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Everything posted by kratoscar2008

  1. I have a contradiction in here: I totally love girls with a twintail hairstyle but i dont like Tsunderes either, sadly Japans seems to have stated that a Tsundere should have Twintail hairstyle.
  2. Thats okay too, most SQUEEZ games actually do that. The name might not be said but you can see it in dialogue or the status screen. Honestly if such feature was as bothersome for many people games like Persona and Dragon Quest would had died long ago.
  3. I dont see the problem if the game uses the default name voice acted, thats how Canvas 2 and many other games do it (ie if you change the name the character just says "sensei" but if you leave the default name it says "Kamikura-Sensei" as to please both sides. I dont see how the writting suffers if the game only unvoices the MC name but it appears in the text, the narrative is still the same. As for unrealistic, MANY VNs are like that and people still praises the writting or the story so in the end that just your opinion (Wich i respect). Its actually funny because it was because of Persona that this apreciation for a nameable and Silent MCs born. And yes i have enjoyed them immensely, the games tries its best to make you feel like you are the character rather than controlling him/her and thats the main reason why i enjoy games with such features now. Wich brings my point of VNs, most of them are about self fullfishment and about getting a girl. Now for what reason would i play a game about that if i cant project myself on the character? Thats why most VNs MCs are faceless and unvoiced as to self insert, it seems to work for many japanese folks but to me its more important to be able to name the MC in wich case thats enough for me to immerse myself. And again the script doesnt need to change if the only thing you do is not voice the MC changed name or voice it if default. Its like with the option in the menu were you can silence the characters, its there in order to offer the player a choice of preference. In the end if you are making a protagonist intended as its own the give him a set name, a voice and a face. If you are making a protagonist to be a player stand in i dont see why giving a choice to change his name (And voice the default name) should be a problem. Games are unique in that they are a medium were you can be drawn into it and think as being there and thus it should be taken advantage of as much as possible. Now i see that my opinion is really unpopular (at least in Fuwanovel).
  4. I forgot that was a pretty unpopular opinion.
  5. All MCs should be nameable. This, if anyone doesnt want the MC voice then there should be a character voice on/off option.
  6. For comfirmed releases im craving for PrettyxCation 2 and The new Smee games. For hopes im craving for another Aku no Onna Kanbu entry and whatever Tenco will release next.
  7. And thats the problem, i dont know at wich point a visual novel HAD to add an heroine to branch routes. A problem with that is most of the time the route falls or stand based on the heroine. The heroine steals the spotlight, some characters outright dissapears as to not steal the heroine spotlight (like say other heroines), if the heroine sucks the route goes down with it and of course having to shoehorn romantic events. Of course there are exceptions but i think VNs should stop being about fugging/romancing heroines and tell an story about the world and its inner workings, but not alongside an heroine as the centerpiece of it. A VN equivalent of those series i mentioned would be really cool in my opinion.
  8. I dont hate H-scenes but i think VNs should stop to shoe horn it into them, im talking of those VNs that have like one or two H-scenes per girl near the end of the story. Nothing scream louder of tack on than that. Dont be hating nukiges, the very reason the industry is even alive is thanks to them. And you know context in nukiges are very important and in VNs you are the one doing it instead of watching two people do it, thats the very reason why nukiges are thriving. I prefer routes however im really tired of all of them being character routes, sometimes VNs have very interesting stories and world building that is a shame that the only thing we are allowed to branch the story is in the females the protag fug. VNs should take a page from games like Der Langrisser and Tactics Ogre by offering routes that allows us to explore the world and its events, VNs are wasted potential.
  9. For proper dating sims and in english you can play: True Love (Old PC 98 game) Love Plus (Nintendo DS) Bloody Bride Imadoki no Vampire (PSX) Shira Oka second chances (PC) Pia Carrot (PC-FX emulation)
  10. Luckily for you im in the minority according to the pol i guess. I still fail to see what you have agaisnt people having an option.
  11. -Room for customization. I like to be able to name my protagonist. -PC Because i would be bored playing VNs on a console. -Big fat game with possible sequels. It doesnt need to have the same characters though.
  12. I have seen this happening in some tittles. Sometimes when the devs cant be arsed to show a heroine/hero portrait they use a face in dialogue box. As for if its usual for a protagonist then its more prominent in VNs with a female protagonist since for some reasons Otome games prefers to use a female protagonist with a face and its usually nameable (She even tends to have voice acting) meanwhile in Bishoujo games prefer to use the faceless and voiceless male protagonist (He is usually unnameable). That speaks of different kinds of immersion for boys and girls (At least thats how Japanese devs seems to think.
  13. I think this is very spot on, i mean i cant find another reason why a market centered on on developing relationships with anime girls is so huge. Then take in account the nature of most games were we have a faceless and voiceless protagonist so they can fully escape into a virtual world. Heck is even used in anime with the loser and clueless bland anime harem protagonist. Lets not forget the Love Plus phenomenom (Wich would had continued hasnt Konami mishandling it as badly as they did) Recently now with Oculus Rift/Morpheus is another form of escapism (The waifu era some says) and that Robot that looks almost human (Even the creators claimed the robot would serve the porpuse of being an user sex machine) this seems like going even deeper. It also would explain why japanese would kill you if you choose a canon heroine for a game/anime. Of course this isnt the main problem since the real issue seems to be that japanese dont really dig forming a familly anymore thanks to men being overworked and women choosing careers over household. Japan birthrate will decline even further thanks to all the above.
  14. So your going out huh? Well just let me tell you i apreciate that you translated the MikuKisu games so good luck with real life stuff.
  15. Update it seems. Dont spect much of it since Koon said so.
  16. Check the wiki for some more information. http://eiyuuwiki.wikidot.com/wiki:gameplay http://eiyuuwiki.wikidot.com/wiki:type-effectiveness (here to see how weapon weakness works) For instance check the battle image i uploaded, the current character in turn is the protagonist (Player) wich he is a sword unit (see the sword besides his name), then look at the enemy Tiamat wich is a canon unit and see her icon is a red circle wich means that she is weak agaisnt sword unit wich in turn means that if you attack her she will gain break balls wich are used for skills. If you attack the enemy Yinnan however YOU will be the one earning break balls because he resists your attack. Thats basically how you play throught the game, the strategy comes in position your characters in a way that you can use skills effectively. btw you will want to go to the download section and download the update and english patch, do make a backup of the game and the savedata in case something goes wrong. Items are far too useful to not take advantage of them.
  17. Yeah i hope its actually a dating sim, that way it can really be unique in itself.
  18. In what you base that this is a dating sim? Sorry i havent seen anything to imply is not simply a VN yet.
  19. Would help to know what country you are trying to conquer because even though some open very early they are massively difficult to conquer if you dont conquer other regions with lower army might. For instance Russia opens up pretty early but you will be slaughtered if you try to conquer it as soon as it opens. The game mechanics are simply, it has a weapon triangle like FE and the damage depends on your HP (Wich is army might). Some enemies has items equipped that has many effects so maybe these units are using damage halving items. Do you see the pink bar up your side of the screen? Well that one fills depending in two conditions: You attack an enemy with a weapon she is strong agaisnt or the enemy attacks your weakness wich is true for the other side as well. So basically avoid exploiting an enemy weakness otherwise they will launch special skills on you. As for useful heroines barring the legendary heroes (Yamato, Gilgamesh and any blue bar unit) Lubu, Kublai, Seimei, Hero, Kamehameha, Himiko are the most useful early game. Also complete the heroines events as soon as the unlock since they give the unit more abilities, item slots, area effects to the heroines.
  20. Im more wary of this game said to be a dating sim, i have always doubts when someone says that because many still thinks that VN and Dating Sims are the same thing. If its an actual dating sim i will be happy.
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