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Status Updates posted by Monmon

    1. ohiowar
    2. Monmon


      U like him? u want to join our brotherhood?

      we will protect traps and spread love about traps

    3. ohiowar


      I should of know

  1. Monmon

    1. HMN


      0/10 won't watch again.

      muh virgin eyes.

  2. Monmon

    1. HMN



      whoever makes these has a lot of free time

  3. Heeeeeeeeey you are still alive~~~~

    1. AkkisBlade


      Alive and well, though maybe a bit slow...

    2. Monmon


      slow? what happened? 

      Oh man i miss talkin to u~~~

    3. AkkisBlade


      Slow as in "It took me forever to answer".

      Skype is the answer Mon.

  4. "The city(Mecca) is turning into Mecca-hattan-Irfan Al-Alawi2015" what next? Las Dhabi?

  5. Akki and Cyber....i miss u guys so much~~~~~

  6. And Homura and Nate arrived today...

    1. CruelN1N1
    2. Monmon


      Fap fap fap fap fap

  7. Anything Gordon's make really awesome.. lets try

  8. Awwwww u gone again....

  9. Monmon

    Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn lets make egyptian BBQ

    1. HMN


      what is it with you all of a sudden?

  10. Come to onii-san!!! dont be scared... i got lots of candies~~~

  11. crossdress for the first time...awkward,weird and feels funny yet somehow fun...an unknown sensation beginning to grow inside me.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. madvanced


      Oh Maou you also frequent the skype group? I'm totally hijacking your profile feed ken :P

    3. Monmon


      sure why not...lets talk here and get to 200++ post

    4. 魔王黒 (Retired. Now 傍観者)
  12. Monmon

    DECHUUU WA~~~~

    1. HMN


      ojou-san <3

    2. Monmon


      hai desu wa~~

    3. HMN


      ohohohoho dechu wa~

  13. Doujin about me,HMN,Nini and HSMS??? Comiket here i CUM!!!

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. Monmon


      hello to u 2.....ill include in the future doujin. huehuehuehue

    3. Cofee


      I see I almost missed foursome?

    4. Monmon


      well....as i said u make ur own story here, and other will continue ur story.

  14. Ender of things,wolf of ice,lend me your breath. Freeze them to a silence deeper than death. Even the affluent perish in this cruel world. The inescapable deeds of the past life declared by God. As Water runs from high to low,take away all life. Show me a world standing still as though time itself had frozen. show me eternal,ultimate beauty indestructible,unassaible. I reject understanding,i seek only perfection. How despicable! Life gathers,undulating,reeking,displaying the horrors of it...

    1. SoulJustIn


      very very long.....

    2. Monmon


      If u wanna see the full version u can see my profile...

      hehehehe yeah i just love this.

  15. Esdeath is better~~~~~~~

    1. melo4496


      Helo Monmon! Haha... I don't think so. (─‿‿─)

  16. Monmon

    Fap fap fap...oh fappy ur so fappable that i become a fapper because of u~~~~~

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Monmon


      Because i wuv u....and i wuv u...

      and i WOOOOF u so much

    3. HMN


      i see...

      i'll just call the police and let them handle the situation

    4. Monmon


      /me hug HMN

      Sssstttt dont call them, i just want to be alone with you.

  17. Gloria Honorfice Praelium Facio Animus Gradior Quo Prodo In Excelsis Precedo Bellator Decerte Adversa Incurro Invadoria Desideratus Fatum Desideratus Bellum

  18. He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.

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