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Suzu Fanatic

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Posts posted by Suzu Fanatic

  1. 4 hours ago, XReaper said:

    tokyo xanadu got licensed by aksys (not xseed) is also missing...

    Not sure how I feel about that, haven't tried anything by Aksys yet, but I've always had a healthy respect for how Xseed does things. Guess we'll see.

  2. 43 minutes ago, Decay said:

    None of these companies have that title, Conjueror's project is an "independent" release being published by the original Japanese publishers. And that's probably why it hasn't been announced yet, they aren't very savvy with this kind of thing.

    A major independent huh? Type-mo (gets dragged off into the dark before he can finish the sentence)


  3. Hopefully those that worked on it were adequately compensated for it - and researched what a localization team would normally be paid, for the efforts involved.

    I have no problem with a Fan TL being picked up for official release, my biggest concern is the project members being taken advantage of and ripped off.

  4. So, for Sakusaku - are they going to retcon the loli and sister routes? Or leave it in and just cut the CGs? Seems like a risky move - esp. after that Yojo simulator scandal they had to apologize for~

    Mainstream attention isnt exactly accepting of either type of heroine.


    EDIT: Forget it, i'm just salty. I'd rather SP hurry the fuck up with Grisaia and get it done, rather then pick up a million other projects~ I mean, it's nice to have a lot to look forward to, but.....


    Hopefully fan TLs being bought-out don't get ripped off, I have a sneaking feeling they get paid far less than they should for the work they had put in.

  5. 17 hours ago, Vokoca said:

    Not trying to rain on your parade or anything, but you might actually want to wait before Rakuen is translated as well before you read the grand route. The grand route continues the main plot in the series - but it also has probably the worst cliffhanger in existence. It's just setup with no payoff; unless you have some amazing patience, I would recommend waiting for Rakuen too to save yourself from the suffering. :amane:

    That said Meikyuu also has afterstories for every single route in Kajitsu, and these at least don't attempt to murder you with an unfinished story.

    Yeah, I've made the painful decision to wait for +18 Rakuen to come out before getting into it - the idea of a cliffhanger is not appealing~

  6. Just found out about this - gotta say, it must suck for the 48-49% that voted against. Wonder how many will renounce citizenship and file for immigration? (albeit that's a lot of effort - but who willingly stays on a sinking ship?) :makina:

  7. If I can spare the cash, I'll probably get Fallout 4, Neptunia U, This War of Mine, and maybe something off my wishlist that I might be forgetting~ Might get Rabi ribi, but from what I've seen on Youtube, it actually looks pretty bare-bones.

  8. 1 hour ago, Zakamutt said:

    >they cost this much in Fapan etc etc

    ...but they're being sold outside fapan now, so that doesn't matter because who gives a shit about the way the fapanese do things.

    I still think the price is fair, but your argument is flawed.

    Depends. If the original dev is getting a slice of that pie, it's only reasonable for them to expect a similar return - not welfare it out to the world. Plus, to say it doesn't matter because it's outside Japan, is slightly off - as it alludes the worth of the product is less to the rest of the world - rather then remaining of equal value.

    Though ultimately, as some have already stated, "value" is a subjective thing anyway - at least from a consumers perspective.

  9. Just now, bogdankl said:


    I lost broke my glasses and stopped reading cuz I was half blind and did not want to put my nose 2 cm away from the monitor :))

    now that I got some new glasses and a new monitor it's time to restart tho...


      Reveal hidden contents

    Illyasviel's brutal death and archer kidnapping Rin afther betraying her left a pretty bad and depressing taste in my mouth

     BTW I was saying that it was ridiculous felling bad for Caster but I absolutely adore Illya even tho she is basically just as bad as caster :))

    I know what that's like all too well ;_; (glasses breaking)

    @spoiler - that just means the writer is succeeding at his job :)

  10. 5 minutes ago, Fred the Barber said:

    Oops. Can you tell I flunked History of VNs 101?

    It's alright, I can barely remember what I did last month, but I can remember articles I read in a gaming magazine almost 30 years ago. It's a useless gift :sachi:

  11. Cool, never knew about that patch - like havoc said, didn't really have much interest to read two versions of the same story, so having something inclusive sounds awesome - though I question how well it meshes, content wise.


    I'll probably jsut wait on the +18 version myself, even if I'm missing out on nice additions from the vita version...I admit I'm ruled by base desires :makina:

  12. 19 minutes ago, Fred the Barber said:

    I'm pretty sure lack of voice acting is Nasu's thing, though I don't remember where I read that (perhaps in ancient history somewhere in this very thread) - F/SN didn't have them until it was forced on him for the  Vita  PS2 Realta Nua release.

    Fixed :)

    Speaking of which, calling @bogdankl how F/SN coming along for you? Or have you had a chance to go through any more of it?

  13. From a selfish perspective, considering what I paid as a kickstarter - i expect at least at launch to NOT be undercut, that would really piss me off.

    From a outside perspective? I can see the price driving away non-fans. "shrug"  At the end of the day, the product is worth what a person is willing to pay. And there will always be a buyer~

  14. There have been unconfirmed speculations/suspicions he's been padding the projects with fake backers, to give the appearance of financial success.

    When I think about it, i can actually think of a similar case back with Sword of Asumi - which I foolishly backed. Someone had sopposdly dropped in 3k early on, but pulled out right near the end of the ks.

    But that's just rumormongering~

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