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Recommend me some good figures


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I'm making a Christmas list for what to buy next month, and would love some suggestions. I already have a couple in mind, but since i'm pretty new to figure collecting i'm not familiar with the..best figures? Maybe that's not the word I should use, since it's really subjective, but oh well. Just list me some of your favorite figures. I'd like to get at least one really high quality one as well (maybe 20-25k yen-ish?).

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You could make a MFC so I know which figures you already have and maybe I could guess what kind of figures you like... 

I only have a small Bulma figure, Yukie from Majikoi, and a Renge nendoroid. I prefer scale figures overall, but other than that..as long as the figure looks nice I don't really care. I guess I could use a lewd figure or two.

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Generally, what you're looking for are quality figures. Decent ones start around 100$+, but can go as high as 150$ and more. Anything below is considered prize (aka budget) figures - cheapest often sell for as little as 30$, but don't expect much from these, although you can still buy really good pieces for around twice as much. Best stuff is typically very limited and pricey - if you're willing to throw a lot more money, you can buy something unique.

As for the companies - generally speaking Alter, GoodSmile Company and MAX Factory (Figma) are well known for their overall quality; WAVE produces good prize figures, mainly within their BEACH QUEENS series (if you want to collect those preety bishoujo figurines in skimpy bathing suits and not be forced to eat instant ramen for the rest of month, it's something for you). OrchidSeed and Embrace craft trully preety figurines, whilst Cerberus Project (aka French Doll) has the highest quality, often unique and original figures, as long as you're willing to pay a bit more (it's well worth it though, trust me). CharaANI and FREEing has some interesting picks as well; QuesQ produces nice figures from a lot of popular franchises, but they tend to overprice them quite a lot.

Things worth to be aware of, while buying:

  • Type of material - Cheap figures are often made from worse quality plastic; some figures are made from delicate materials as well - it's good to know that, before you order something and receive it in pieces.
  • Level of detail - Expensive figurines often have a lot more detail on them, including texturing. Dioramas (detailed bases) are typically a part of more expensive figures. Some of them even have additional parts (like clothing or hair, weapons) made from actual cloth and metals.
  • Painting quality - This is especially prevalent in case of faces and mouths, but applies to whole figure in general; good figures have bright, vivid colors and highly-detailed, precise painting. Cheaper ones aren't usually painted that well and their coloring tends to be muted due to weaker quality paints.
  • Sulptor/artist/creator - There are good ones and not-so-good ones. A lot of creators often have their own distinct styles, besides staying faithul to the original.
  • Cast-offs - In other words, it's a figure which can be undressed to reveal the more interesting bits; those can range from mostly innocent fanservice to erotica and full blown porn. Cast-offs are typically a lot more pricey and remain either original, or a part of m-rated/adult franchise; in other words, unless it's a doujin garage kit, you won't find cast-offs of popular mainstream characters.
  • Run - Some figures remain so popular, they might be produced continiously in a number of releases over an extended period of time. If you're planning to buy one, which isn't a part of the first batch, it's often worth to take time and get more information; some figures get better, others become worse due to changes in their production process (different factory, materials, mold fixes, replaced parts).


MFG - An incredibly useful, community-driven site that aims to preserve all data on figures. Allows their users to create, manage and share their own collections and acts as a trading hub for collectors; includes a vast variety of tools at their disposal.

AmiAmi - Propably the most popular online shop, specializing in hobby goods from Japan; often has the best possible prices (monopoly, ho :illya:) and the biggest array of figures to chose from. Ships fast and almost anywhere.

Play-Asia - Another trustworthy online shop. Decent prices, fast shipping. Sells a lot of other goods as well, so if you planned a mixed order, it might be the best choice available.

Plamoya - An online shop, that specializes mainly in used hobby goods, but their offer doesn't differ from huge stores like AmiAmi; You can buy older figures from them, including ones that often have been discontinued or aren't available anywhere else; prices vary depending on supply/demand. Good contact, you can ask them nearly anything.

Mandarake - An excellent japanese used goods store. They have everything - from doujinshi to figures, you can often find rare gems in their offer. Purely dependant on japanese sellers and supply/demand.

JList - If you can't/don't want to order anywhere else, may act as an alternative to other stores; it's biggest drawback are prices, which are often a lot higher than anywhere else. Sells only the most popular stuff - you often won't find rarer, or more expensive figures in their offer.

If you want me to recommend you something specific, which is currently aimed for release, share your interests/favourite series/franchise; it's really difficult to remain helpful otherwise.

As a reminder of sorts - be aware of bootlegs. All the sites listed above don't deal with them, but there's a lot other shops available on the net and you might be willing to use their services in various cases. Typically, if the price is half lower than anywhere else, don't buy. Nowadays, fakes tend to be made so well, you can't often differ them from originals at first glance, but it's the little details that matter. Bootlegs are often made from cheap plastic instead of quality PVC, they have far worse painting and are often badly cast, which results in pieces falling off or not sticking together etc. Avoid them like fire; collectors aren't interested in them, either.

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Narcosis, he didn't want a guide on how to buy figurines, he wanted suggestions. :Teeku:

Anyways, I'll start by saying that 2,500 yen will get you nothing in terms of quality. Prize figurines are in that price range, and FuRyu/Jamma/Sega are the not the best companies when it comes to that sort of thing. If you really want to know what everyone likes, check out the top 30 figures on MyFigureCollection. Since VNDB and the figure database are all "western" created sites, the popular titles/items are often "weeb" themed (i.e. = Madoka figurines). Because of this, it's hard to tell if you would be into the same stuff.

That being said, as soon as the site finishes maintenance, I'll post items I personally enjoy.

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Narcosis, he didn't want a guide on how to buy figurines, he wanted suggestions. :Teeku:

You didn't read any of it, did you? :Teeku: Anyway, it desn't hurt to help, especially if you have a lot of free time on your hands (hopefully, my boss doesn't see this:makina:).

@Mugi I can help as well, simply post a bit more about your preferences, so I'll know what would you like to get. I don't think it's really worth to buy a single, really expensive figure (in other words, don't go into Ren's footsteeps, pls); It's far better to buy two or three quality figures instead, if you're on that kind of budget.

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Who need to buy figure? just buy ur own 3d printer :holo:


Jokin aside, i reccommend my personal favourite 

-1/4 Nyaruko bunny

-1/8 Saber Lily distant avalon(Good smile company)

-Excellent Model Macross Frontier Klan Klang Armored Ver. 

Have fun shopping and dont be scared to spend ur money on these cuties:wafuu:

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Narcosis, he didn't want a guide on how to buy figurines, he wanted suggestions. :Teeku:

Anyways, I'll start by saying that 2,500 yen will get you nothing in terms of quality. Prize figurines are in that price range, and FuRyu/Jamma/Sega are the not the best companies when it comes to that sort of thing. If you really want to know what everyone likes, check out the top 30 figures on MyFigureCollection. Since VNDB and the figure database are all "western" created sites, the popular titles/items are often "weeb" themed (i.e. = Madoka figurines). Because of this, it's hard to tell if you would be into the same stuff.

That being said, as soon as the site finishes maintenance, I'll post items I personally enjoy.

2,500 yen? I meant 25,000 yen. Was 25k yen not the right way to word it? 

Narcosis, he didn't want a guide on how to buy figurines, he wanted suggestions. :Teeku:

You didn't read any of it, did you? :Teeku: Anyway, it desn't hurt to help, especially if you have a lot of free time on your hands (hopefully, my boss doesn't see this:makina:).

@Mugi I can help as well, simply post a bit more about your preferences, so I'll know what would you like to get. I don't think it's really worth to buy a single, really expensive figure (in other words, don't go into Ren's footsteeps, pls); It's far better to buy two or three quality figures instead, if you're on that kind of budget.

Well you see, I was thinking of buying one really expensive one, and then two or three decently high quality ones. Again I don't really have any preferences, since I know about most series, and even if I don't it doesn't really matter to me, i'm sure i'll end up checking it out at some point. But like I said earlier, I do prefer scale figures, and i'd like to get at least one lewd/nude figure (which will probably end up being the most expensive).

Edit: Also, for the above mentioned lewd/nude figures, I do prefer the..soft bust? I don't know what it's officially called.

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This is my most wanted figure:


Then it is:


^ They are both hybrid figures and cost quite a lot, not something one would afford.

Aside from those I have the Matsushima Michiru beach figure, and some other misc figures (namely Hatsune Miku). Seeing as how you own a figure from Grisaia already you probably wouldn't be interested in another. Then if you wanted a nendo I would suggest nendo #448, it's a Hatsune Miku Halloween one.


or http://myfigurecollection.net/item/78618 1/8 scale Inori Yuzuriha figure by Good Smile Company.


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Hm, after some research I've found a few lewd figures I like, not sure how much they go for aftermarket or how hard they are to find. 



Oh jeez, I might have found my "expensive figure". But damn is she expensive...


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