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Mr. Meogii

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Everything posted by Mr. Meogii

  1. Um I've watched hentai yes but I have not read any manga based hentai. Hentai is usually very poor in terms of development and an actual story. I mean their purpose is for people to get off so they lack a genuine story. I don't think I've watched a Hentai where at the end of it I said "I'll watch this again" or " This was great". Most just leave me disappointed.
  2. That new character you have as your profile picture
  3. Is this your new obsession ?
  4. It would not be considered an introduction if you do it in a years time.
  5. I thought you were already on fuwa. Sorry for assuming such. Maybe it's because I think all the people on skype are already on Fuwa.
  6. I was just being friendly -_- Relax !
  7. Heya Green Don't become a lurker now XD enjoy your stay :3
  8. I guess. Green did you just create a new account ?
  9. Heya Hajimemashite. Nice to see you've Joined us and I hope you enjoy your stay. Read Grasaia No kajitsu :3
  10. Welcome to the Fuwa community stray. Hajimemashite. Enjoy your stay and don't become a stranger! Read if my heart had wings if time allows!
  11. What nosebleed makes sense to an extent but I do believe that if there was no money in producing anime in the first place it would not be done. If the demand for an anime is High enough it will be produced regardless of whether or not it's manga counter part is selling well. However it would be entirely impossible for there to be anime adaptation if the manga doesn't sell well to begin with.
  12. Hey and welcome to the forums. Hajimemashite prae Don't become a stranger okay! And read more novels
  13. Hello Aoi. Welcome to Fuwa. Don't become a stranger and start reading some Visual novels. You won't regret it :3
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