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Posts posted by Satsuki

  1. I really hate it when people try to dismiss any complaints about a moege with "it's just a moege". No shit. But also, it does many things worse than a lot of other moege, such as Konosora as mentioned. Moege shouldn't get a free pass on poorly written and overly convenient plot developments unless they take the right tone with it (Noble Works does this well during its opening). The lottery thing was also one of the least problematic parts of its story. 

  2. What routes are you guys looking forward to in the fandisk?  Tamie and Ruriko are pretty much the only ones I care about.  I'm hoping that at least some of the routes will have something resembling a story, but I'm not holding my breath.  It is a fandisk, after all.

    Tamie and Konomi.

    And moar Ritsuko of course!

  3. Well, I mean, if even "human translation" can't make sense out of that sentence, then how can machine translation :lol:

    Stay away from VN with too complicated language or involving too many unique terms and you will be fine.


    And no, don't use MT to translate song lyrics, lots of them are meaningless from the start, so it's not unusual for MT to mess them up even more.

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