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Posts posted by crunchytaco

  1. Confession: I'm likely to still recommend you all not to get married, after disappearing from here for over half a year.

    I moved back from Hawaii after one month of staying there. We never had the chance to explore how our lives would have been there. I had to return to California to sign papers for the family business, and in the process revealed to my parents my relationship and the existence of their lovely grand daughter. 

    My wife and I haven't talked in 2 days, and we're likely to get separated.

  2. Confessions: the mothers child finally came forth and admitted all her past mistakes with her husband. She also confessed to him the real child's father. Expectedly, hes threatening suicide, and threatening to kill her, the child and then himself. We had to notify the mother at 2am yesterday to look after him. She didnt give a rats ass for her son.

    I was about to call the police to take him to a mental institute. but i cant seem to get transferred out of the state of hawaii. My only option was to tell her to lie to him and tell him she photoshopped the dna test papers because he wont accept the truth in order to save him.

    Its been pretty stressful for my childs mother. Him and his family are giving her an ultimatum to return home. His instability is scaring her.

    I havent been able to get much paper work done since running off to hawaii. Its like an isolated country apart from the US. Theres no national bank, no superior court, no accessing 911 outisde the island and gotta fly to get anywhere outside the city.

  3. Confession: Taking care of an 11 month child is much MUCH harder work than a paying job. You can't sleep in even on your off days. You pay for more, and make less as you take turns with your SO to work and take care of the child. You're constantly on alert mode with them. There's no rest as long as the child as awake. You have little to no time for anything else. And then she gives you that adorable smile whenever she wakes up and you feel like everything you do in life now is 100x more meaningful.

    Time in Hawaii: 1 wk

  4. Confession: It took all of the self-control I posses to not make a Peregrin Took joke.




    I'm happy for you guys, man.  Not an easy decision to make, and I respect that you and "the woman" are going to own up to what you did.


    Side question: Does this mean it's the end of Taco Confessions as we know it? :kosame:


    Wouldn't you like a proper ending by knowing how everyone fared after? 

  5. Confession: It's happening. Tomorrow I'm packing my bags and leaving to Hawaii with the woman and child. In the past month I have ironed out almost 95% of our issues with her. The only thing left to worry about is the true confession - we realize those left behind have the right to know the truth. As we settle in our place and I find security for both the woman and the child, we will begin telling our families and her husband. Then, we will accept whatever comes our way, ready to live our lives from thereon. 


    Confession: I have a crushing pain in my chest right now and I'm not sure if it's a heart attack or acid reflux bloating. 

  6. Confession: This may sound cruel but I had to drop a friendship and go in hiding after I broke up with an ex. She could not handle being around me as a friend after the rejection. She had illusions in her mind that I was jealous of her talking to other guys; and gave me dirty looks when I met up with my current ex. It was pure hell. Then it came one day when she started crying wolf to a guy who was in need of being someone's hero at the time (one of those young, high testosterone bullies you get straight out of high school)- so he started a physical confrontation with me. The guy and I were both in beauty school at the time. I had people calling me a coward for not fighting him head on, but I'm pretty proud of myself. It would've been the stupidest move I could pull, to get my graduation certificate pulled from me.  I had to call the police to restrain him and issue a restraining order on both him and her from being near me. She had no reason coming back to the school since she left and he was forced to quit. It was really bad. In the end, she was a lot happier after she moved on from me, by remembering me as the asshole who put a restraining order on her. 

  7. Confession: fellow hentais! Rejoice with me as i found my latest ecchi series! I saw the first episode of prison school 2 nights ago and have lost hours of sleep in the last two nights reading all 180 chapters of the manga. My arms are sore from supporting my prone position while reading all night and my health has deteriorated greatly..

    And I havent felt this fullfilled since GTO. Finally, some hentai taste for grown up hentai men (full figure females and no fucken lolis! Take that loli lovers!)

  8. Confession: Felt two hard lumps under my throat today. One's the size of a pea and the other the size of a bean. It's a little sore. Hopefully not cancerous. Anyone with knowledge on this topic could shed some light for me. I seem to be having a bad year when it comes to my health.


    Confession: Two weeks ago I mocked a century old legend that is steeped in fear and superstition around it. I choose not to bow down to a belief whether true or not, that wants to control people through fear. I've seen people literally write letters of apologies to this legend for fear of offending it and bringing misdeed on themselves. Either way, I've been praying to my guardian angel as I always have, for the sake of my health and well being and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

  9. Is that a rhetorical question? 

    I mean most of the time people don't really make a big deal out of cold sores. Even if they do, they do so for a passing minute not for eternity or smth lol. It's not like it's some dangerous sexual disease like AIDs. I don't think it will make much of a difference in your life. As for the cause, it's really hard to know who you got it from unless you only did it with one or two women and we know you didn't do that :sachi: 

    Other than that, has she reached a conclusion about what she wants to do yet?

  10. Confession: Had my first cold sore this morning  :kosame: . Thought it was an itchy pimple last night. What bugs me is I have no idea where I got it from. I haven't had lip contact with anyone besides my baby's mom for over 3 months. I'm resisting from blaming her as I was giving her heavy oral sex all day on Thursday. Then again, I hear herpes can lay dormant in your body for years before manifesting as a cold sore.  Up to 90% of the population has herpes that does or doesn't manifest into a cold sore - but will anyone understand me? 

  11. Confession 1: I had two drinks at a nearby bar, and apparently they were ridiculously strong, as I'm currently the drunkest I've been in a long long time.

    Confession 2 (and it's a good one, because of 1): I'm close friends with a woman who I was out drinking with. The third in our group of friends is getting married, but the aforementioned woman and I are currently single. She's a fair bit older than I am, and in VN terms she was my senpai, though we now work in different places. Anyway, I find her ridiculously attractive (she's very cute, and the italicization is well-deserved), but I usually feel like she's not interested in me romantically, and I have some worries about long-term compatibility (we're both old enough that that matters), so I don't pursue it. But she looked damn good today... And all that we settled on is that we should do some marijuana together (which I feel obliged to mention is now legal where I live). So maybe that'll lead to something...


    I had that glimmer of hope with a friend in college after a night of drinking with her. As long as you consider holding her head over a toilet bowl, while lending her your finger so she can throw up romantic. It might put the both of you off the mood for sex though. 

  12. Confession: Not sure if I ever confessed the time I tried out suicide. I was 17 at the time. I downed a full bottle of anti-depressants that night. I felt my body grow weaker until I passed out. Then I woke up in the middle of the night and found out I was still alive. I had a HUGE boner though that wouldn't go away. After looking up the potential danger and side-effects of the medication, I found out having a boner was one of the side-effects of overdosing - oh and it wasn't toxic enough to kill anyone overdosing on it with. 


    I got up and quickly threw away my letter saying goodbye cruel world. My boner lasted for several hours. I never attempted suicide again. 


    Imagine they found me dead that night and all that was left was my boner...

  13. Confession: I'm very happy today. I called the vital records in my county and they gave me a lot of information that the attorneys wouldn't/couldn't reveal. The lady on the phone was very sweet and helpful and I could trust her because she didn't have any special interest unlike the other group. It looks like I won't have to break my bank nor stress out about this situation so much anymore! 

  14. Confession: The reality for me is just getting darker and darker. There really is no easy way out of this right now. I can't find a way to live happily with my kid while keeping everyone else happy. I even went as far as thinking of donating my kid to the current legal father right now as compensation because my minds been running circles trying to figure all this out. The mother would definitely rather run with the kid and risk being jailed. 

    I'm out of options. This is the toughest situation I've faced in life. I talked to family lawyers who have told me how rare my case is, and how they don't specialize in it. 

  15. What do you plan to do if she doesn't take any action?

    Leave ur child with them or go to the court?



    She's getting into the mindset of doing the honorable thing. She wants to tell her husband either way. If she is doing that for sure, then there could be a legal document change - the baby needs a father's name either way (Which is idiotic. In the US if the mother doesn't know how the father is, she could randomly name any guy and force him to pay child support if he doesn't contest it within 2 years - and most are unaware of it. But I digress.)  If we aren't living together, and she wants me to legally claim the child to take responsibility, then I want 50/50 custody. 

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