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Stray Cat

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Everything posted by Stray Cat

  1. Here's Pokemon's official video following the release. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFZuWPXPcyI Looks like horde battles will be in the game and contests will be returning as well. Starting on launch day (November 21st) there will also be an online distribution of a shiny Beldum with a mega stone so SHINY METAGROSS FOR EVERYBODY! Also, I'm I the only one whose werided out by cosplay Pikachu?
  2. I'd go with awesome (same for me BTW). That was pretty good.
  3. Akame ga Kill episode 6...wow...just wow. I think this is my new favorite this season.
  4. No problem, I recommend using electrical tape if you have it, it'll hold it on a lot better. If it doesn't work at first don't assume its wrong (so I wouldn't screw it on real tight until I check it). Take it out, re-tape it, apply more tape and try again. Once you get the hang of it its quite easy, I got mine to the point where I can throw the cartridges across the room and they won't dislodge but I would avoid bumping it around as much as possible.
  5. Then let's expand to all Persona as well (since I'm one of the few people who actually likes 3 better than 4). Best. Mass Destruction Mix. Ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iP_efhalhA
  6. Why not, Persona 4 is amazing. I have to say I prefer Brosuke's theme over Chie's, especially this awesome mix (despite its shortness). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWix-kVO6_U
  7. It's a CR2025. They're like three dollars for a 5 pack online. Here's the site I used but I'll give you some extra pointers if you decide to do it. BTW, if a mod wants to move this discussion to the central Pokemon topic for future reference it might be helpful.
  8. I have to admit I like some of the reincarnation versions a lot better than the original. This one for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiEp8pU3oqY
  9. The game will never work again unless you change the battery. I'd be more than happy to walk you through the process if you want (anyone with common sense and a decent handiwork of a screwdriver can do it) but there is a small chance of failure rate. But if you can never beat the game without turning it off again whats the point.
  10. Half of them are blocked but what I heard sounded pretty good. By electro swing do you mean something like this? (Another favorite of mine) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xsoCki4pTk
  11. If you're willing to yes thank you. Now I just need to decide on a theme.
  12. I was just wondering if anyone else likes this style of music as much as I do. I've always liked when songs get a Jazz remix and found it to be one of the most relaxing types of music. I would honestly say that I like Ragtime best though, can't beat that piano. I've always considered the 1920s-40s my favorite time in American History as well. Here's a few of my favorites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCToGv-lO7c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhyhP_5VfKM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTX-0t9GLkY (Boardwalk Empire does great remixes BTW) So does anyone else like this style of music or the time period?
  13. Considering it for Vita.
  14. Oh man, the SAO one by a long shot. Its absolutely beautiful (*starts crying*).
  15. Exactly, just like there's never been been a live-action transformers movie, ever. Hollywood should really get on that.
  16. Could be me but I never really saw her as a tsundere.
  17. The new battle theme is good but it still can't replace Reach Out to the Truth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1Z5Z7hobOc
  18. I've actually remember seeing quite a few Floatzels in my online X and Y battles. I don't think its OU now though so I'm not sure why. Azumariil on the other hand, that can be entertaining.
  19. For me it was funny for about 4 episodes and then it slowed down significantly. Tell me if it picks back up again, I may go back.
  20. Basically how I feel as well. I absolutely loved the first arc to death. The second one was ok until the end So I'll give you the advice my friend gave me and I didn't listen to: "No, you're wrong, there's only 14 episodes. It doesn't go on. I don't care what you've read online. It ends there, trust me. "
  21. Let me put it this way, its the sole reason that season got a incredibly bad rating from me and probably why the whole show had a bitter aftertaste once I completed it. A few episodes ok but 9? 9?!!
  22. I've always enjoyed the increasing complexity as it adds more challenge for post-game. As long as you don't aim to be the very best like no one ever was you can still have fun playing. I would probably gauge myself as somewhat serious, I don't do competitions but I do make specific teams, do a small amount of selective breeding, and EV train (now that its so simple )
  23. Although I don't use it anywhere near as much as my portable systems I do enjoy my PS3. My top games would be: Tales of Graces f Little Big Planet Persona 4 Arena Disgaea 3 Valkyria Chronicles If you like RPGs and haven't tried the Disgaea series I would recommend it. Its defiantly got a fun battle system if you like tactical games. Valkyria chronicles is a tactical shooter and has a good story but can be ridiculous at times. I'm looking into getting Mugen Souls Z, Fairy Fencer and Drakengard 3 at some point. Of course Persona 4 Ultimax has already been pre-ordered. XD
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