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Posts posted by Satsuki

  1. Hanayome to Maou isn't very good.  It's one of Escude's weaker titles.  The gameplay is kind of a hodgepodge of different systems, none of which are done very well.  The story was pretty weak as well.  Twinkle Crusader is better but the full-on moe fluff that dominated the storyline didn't interest me.

    ...Why did you even expect some kind of good story from those titles? No, I like it because of the gameplay, the character and the moe stuff, not in any way the story.

  2. I just think it could have been handled a bit smarter. It kind of sticks out like a sore thumb. And with the common path being what it is, it shouldn't deviate in this manner if it the story was any good. But as you know, it's my first VN, so i don't know how most VN handles heroine paths and such. Fortunately the heroine paths are interesting thus far, so i think i'll continue until i've finished it!

    Well, you will have to get used to it, because this is how the majority of VNs go: the choices you make will totally change how the story goes, not just the heroine. There is rarely any VN with the style of "same story, different perspective" (actually, I know none).

  3. This VN seems really inconsistent. Why did all the members of the occult club vanish after the incident in the forest when going for Kotori, but when going for Chihaya route then they're still there?

    They didn't disappear, you just didn't see them since you were too busy lurking in the forest.

    Btw, Shizuru did make a brief appearance at the end.

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