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Mr. Meogii

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Everything posted by Mr. Meogii

  1. Hey and welcome to the forums. I'm sure all of us are looking forward to getting to know you! Enjoy your stay!
  2. Sword art online season two is what I am mainly looking forward to. ^.^
  3. Those are fan made. Well that's my assumption because I didn't come across those as well
  4. Welcome to the forums. I hope you enjoy it here. Amagami is a great series :3!
  5. Heya! welcome to the forums! Enjoy yourstay! Don't be a stranger!
  6. Mr. Meogii


    Chilled vibes bro
  7. Mr. Meogii


    My #1 recommendation is Clannad. Hope to see you around some more. Lmao why poison?
  8. And Lise in loose pajamas is something to look forward to... aww Lise. I highly doubt that there would be no romance though ... those girls are too cute ^.^
  9. Well I can't make a valid statement until I go and try cocoro@function :3 so i'll add it to my list but If it's better than if my heart had wings ill be happy.
  10. Try if my heart had wings. The art is amazing and the story is as well. I've recommended this so many times too.
  11. My father : Ichigo Kurosaki My mother : Orihime Inoue And yes In my universe ichigo and orihime Finally got together. I am told that it was a marvelous day :3 Although they have very different personalities they love and care for each other very much. My Wife: Ageha Himegi Ageha..<3 ah yes my wife. At first it seemed like we never got along but as time went by we grew to love each other so much. I don't think I can imagine life with out her^.^ Ex girlfriend: Amane Mochizuki She was a lovely girl, smart, beautiful and funny at times but unfortunately things did not work out between us. We still chat and visit each other to keep our friendship strong. This is all I could manage for now.. More to come though.
  12. Chilled vibes. Even if It was small we all learned new things
  13. Do best and work hard! We will all be expecting big things ^.^
  14. Mr. Meogii


    welcome to the forums Hope you enjoy your stay ^.^
  15. That has happened with me too but only to a certain extent. I still need to learn Kana and kanjii properly. But in time I guess:p
  16. That's natural, well at least i'd like to think so. Most of the Japanese people encounter comes from anime.
  17. One could argue that even a native English speaker would not know all the words within the English language , However this could be due to the language's evolution. I guess you are just "literature buff" :3
  18. I've learned so many new words from reading translated visual novels. For someone accustomed to the English language this comes a surprise to me. Is it a question of the Japanese dialect being so broad or the work of the translators? Either way I still think it's amazing :3 ^.^
  19. I Really recommend that you watch " the world God only knows". It's a great series full of comedy, it has 3 seasons too :3
  20. My first anime was naruto My first manga was .... Naruto ^.^ hehe I guess once you start it becomes even harder to stop
  21. True, can't imagine someone declining that. The next person is a clean freak (hygienic).
  22. ^.^ #feeling satisfied!

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