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Everything posted by HMN

  1. *capt and wanko meet up after buying all the stuff needed* you know how to make a hot pot right??
  2. 忘れてちゃった ハハハ。。。。 i never told a joke in english in my life but here goes: i wish i had a giant robot
  3. Granted but she gets sick of you and now she is by MY side....... 永遠に。。。永遠に。。。 next person is role playing as wanko
  4. let's split up you go buy meat and i'll go buy some vegetables and condiments don't get distracted okay?
  5. *capt pulls wanko's ponytail* bad girl you shouldn't wander around too much! let's see....oh!! wait what kind of hot pot are we making?? should we put meat of vegetables in it?
  6. false Next person is hungry
  7. 2,i'll go running!! would you rather 1.eat vegetables all day 2.eat meat all day
  8. jokes on you wanko i sleep during class so i don't even write notes, so false Next person will let wanko borrow thier notes
  9. 2,i don't wanna die so u guess i'll be training with you! would you rather 1.challenge kri to a fight 2.have a race with capt
  10. 1, i'll have one pie please would you rather 1.go to heaven 2.stay in earth forever
  11. true,i really do Next person is excited for some reason
  12. HMN


    フワノベルにようこそ ヽ(´ゝω・`*)oO(ヨロスクゥ♪) どうぞよろしく!
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