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What I Think of Fuwanovel


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As a new member of Fuwanovel, I can truly say that this has been an awesome place to be. It feels like that even if I am new, my opinions and inputs really do matter and the community is actively giving their inputs as well. I would have never imagined that I would be this active on any forum but the people keep me coming back. Thanks for being so great guys.

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As a new member of Fuwanovel, I can truly say that this has been an awesome place to be. It feels like that even if I am new, my opinions and inputs really do matter and the community is actively giving their inputs as well. I would have never imagined that I would be this active on any forum but the people keep me coming back. Thanks for being so great guys.

This is the best kind of praise one can recieve. Great to see that you like the community, I hope you keep coming back to us~

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Thought I'd see what happened if I put Tay's post through gizoogle........




I be deeply grateful fo' Batman, n' tha dozenz of other members, whoz ass grill dis chizzle wit a thugged-out determination ta do tha right thang. Let’s git along. Let’s play visual novels. Let’s have funk together.


That brought probably far more joy than it should've. I for one welcome our gizoogle overlord. :lol:

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Well... I've joined long ago, but i've never be active untill now, you know, studing is really time-consuming (at least here, the teachers thinks that we have a time-compresión machine in our rooms)...
But now i've really wanted to participate more. I've really like (and laughed) with many of your posts, and I've been thinking abour what things I like the most. And visual noveles are in the list.
Well, here (in chile) doesn't exist a comunity or something like fuwanovel, some people that plays VN's only plays them because they liked an anime, or something like. And a friend of mine, who translates things and reads some otomes.
But... I'm really comfortable here. Maybe in some time I'll be appearing in the IRC channel (I'm shy...) and, thank you guys... Some time ago (four or five years) I was thinking that I was alone in this, but it's kinda relieving to know that are more people intrested in VN's.
That is what i think of fuwanovel. <3
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  • 2 weeks later...

From the perspective of someone who's popped in and out for about 10 months now...


What I think of Fuwanovel: It's more active than the other VN boards I hang around.


Other than the new faces, I haven't really noticed any difference in the forum atmosphere.  I get the impression that many of Fuwanovel's posters (both past and present) are younger and speak English as a second language.  They're often more interested in "hanging out" than the pursuit of knowledge.  In other words, it's a casual community, as it was meant to be.

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