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Posts posted by Satsuki

  1. So, the thing is, I just bought a new laptop (Win 8.1). After reconfigured this and that, I managed to run every VN just fine. However, there is a little bit of problem like this:


    As you can see, on top of windows bar, the VN title is in a total mess. Also, some of the VN's installations also gave me "?????" in the folder name (only some, not all). It does not really affect anything, it's just a little bit irritating to look at, that's all. Anyone knows how to fix this?

    I'm guessing that I may need to install a Japanese font pack or something like that.

  2. Random info from onomatope*'s producer:

    For Onomatope*, Libra of the Vampire Princess is new, but as a company XERO, we have some Chuuni-byo games. The reason we made this game is because we already made a vampire game about 8 years ago which had a good response from fans and we wanted to revisit a similar world. Chuuni-byo is still popular in Japan too, so we decided it was good timing.

    This game was planned for Japan first, then later we had the idea to introduce it to the West. We decided this game because we thought it is exciting to try one of our new titles and also because we think vampires are popular around the world.
    So yes, this is a Chuuni-byo game but this is also XERO's game, so normal life scenes have a lot of comedy and a fun feeling too, so I hope you can enjoy playing!

    If anyone interested, this is the one from 8 years ago that they mentioned.

  3. must correct myself, there even is a loli-vampire - hell the fucking yeah!

    edit: if they really decide on working hands in hands with mikandi then the novel in question is pretty much in good hands, as well as we wont have to worry about an adult version release as decay already mentioned.

    edit2: cause i never heard of this company and there games before, i looked few of them up and yeah - definitely found enough to read the next days - immouto-wise of course - which makes me hope they wont turn out beeing pure garbage, so we could eventually expect more of them in the future after this ones success, which is almost certain considering steam users getting steamy...

    In term of harem-ge, their stuff are pretty good, at least for me :lol:

  4. It's really bizzare considering they havn't released any AMAZINGLY big titles, nothing of theirs have been fantranslated, and the 18+ version hasn't even been released in Japan yet. To top it off I don't think it has anything to do with Sekai or Mangagamer.

    Well, most (or all) of their previous titles are harem semi-nukige, so it's understandable that no one bothered translating them. I'm actually surprised when they announced this proper-plot-looking title.

    As for these guys, they seem to be a new English localization company based on Japan. Never heard about them before.

  5. The final shot of the PV is a photoshopped twin blowjob scene, it's pretty obvious what they're going for with that game. It would be pretty hilarious for them to only release an all-ages version.

    Actually the original PV is like that as well...

    That said, Madosoft's titles are a little heavy on H and fan-service, so I don't really think they will go all-ages on this.

    Or else it will be a huge disaster.

  6. That, I don't know. I mean, almost everyone who read TLR or Sora no Otoshimono would think that they are just pure fan-service with zero plot. Aaaand then shit hit the fan.

    It will be fun if Umaru also goes the same route :lol:

    Pretty unlikely though.

  7. I would argue that this doesn't really have a story. Both the anime and the manga follow a very episodic format.

    But I don't think that harms the series at all as even with this format there is character growth being displayed during certain events, for both Umaru and the rest of the cast.

    All the fooling around is just icing on the cake.

    It does, it's just that the author prefer trolling readers rather than developing the story. 

    Ebina's confession, Hikari's identity and stuff.

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