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Posts posted by SpecterZ

  1. I don't want to discourage you but, it is hard to find capable member(s) who will stick with the project from the beginning to the end.

    If you have translator, it will be easier for you to find member and keep your project alive.


    For example. My own team was downed to had only 1 translator for a year. Fortunately, that translator won't give up and keep the project alive long enough to pass them to another team.

  2. 33 minutes ago, littleshogun said:

    Somehow I missed update from Koiken Otome, so here's the update for this month. The conclusion from the blog post is that the patch was supposed to be released on June 5th, but because one people was banned from IRC and the banned one was very bored so much that he decided to DDoS the server that also host Koiken Otome server, so the people who in charge of QC was need to defend his server for a while and delayed the patch release. Geez, what's wrong with the internet people nowadays, before that we had our admin Tay was got many hate mail in regard of otome and now this. Oh well, guess this is what internet is.

    tldr - The patch release delayed because of DDoS attack that attempted by some troll. Hope the team managed to find a way to finished QC as soon as possible.

    This is worst than I thought.

    This project is one of the top VN I want to play too. :komari:

  3. I kinda forget to update last month's progress, sorry :kosame:

    You can check it at usual place.


    Re-translation is in-progressed but slowly due to have too many games to play, less time to do something else.

    TLC made his progress too.

    I still need editor(s) to do their job, as TLC was kindly enough to check through all prologue script. But I need Nero to call them back from grave or recruit new one. 

  4. 15 hours ago, NeroDragon12 said:

    I kinda did tell spec about my health.

    I just think about the worst case if anything gone wrong. :P

    Only bad new left is translator.
    Last time I checked, he is still stomping and punching demons. :vinty:

    PS: It is the time we need to assign work to editor and qc. We have TLC helping us right now.

  5. Just some back-up plan in case Nero is confirmed M.I.A.

    - I will keep this project running as long as I can, or finish it with the limited resource I have. Any help is welcome and I don't mind if another team want to take over this project.
    - Translator will keep translate the rest of this VN after re-translate common route.
    - If we don't have TLC, I will let Editor skips TLC and edit those re-translated script. Quality might not be as good as you expected and have a lot of error but it is still better than no progress at all.

    Updated progress : Common 50.05%


  6. TL: +1304 lines

    Suzuno's route is done.

    On 13/02/2016 at 6:11 PM, holdsh1ft said:

    Good on you guys for being able to handle the critics and take some advice along the way -- While I'm at it I just wanna say a big thanks for the work on the project as I've got my attention on the VN some time ago and hoped someone would stumble upon it for translation!

    It was my friends who are working in another project that gave an advice to improve both Japaneses and English skill first.

    Well, I won't do any update for a while since we are technically stalled until nero said another wise.

  7. Just some bad news.

    Translator will take a long vacation after finish Suzuno's route. (Not drop but the pace will extremely low)

    - Leader has been ignore him for too long to the point translator almost has mental breakdown (from working alone with no one to talk to)
    - Recent drama hit him hard. He loses his (extremely low) confident to keep working.

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