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Pokemon X/Y


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I don't know if pokemon is popular on fuwanovel or not but I think it deserves a topic to share friend-codes, talk about things related to the game, ask questions on how to achieve something within the game, set up trades and other things. 

I at least am loving playing my Pokemon Y and have already completed the post game (or at least i think i did) but now it's time to catch them all and build my team.


I don't know if anyone else is this ahead in the game but i at least have a very pertinent question, how in the world do you unlock the 2 labs at the Kalos powerplant (aside from the one that was being controlled by team Flare)? If anyone has any clue, i'd be more than grateful to know.


Also if anyone cares to add me i'll PM you my Friend Code

Though currently i'm not battling anyone since my party is not built the way i want it yet, but i don't mind trading.


I also have all the megastones in the Y version but i won't use them all so if anyone actually wants one (particularly Y exclusive ones) I don't mind negociating.


Is anyone else here on fuwanovel playing and enjoying the game? I for once think this series was finally a leap forward in the franchise.

Just wanted to know how many pokemon gamers are there around here. I hope i'm not alone, that'd completely crush my morals..

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Definitely enjoying it. Only have 6 badges, but I have already sunk 56 hours into Y.


Spending a lot of time trying to breed a couple of competitive teams so I can immediately move into the the competitive side of things. Can't wait for Pokemon bank.

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I just beat the main game of Y last night. Gotta agree that this was a huge step forward for Pokemon. A couple of common complaints I've seen is that not enough new Pokemon/items were introduced, but it seems like this game was revolved around tweaking and perfecting the Pokemon formula rather than just piling more on top of it and I love it for that.


Super Training is also extremely cool for EV training. It may not be the most diverse minigame ever, but it's a lot more fun (and quick!) than battling the same Pokemon over and over...


Lastly, it's been a kinda popular theory that there are more hidden legendaries/megas in the game that are just waiting to be unlocked by a mystery gift and/or DLC. Since no hacking tools exist for the 3DS yet, this can't be confirmed or denied. What do you guys think?

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I definitely think there's going to be some event legendaries. I would be *really* surprised if there wasn't.


I'm sort of on the fence about super training. With pokerus and EV-enhancing items, I feel like the old way was quicker. Until (or if) they discover any EV-training hotspots, I guess that's the way I'm gonna have to do it though.

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Oi oi, might wanna merge threads here. 

Sorry solid batman i should have asked to merge threads, i completely forgot about this one since it hasn't been bumped at all, thank you for merging them though.



I just beat the main game of Y last night. Gotta agree that this was a huge step forward for Pokemon. A couple of common complaints I've seen is that not enough new Pokemon/items were introduced, but it seems like this game was revolved around tweaking and perfecting the Pokemon formula rather than just piling more on top of it and I love it for that.


Super Training is also extremely cool for EV training. It may not be the most diverse minigame ever, but it's a lot more fun (and quick!) than battling the same Pokemon over and over...


Lastly, it's been a kinda popular theory that there are more hidden legendaries/megas in the game that are just waiting to be unlocked by a mystery gift and/or DLC. Since no hacking tools exist for the 3DS yet, this can't be confirmed or denied. What do you guys think?

I agree with all that, it didn't need an extreme amount of new stuff. 

This game felt like Nintendo and Game Freak listened to their fans and brought back so much old stuff and tweaked it up so both old fans and new fans can enjoy everything.

One problem i seem to have is the 3D rendering, i have a normal sized 3DS and when i turn the 3D on during battle screens in most stances the FPS drops to like 25 fps or so and it gets choppy and annoying and so i've been forced to play the entire game with the 3D off.


Super training is not only awesome to help other people who aren't used to EV training but it allows you to re-train your EVs at any time by reseting the stats. Also Pokemon Amie for those who don't know is a great asset if you level up the affection to the max, i have my gengar with all the hearts filled up and during battles it dodges attacks, hits critical hits and heals statuses like poisoning and sleeping on its own, a heart will pop out of its head and do one of those things, it's yet another great asset to show that leveling up your affection with your pokemon is actually worth it during battle.


Hmm i've read that DLC/mystery gift theory, it's the only one i can think of as well because those 2 labs are still locked and i've already done everything and went everywhere. I've also caught all legendaries within the game that i know of and nothing changes it so that's the only liable solution i can think of.

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I definitely think there's going to be some event legendaries. I would be *really* surprised if there wasn't.


I'm sort of on the fence about super training. With pokerus and EV-enhancing items, I feel like the old way was quicker. Until (or if) they discover any EV-training hotspots, I guess that's the way I'm gonna have to do it though.

True that, it's the only explanation, so far there's only been 3 legendaries introduced and there's usually more per game, though i hope they don't add a ton of them like they did in gen 5, 2 or 3 the most.


You think so? I think the most annoying part about the old EV training system was, most new users didn't know about it. You couldn't really check how many EVs your pokemon had and how close you were to the limit. You basicaly had to keep track of everything and although using the items was quicker, resetting the stats was extremly difficult if you wanted to re-train your pokemon. Though i'll agree the minigames get repetitive, the actual super training regime allows me to keep much better track of all my pokemon's EVs and if i want to i can just reset them.

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True that, it's the only explanation, so far there's only been 3 legendaries introduced and there's usually more per game, though i hope they don't add a ton of them like they did in gen 5, 2 or 3 the most.


You think so? I think the most annoying part about the old EV training system was, most new users didn't know about it. You couldn't really check how many EVs your pokemon had and how close you were to the limit. You basicaly had to keep track of everything and although using the items was quicker, resetting the stats was extremly difficult if you wanted to re-train your pokemon. Though i'll agree the minigames get repetitive, the actual super training regime allows me to keep much better track of all my pokemon's EVs and if i want to i can just reset them.


Yeah, I could get something fully EV-trained in under an hour in B/W2. With the aid of EV training tools (like http://zero456.com/ev-counter/) to keep track of EVs, it was mainly just a mindless chore. I could watch netflix as I was doing it. Super training has required more attention from me so far. Or atleast, requires me to do more than glance at the screen every now and then.


But yeah, I agree the old way is unintuitive. New users only interested in playing the main game probably wouldn't know about it, but if you spent any amount of time around the competitive battling community, it'd be pretty apparent. 


I just wished they changed IVs in some way. I'm very glad Pokemon from the friend Safari comes with at least one perfect stat IV, though.

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Yeah, I could get something fully EV-trained in under an hour in B/W2. With the aid of EV training tools (like http://zero456.com/ev-counter/) to keep track of EVs, it was mainly just a mindless chore. I could watch netflix as I was doing it. Super training has required more attention from me so far. Or atleast, requires me to do more than glance at the screen every now and then.


But yeah, I agree the old way is unintuitive. New users only interested in playing the main game probably wouldn't know about it, but if you spent any amount of time around the competitive battling community, it'd be pretty apparent. 


I just wished they changed IVs in some way. I'm very glad Pokemon from the friend Safari comes with at least one perfect stat IV, though.

I think IVs should remain untouched due to the fact that they're considered pokemon genetics, they can't be changed, each pokemon has unique IVs and they're impossible to manipulate. But i also do enjoy a good set of full IVs which this game allows of course. If i'm not mistaken i read that the legendaries Yveltal and Xerneas both have at least one stat with 31 IVs

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I think IVs should remain untouched due to the fact that they're considered pokemon genetics, they can't be changed, each pokemon has unique IVs and they're impossible to manipulate. But i also do enjoy a good set of full IVs which this game allows of course. If i'm not mistaken i read that the legendaries Yveltal and Xerneas both have at least one stat with 31 IVs


Yeah, that's true. They do make each Pokemon "unique," it's just a pain in the ass to breed for a decent IV spread and damn near impossible to breed for  specific hidden-power type without manipulating the RNG or just resorting to PokeSAV/GEN.

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Yeah, that's true. They do make each Pokemon "unique," it's just a pain in the ass to breed for a decent IV spread and damn near impossible to breed for  specific hidden-power type without manipulating the RNG or just resorting to PokeSAV/GEN.

I've never been too hardcore about IVs, i play pokemon in moderation and feel fullfilled with the pokemon i have, occasionaly i breed them but i don't try too hard like some people do. I guess I just never get too competitive. Though i remember generating a perfect IV/EV Arceus on my Pokemon White game just for the laughs, completely obliterated everything, sort of lost its fun but i just had to try it.

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  • 1 month later...

Probably my favorite Pokemon theory/pasta:


"Gengar and Clefable have, through trademarking and beta art, been proven to have been some of the earliest Pokémon made. (Coincidentally, they are also some of the first Pokémon when you list the original 151 by index number, with Gengar appearing shortly after Clefable.) Also, Clefairy was originally going to be the mascot of Pokémon (instead of Pikachu), so it was going to be a pretty important Pokémon.


Gengar is known as the "Shadow Pokémon", but what exactly is it a shadow of? Take a look at a picture of Clefable, and then one of Gengar. Their body shapes are almost exactly alike, with the only major difference being that Clefable has a curl for its hair and tail, while Gengar has spikes. However, the shadow of an upright spiral like Clefable's tail would only be a line, or a spike.


Now look at their typings. One of normal-type, and the other has ghost-type. Due to their immunities, neither of them could hit the other with STAB attacks, since they'd just be immune to each other.


Have you ever tried to hit your shadow?"



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