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Suzu Fanatic

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Posts posted by Suzu Fanatic

  1. Artist/Song: Wumpscut - Torn skin

    Man...I can't believe this is 13 years old already... posted vid date is 2006, but this event actually took place around mid '02 early '03 - I remember it being a big deal back then, because no one was sopposed to be able to get as far as the guild did (as Sony (or was it Varent still?) had designed the zone to be unbeatable back then). The vid floated around napster/Kazaa for a fair while until YT became popular~


    It's amazing how far games have come since then - I miss those days, despite the advances. :sachi: (though I sure don't miss the shitty video capturing that was avialble, lol)

  2. 1 minute ago, Rooke said:

    Thank you @Suzu Fanatic, for bringing this bitch fest back near the topic.

    I wonder what happened to Subarashiki Hibi.


    Just now, VirginSmasher said:

    I blame Deep Blue for taking us off topic. :sacchan:


    I was tempted to add my 2cp, but decided better. :makina: Besides, by even mentioning Mahoyo at all, I released all my pent up negativity anyway. :sachi:


    We joke about it alot, but I'm starting to think Jast lost the rights to Sumaga and just don't want to tell anyone~

  3. 3 hours ago, sanahtlig said:

    You can set the font to whatever you want using a text hooker and an alternative text display such as Translation Aggregator.  My friend is severely visually impaired (he has to sit right in front of a 35" screen to read oversized English subtitles) and he still managed to learn Japanese and play VNs.

    Him and I sound similar in some cases (though I use a 42 inch tv - sometimes it's not as great as you think, what with all the neck strain :P). That aside, I admit I'm probably using my poor sight partially as an excuse, when presented with your valid example. It's def. something for me to consider - mindset plays a pretty hefty role in these things when all is said and done.


    3 hours ago, Kawasumi said:

    not really, its only for people that complain about stuff being translated, that was the main idea behind the meme when I created it, try to focus on learn the spoken language and get a JP text to speech engine if your sight is that bad

    Ewww, text to speech is terrible... I tried to use the typical english version that comes with windows on a whim... I'd rather give up computers altogether then have to listen to that prattle on, lol. :wafuu:

    Anyway, don't sweat it Kawasumi, I was just posting like a cranky person for various illegitimate reasons. :P


  4. 1 hour ago, Tyrosyn said:

    That doesn't make any sense. Kamidori pretty much only consists of vanilla hentai (with monster girls). Rance mainly features Comedy Rape. Princess Evangile has only vanilla scenes. And Boob Wars is obviously limited to one specific fetish. None of the examples you mentioned actually has the variety you criticized. They all are offering only a specific kind of hentai content.
    Haruka on the other hand has a multitude of different fetishes, ranging from vanilla to hardcore, from normal to kinky. Just look at the chart Arcadeotic posted.

    Maybe Haruka is not your cup of tea, but you certainly can't blame the game for not having enough variety.

    Sure I can, I did so above :sachi:


    And, in some defense to my opinion - I "did" state it may be more an issue of sexual appeal (or perhaps presentation?) rather then variety. Mood, setting, positions used, clothing, voice acting, writing style, they all can play a factor. And if you think Boob Wars catered to primarily one fetish - you are missing the meaning of my comparisons altogether, as the actual sexual content within my listed titles involved far more sexual content then you claim. Incest, anal, watersports, sub, dom, I can can keep listing off the fetishes within the various titles I presented~


    In my opinion, BBH doesn't "do" anything that hasn't already been done before - and has had better presentation elsewhere.  But at the end of the day, opinions are like assholes - we all have one.

  5. 3 hours ago, Dergonu said:
    3 hours ago, Dergonu said:

    I find this statement to be a little strange. There is 150 H-scenes in there, most of which are different, (except for the obviously similar ones, like the set stages of dragon synergy with each heroine,) and there is something for essentially every fetish and taste out there. 


    Have you given more than just a few a try? I honestly find the variety in the H-scenes to be quite the strong side of this VN. 

    I find this statement to be a little strange. There is 150 H-scenes in there, most of which are different, (except for the obviously similar ones, like the set stages of dragon synergy with each heroine,) and there is something for essentially every fetish and taste out there. 


    Have you given more than just a few a try? I honestly find the variety in the H-scenes to be quite the strong side of this VN. 

    I looked through them with CeruleanGamer's savefile, after losing interest in the story. Really it held nothing particularly amazing despite the quantity. I've seen more variety (or maybe just sexual appeal?) within games such as Kamidori alchemy meister, or the Rance titles.  Hell, I found more steamy sexual content in Princess Evengile, or Boob Wars - if we want to compare to other offically localized titles.


    But I never said the hscenes were "bad", just that they didn't really bring anything new or great to the table. Nothing that tempted me to be "proactive" anyway :makina:


    17 hours ago, Rooke said:

    It's apparently selling decently, as Nukige tend to do. 

    Guess that can be considered a good thing.


    Hopefully it means other Alicesoft titles may make it - or, if nothing else - it's a bit more cash MG can invest back into the business.

  6. Decided to give it a shot. it's pretty bad, tbh. I'm assuming Alicesoft purposefully made this a exaggerated comedy/chuuni? Because it's just so goofy and contrived - other games of the rapey genre do far better imo (Bunny Black, Rance series). I found myself cringing so often, that I needed to quit. And that's nothing against MG staff, the work they put in shows - but the base material they had to work with is pretty suspect.


    Though I'm not a huge fan of nukiges in general, there are much better ones out there imo. It's biggest strength - the Hscenes - aren't even anything fresh, hot or stimulating. I think Alicesoft made a mistake using this game to "test the waters."


    The first thing I thought of when playing it, was Sakura Spirit with gameplay and actual sex. :makina:

  7. 2 minutes ago, MercyZombie said:

    I agree with you completely. But I can still see why people voted like they did.

    and in that example you did buy it. :holo: and that is what's important

    I still suspect a large portion voted ironically, like on Steam Greenlight - just to screw around with results. I hate to imagine the possibility of any other explination. :sachi:


  8. 27 minutes ago, Nosebleed said:

    The only reason I'm not translating a SonoHana game is because I'm placing all my faith in MG to bring the titles over. Hopefully the placement SonoHana had this time around will make that dream come true. :D

    That plus your busy with a TL already, right? :illya:

    23 minutes ago, SilverLi said:

    Yay Rance is first. MG show this to Alicesoft. "We want Rance" chanting! Overall really pleased with the survey.

    Probably depends on BBH reception. personally I don't think BBH was the best choice Alicesoft could have used to test the waters... It was translated perfectly from what I understand - completely polished - but I'm hearing people I know say it's a pretty bad VN for gameplay and writing, with CGs being it's only real strength. (when compared to other Alicesoft/Eushully titles)


    Though obviously tastes  and standards vary from one person to the next. :makina:


    Still, if I had to choose - I'd like to see Evenicle come over, if people are gonna be so damned focused on nukige... -_- "even over translation quality"..lol, sad...

  9. My number one issue is amature writing - be that in VNs from the East OR West.


    That being said, a large portion of OELVNS feel like they were written with a half-assed approach, with a short-term and rushed goal they want to reach. Kind of like needing to write a 10-page essay and trying to cram as much info within the limit without going over. Vapid, shallow ideas/characters that are rarely explored, and a clear impression a writer is in a hurry to finish writing his/her story.


    Another aspect is the copy-cat nature of OELVNS, many look at eastern VNs, and try to emulate their contents, but fail to understand the concepts behind what actually makes those VNs "work'. And so we instead end up with over-used tropes and a lack of cohesive depth - because the writer was simply borrowing pre-existing ideas, rather then thinking about why those ideas work with a reader. I'm personally fine with the standard tropes and cliches, if the execution is done well.


    Also, the topic of length doesn't always mean a VN is bad (a few KEY titles are good that are short) but I generally can't be bothered to invest time into reading a OELVN that might have a length of 2- 6 hours, becuase it shows the amount of time the writer was willing/interested in the work. I'm old and out of touch, I used to read BOOKS as a kid/teen, books that used to span 600 - 1500 pages, with fullly fleshed out stories, that took at least a week to read. And I tend to gravitate to VNs of a similar calibur.


    TLDR: I'll gladly read a OELVN that gives a first impression that the writer was actually engrossed in telling their story to the reader, rather then it being a chore for the writer to wrap up asap prior to a deadline. That and someone that has an editor they can consult.


    EDIT: And an afterthought - I won't touch any story (be it east OR west) that seeks crowdfunding before the writer has even started writing. It can be indicitive of a writers level of dedication to the story, and a general sign of what motivates them to write at all. If it's to help pay for artist commissions (CGs, sprites, music, etc) then that's understandable - that's not exactly the kind of money people just have lying around usually - but trying to sell a story not even written is putting the cart before the horse imo, and seriously puts any backer at risk, as they could end up being sold snake oil.

  10. 7 minutes ago, sanahtlig said:

    I expect characters in a game written for adults to not mirror Disney tropes.

    Setting aside the kiddie disney version - Snow White's original roots and backstory for the "evil queen" is actually quite interesting, with her madness and obsession.


    But i've derailed the thread enough, I should stop before Xeno or someone slaps me around. :sachi:

  11. On 2/28/2016 at 2:45 AM, TexasDice said:

    So, now that enough time has passed, I am somewhat glad to announce the winner of this little game.

    And the winner, with an astounding 25% is...

      Reveal hidden contents

    No One But You from Notneeded Studios

    I can't believe it really won. I mean, I was dead sure the people would pick a more obscure title for me to go through.-

    But apparently, everyone wanted to see me read an OELVN this time around.

    Not gonna lie, I'm really excited for this one, it has great art, a moe look and from what I've heard, all of the routes take an unexpected and dark twist at point. 











    Okay, for real this time: 


    The real winner, the one and only champion of the vote, is...

      Reveal hidden contents

    Ourai no Gahkthun ~What a Shining Braves~ from Nothonest Soft



    I want to thank all 16 voters for their half-assed participation and hereby pledge to read the chosen product in question thoroughly and with utmost care. :wafuu: 

    Honestly, I have no idea what to expect from this VN, since I haven't seen anything but the cover and an h-scene screenshot. Fresh, unexpected and probably somewhat embarrassing - just what I wanted. :illya:


    Thanks again everyone, I love you all and promise to be back with "Force me to read something #3". And by "promise" I mean, "eh, maybe if I feel like it". :miyako:

      Reveal hidden contents

    I'll be putting Comyu on the backlog as well though. I'm in the mood to double-down this challenge. 




    Meh, it's not Cartagra, but it's still decent. :makina:

  12. "It's over....it's all over...." (tears streaming down his face) <= me after finishing Fate/Hollow. :kosame: Nasu really knew how to drive home that sense of closure.


    The Fate series is about just that - Fate - and so many characters within that are chained to their paths, either by choice or by circumstance.

    Some try to break free, while others walk forward despite it being a set path - both types with heads held high.

    Such an amazing story, even years later I still learn and realize new aspects.

  13. Not dead, Eyes are jsut giving me alot of trouble, refraining from doing too much reading-type stuff atm =/


    That aside, I second Katahane. Pretty dull for large chunks, but some of it was also extremely adorable~


    But if you want compelling, I'd go with Sharin no Kuni. (Or Fate/Stay Night, if you're still feeling a Chuuni buzz from Ayakashibito).

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