I'm starting to copy him whenever he says ASERYO!

its because hes the new Yi in season 2 if you wanted to destory pugs then you just went Yi and now its Yasui hes got a high skill cap but you dont need that much skill to play him at a low level

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its because hes the new Yi in season 2 if you wanted to destory pugs then you just went Yi and now its Yasui hes got a high skill cap but you dont need that much skill to play him at a low level

Seems like a lot of Bronze players can't think for themselves and just pick champs that are either new, and therefore OP (we all know that almost every new champ Riot makes is OP), or champs that they see pros exploiting.  I'm sure you all enjoyed playing against AP mid Gragas pre-rework, yes

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This champ is seriously difficult to play, I just can't seem to control my soldier well... :(

Wow, your Tris carried pretty hard.  As for new champs, I never play PvP games with them after I just unlocked them, it just pisses people off and I get reported for being bad.  I usually play at least 5-10 AI games with a champ before I play PvP with them so I can get their basic mechanics down.  Of course, there's ARAM, and that's actually how I've learned a lot of champs (Thresh, Sona, Nami, Kayle...the list goes on), but I generally wouldn't recommend playing PvP with new champs.

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Wow, your Tris carried pretty hard.  As for new champs, I never play PvP games with them after I just unlocked them, it just pisses people off and I get reported for being bad.  I usually play at least 5-10 AI games with a champ before I play PvP with them so I can get their basic mechanics down.  Of course, there's ARAM, and that's actually how I've learned a lot of champs (Thresh, Sona, Nami, Kayle...the list goes on), but I generally wouldn't recommend playing PvP with new champs.

I actually did pretty good with Gnar's first match (12-2-12), but this champ...man, the combat mechanic is just...weird...

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I actually did pretty good with Gnar's first match (12-2-12), but this champ...man, the combat mechanic is just...weird...

Isn't he relatively similar to Syndra in the sense that he summons pets, and his abilities modify what they do?  Seems pretty hard to secure kills with, at least on paper.  I haven't played a game against or as him, so I'm just basing my judgement off of his ability summaries on the LoL wiki.

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Isn't he relatively similar to Syndra in the sense that he summons pets, and his abilities modify what they do? Seems pretty hard to secure kills with, at least on paper. I haven't played a game against or as him, so I'm just basing my judgement off of his ability summaries on the LoL wiki.

Except that you have to stay pretty close to make those lazy soldiers work (cant seem to outrange anyone), and the E has 2sec delay for some reason (unlike J4 that you can dash to the sword right away after placed it down)

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Except that you have to stay pretty close to make those lazy soldiers work (cant seem to outrange anyone), and the E has 2sec delay for some reason (unlike J4 that you can dash to the sword right away after placed it down)

Well, that's surprising.  I expected Azir to be OP as hell when he was released, but he sounds...not even worth playing right now.  Rito, plz buff, Azir doesn't even lift.

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Well, that's surprising.  I expected Azir to be OP as hell when he was released, but he sounds...not even worth playing right now.  Rito, plz buff, Azir doesn't even lift.

Just wait for those korean diamond players to master that champ, he is probably OP as hell but no one has mastered him yet.

Thing with champs like braum was that he was easy to play, so at the beginning everybody was already saying that he was OP, just give it some time:p

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Just wait for those korean diamond players to master that champ, he is probably OP as hell but no one has mastered him yet.

Thing with champs like braum was that he was easy to play, so at the beginning everybody was already saying that he was OP, just give it some time:p

To be fair, Riot almost always buffs champs after their releases so that they'll be easier to play, and in that sense they are OP.  A few weeks later they're nerfed down to realistic levels after people get the hang of playing them.  Doesn't really make it any less annoying for people that aren't playing them, though.

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Azir is pretty fucking strong. He has no place in a team really though, and gets blown up easily. 

He is the type of champ that wait until everyone else jumped into combat then throw skill in hoping for a last hit.

And yeah, he has almost no run-away skill (WQE sucks badly, and ulti only work on certain champ/area), so he can easily get killed.

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I have some friends of mine who bought Azir and played him ... only one seemed to have got the hang out of it. Azir is strong, has too much burst damage , but most of the time of the laning phase , you should just farm and poke all the time and have as many soldiers around you as possible ... also in team fights he pretty much hopes to get assists not kills as he will just stay away and then boob three soldiers and go with them then use his ulti, wait for the cds and then attack again. He's pretty hard to use. Gnar's much easier. But I hate how Gnar wasn't seen that much in ranked but people are playing Azir when they haven't even mastered him .....

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I have some friends of mine who bought Azir and played him ... only one seemed to have got the hang out of it. Azir is strong, has too much burst damage , but most of the time of the laning phase , you should just farm and poke all the time and have as many soldiers around you as possible ... also in team fights he pretty much hopes to get assists not kills as he will just stay away and then boob three soldiers and go with them then use his ulti, wait for the cds and then attack again. He's pretty hard to use. Gnar's much easier. But I hate how Gnar wasn't seen that much in ranked but people are playing Azir when they haven't even mastered him .....

I stopped playing ranked because some jackasses insisted on playing duo-top.  My support Maokai fed the hell out of me, but our top Xin and Braum fed enemy WW and ran away from teamfights, leaving me high and dry.  We lost by a landslide.  Haven't played a ranked game since then.  Funny, I've managed to play ranked during the DDoS attacks and get idiot team members.  I've only had one good ranked game, and that was when I went Annie mid against pre-nerf Gragas.  He kicked me out of lane, but I dominated late game with our jungle J4.  Jungle J4 and AP mid Annie is a lethal combo that shouldn't be laughed at.  I melted 2/3-4/5 of their team with one combo after J4 ulted their team  :D

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Me playing normal match: Win 16/20.

Me playing ranked match: Win 1/20, drop almost 3 tiers straight.

Ok, I'm so done with rank.

Murphy's Law, man.  You can't win, you just can't.  Almost every single one of my good games have been in normals, and with Blind Pick to boot.  As soon as I get matched with people for ranked, I get crap teammates and somehow play slightly worse.  Dunno why, but that almost always seems to happen.  Also, in general, I've encountered more toxic players in ranked games than in normals or ARAM, surprisingly.  I wish I could just get an elo boost and ditch Bronze.  Elo Hell in Bronze is real.

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Murphy's Law, man.  You can't win, you just can't.  Almost every single one of my good games have been in normals, and with Blind Pick to boot.  As soon as I get matched with people for ranked, I get crap teammates and somehow play slightly worse.  Dunno why, but that almost always seems to happen.  Also, in general, I've encountered more toxic players in ranked games than in normals or ARAM, surprisingly.  I wish I could just get an elo boost and ditch Bronze.  Elo Hell in Bronze is real.

Well you play slightly worse because you are stressed and people are toxic because they are stressed too... people treat ranked like they are putting their life on the line ... when you enter a game, you might find someone who's so stressed because he's playing his series so he will mess up then he will flame his team so he could say that it wasn't his fault and his nervousness that made him lost the game. Another one might have been losing many games in a row so he will just turn toxic whenever he loses another game because instead of climbing, he's falling down. So he will just flame , flame and become toxic... so to all these players out there: relax, never give up, play smartly , know this is just a game and know what you might win games and lose others. Bronze hell isn't really real ... do you know why? because you are matched with and against bronze players, it's not like your teammates are all bad and your enemies are all good .... you will have noobs on your team and they will have noobs on their team ... it's a matter of how things turn out

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i am depressed that im living in a 3rd world country now

and my internet is just atrocious

i cant have a decent game without lag

and often wish to go on holiday back to Australia and just gameth away


> n>


but Ascension thing..

I won 5 games in a row...

using RAMMUS only.

My God...

Rammus IS THE MOST OP character ever made

if properly used.

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