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The Misadventures Of Minato Arisato (Persona 3 Portable, First Playthrough) [SPOILERS!]


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Here's the old Persona Waifu poll thread. It wasn't too hard to dig up and it's only been dead for like a year.
But yeah, team Aigis is underrepresented. She easily the best girl and best character in the game, and well, best girl in general as well.


Persona 5 is looking amazing and I can't wait to experience once again the fulfilling feeling of playing a new Persona game for the first time. But I think expecting a summer release for English version of P5 is kind of silly. It could be possible, but I doubt they'd make it in time. (And knowing Atlus, the release date is like 2018 in Europe) Well, unluckily for me I'm not going to have proper time to play P5 until the start of 2017 (hopefully), since mandatory military service is waiting me in summer. :komari: 

Well, at least I have enough time to decide whether to take my friend's old PS3 or invest in PS4.  

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6 minutes ago, Turnip Sensei said:

But I think expecting a summer release for English version of P5 is kind of silly. It could be possible, but I doubt they'd make it in time. 

Really? I think it's more than possible. Honestly, it might even be before then if we're lucky. The game was already delayed once, I highly doubt Atlus will do so again. And even if they do, it would only be by like a month or two.  Also just about every interview that has been done with them since the announcement of the delay has stated somewhere in it that the game is slated for a summer 2016 release. They know they need to get this game out ASAP with the first disk of the FF7 remake coming out (I think) this year as well.

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1 hour ago, Mugi said:

The game is painfully unforgiving..

not really

seeing as on PS2 games you could only save progress at big terminals apparently, and also seeing as in PS2 you could become tired DURING dungeon crawling, P3 Portable is quite forgiving.

edit: didn't play any other version of P3 than Portable

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I'm in love with the cast. The last half hour of the game was amazing. The main plot of P4G didn't hook me at all, in comparison, the few days before P3P's second full moon was top notch suspense and whatnot. Fuuko and Shinjiro were just introduced, loving both of their design and mannerisms. I hope we WILL learn about Akihiko's past, sounds to me like there's a ton of interesting stuff in there. Hopefully it's part of the main story (same for Yukari's father's death). Even JUNPEI is likable to an extent now. I think it's thanks to the amount of character interaction. So far, almost all days were people doing their own things (me no excuse, I kept going to some social links). Now though, with all the ghost story investigation stuff, the character interaction seems top-friggin-notch. It isn't the "hanging out with friends" interaction P4G had, but it's all for the better! If the plot quality keeps up, the "Conquerors of Tartarus" team could surpass the TV Investigation Team.

It shook me a bit to see some portraits used for the thugs, that whole atmosphere was incredibly alien- the game had no such atmosphere so far, and I haven't been anywhere so shady either. So it was a weird and somewhat humbling experience to see such a different side of Tatsumi Port Island.

No 3D environments or cutscenes hurts, it hurts a lot, but at least I have FeMC and party control. Just clocked 10 hours.


BTW if there's a mod here can we change the "Minato Arisato" in the title to "Kotone Shiomi"?

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You are starting grasp why I like Persona 3 better. Because P3 ties character development to the main story and so the characters actually grow in a meaningful way. Whereas in Persona 4 you saw characters develop in their respective dungeon and that was mostly it. And while S.Links did develop characters further, they are also optional and don't make any difference on the main story, so in the end it all felt little hollow. 

But that's just the beginning, you are in for ride that at least equals, if not surpass Persona 4. I can't wait to hear more as you get further.

Now I kinda feel like playing P3 again myself. I totally shouldn't, but maybe I can find my old save files and enjoy a little bit somewhere from the middle...


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Mitsuru's battle call-outs are 10/10

Fuuka is 10/10 (suck it Naoto fags, Fuuka has her for breakfast)

Man fuck how am I gonna choose who to bring over in midgame??? (P4G resolved this by making every new party member real good, so my endgame was Naoto + Teddie + Kanji).

I still think that P4G's cast has a better synergy outside of battle and in the story, but if we're talking about dungeons then P3's cast has more style (but not by much and P4G is 10/10 out of style itself)

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Glad to hear you're enjoying it! I feel like P3 has a stronger overarching plot vs. P4, and this helps it make more out of its characters.

I randomly found myself listening to the P3 soundtrack yesterday, and like Turnip, I was also thinking that it might have been too long since I last played P3P (or even P4G, really).

But seriously, you should've named your FeMC Minako Arisato and pretended she's the twin of your initial male MC.

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44 minutes ago, Fred the Barber said:

Glad to hear you're enjoying it! I feel like P3 has a stronger overarching plot vs. P4, and this helps it make more out of its characters.

I randomly found myself listening to the P3 soundtrack yesterday, and like Turnip, I was also thinking that it might have been too long since I last played P3P (or even P4G, really).

But seriously, you should've named your FeMC Minako Arisato and pretended she's the twin of your initial male MC.

I gave her the name from the stage play.

Fits better IMO. 

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That cutscene looks real good. 

Anyways, got through the third full moon. The dungeon design was surprisingly better than anything P4G ever offered (except the optional dungeon), but the boss was easy as always. The build-up to the battle wasn't as good as the previous boss, but it was fine. Wondering what this "revenge" squad is about. Hopefully Shinjiro comes round soon. 

The fact that Tanaka has an S. Link is killing me 

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Just met Aigis. She seems to be a "goofy robot doing goofy robot things" character so far, which I hope changes because given how P3 apparently tackles some existential themes (which hasn't been addressed much so far), "robot with human feelings" could be amazing, it's one of my favorite tropes. 

Ken seems to be maddeningly annoying from his only couple of lines so far.

The Shinjiro/mysterious trio arc is rather intriguing so far. Too bad its progression is so sparse.

The whole "screwed up experiment" is a bit anticlimactic for an explanation of the Dark Hour, coming from P4G. However, it's plausible.

Also holy shit Aigis, that neck.

Finally out of Arqa and into a new block, the purple had become boring looong ago.

Really liked how Mitsuru's dad isn't the classical "immoral, rich, evil daddy" type. He's a broken man.

Junpei's working a bit too well as a conflict creator, it's started to bore me. Being a sexist/perverted jock gets old, I'm not saying hit it off like the P4G cast did, but if there is going to be shaky interaction between characters then it'd be nice to change its nature for once. There were some bits where he said that he's pissed the Dark Hour will end since his only purpose is fighting, and him claiming that he'd been trying to lighten the mood with his pick-up lines despite it obviously making everybody uncomfortable, so bothering people why trying to have a good time, those are issues I can resonate with. It seems that he isn't completely genuine in his sexism about FeMC being the leader too, which is nice to see. He's a deeply flawed character... somehow, I feel close to him in that regard, heh.

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Aigis has amazing buffing ability, if I recall correctly (might have been debuffing? but I think it was buffing). I didn't use her at all until I was in the very last dungeon, and decided to switch things up on a lark, even though I'd been using the same team for pretty much the entire game. Buffs and debuffs are too strong in Persona 3/4 to pass up on any opportunity at a good one, and I don't like having my MC spending valuable slots and turns on buffs/debuffs (MC is reserved for wiping out all the enemies in one round and for dishing out big hits on bosses).

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