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Posts posted by astro

  1. School and work come first for me. I work and go to school full-time. This was just a project I started as a hobby so I hope you do understand if I'm only able to work on it a bit every other day or even week. Sorry for everyone who's been waiting patiently. I'm still just a student with many responsibilities trying my best to earn my own tuition and struggle through until graduation. It would be very helpful if I had an extra (capable) hand to help out with the project but no one's stepping up to the plate so things don't seem like they'll be getting any faster for the time being.

  2. Yo,

    astro here, and I just read your updated patchv2. In case you don't know who I am, I'm a professional freelance translator, and a friend of Kionachi - the main scenario writer for AoKana. While I don't speak for Kionachi, I honestly find this patch to be an insult to the years of sweat and blood he put into putting this story and world setting together. Now, with my frustration out of the way, please don't take this personally because I'm just speaking about the quality of the script from an objective standpoint - I'm not here to flame you. Seeing that it's Christmas, I'll try to word this as nicely as I possibly can.

    Bottom line: find a new translator. Your current TL has very limited understanding of the Japanese language. The entire script is littered with errors, so it's not something you can just TLC, or have other people pick out errors and fix. As it stands, the entire thing needs to be redone from scratch because of how inaccurate it is.

    Sure, some fans might not care about quality as long as it's in English, but they honestly might as well be reading a fanfiction at this point because that's how bad and frequent the errors are. The readers are not going to be reading AoKana - they're going to be reading a butchered interpretation. If you love and care about the game as much as I do, please consider taking this advice to heart.

    And if you don't believe me, I've taken a look at the first 50 lines of your script, and then some. There were significant errors in every other line. If this is the quality I can expect in the very beginning of the game, I'm scared to see what the rest of it looks like:


    If the images don't load, refresh the page (or alternatively, click on them to open them in a new window).


    Your TL:

    Original line:「そしたら、飛んでってやるから。で、助けてやる」
    My Rough TL: "If you do that, I'll come flying, and I'll be sure to save you."
    Comments: 飛んでってやる is short for 飛んで行ってやる, and ~てやる is used when you're doing something for somebody.

    >One line later

    Your TL:


    Original line:「おう、絶対にだ! なんせ空はどこへだってつながってるからな」
    My Rough TL: "Yeah, promise! Besides, no matter where we are, we're always connected by the same sky."



    Original line: この世には無限の世界が広がっていて、俺はちょっと背伸びするだけで、そこを見ることができた。
    My Rough TL: I believed that if I just reached out, I'd be able to see the world that spanned infinitely.
    Comments: First issue is that this TL is wrong on a mechanical level. Next, the previous line is 何にだってなれると思っていたし、誰にだって勝てると思っていたし、どこにだって行けると思っていた。Though not blatantly stated, it's still talking about what he thought back then, not what was necessarily true)

    >One line later

    Your TL:


    Original line: 空に、手を伸ばすだけで。
    My Rough TL: --Just by stretching my hand out towards the sky.
    Comments: This line is connected to previous line, but even with that mistaken presumption, there is no basis for the TL in the Japanese.


    Your TL:


    Original line: 小さかった頃に見上げた空に、いちばん近くにいるのが、自分だと思っていた。
    My Rough TL: I was under the illusion that I was closer to the sky than anyone else.
    Comments: Where exactly does it say 'neighborhood' anywhere in the line?


    Your TL:


    Original line: これがあれば、どこへも行けると。
    My Rough TL: As long as I had these wings, then I could go anywhere.
    Comments: The これ in this line refers to his 'wings.' Again, the interpretation of the line was way off.


    Your TL:


    Original line: 誰よりも先に、彼方へ行けると。
    My Rough TL: ...I should be able to reach the other end of the sky before anyone else.
    Comments: Lack of understanding of the basic quotation particle, と as well as potential form of 行くbeing 行ける. Rather than 'want to go,' the Japanese line is saying 'able to go.'

    >One line later

    Your TL:


    Original line: そう、信じていた。
    My Rough TL: That's what I believed.
    Comments: They mistook the そう here as a statement of affirmation because your translator wasn't even aware that と was a quotation marker.


    Your TL:


    Original line: ……だから、その時が来た時、俺は本当に、何も見えなくなってしまった。
    My Rough TL: ...And that's why, when that day came, I was blind to everything else.
    Comments: ...I'm sorry, what? This is not Kionachi's writing. In fact, this is blasphemous to the author's vision and hard work - this is not how he meant for people to experience 'AoKana.' Again, this is not AoKana. You are just rewriting the entire game at this point.


    At this point, I decided I've had enough, and CTRL-skipped at random to see how far this patch goes.
    And, well, while not entirely surprising... I somehow stopped at another error. I either got lucky, or every other line must have been translated entirely wrong (if you consider the previous examples, the latter seems fairly plausible).
    To make matters worse, what I stopped at was a slice-of-life scene. There is nothing tricky or confusing about the language used here - it's literally basic kindergarten-level Japanese, and I'm not saying that to be mean because that's actually the case. The errors are arguably worse here than before, even.


    Your TL:


    Original line: 「乗るよ相談? 料金はうどんいっぱい!」
    My Rough TL: "I'm here to listen, you know! Instead of a consultation fee, you can pay me in lots of udon!"
    Comments: For starters, the question mark in the Japanese line is only there for tone purposes - the line is by no means a question.
    Comments: Second, the verb is 相談に乗る, which means to lend someone an ear and give them advice/counseling. God knows how you managed to change this into a noun.
    Comments: 料金 also doesn't mean 'free.' The two sentences in your TL have NO coherency. Did it never strike you as odd that the conversation suddenly jumped from this 'mysterious counselor' to 'free udon' when you were working on this? Heck, even the random mention of 'free udon' is completely bizarre. I'd like to know where you can eat udon for free. What kind of establishment serves free udon and doesn't go out of business?

    >One line later

    Your TL:


    Original line: 「じゃあなみさき。また明日」
    My Rough TL: "Bye Misaki. See you tomorrow."
    Comments: I don't know what to say, honestly.

    >One line later

    Your TL:


    Original line: 「あはは、みさき、日向くんにご飯たかるの失敗しちゃったね」
    My Rough TL: "Ahaha. Misaki, your attempt to bum food off Hinata-kun failed magnificently."
    Comments: You'd think your translator would've caught onto his previous mistake by now. Also, yes, 飯たかる means to sponge food off somebody, not to have a romantic dinner date with them like your TL implies.


    Just to be sure, I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and do yet another random skip, and...


    Your TL:


    Original line: 「オレの情熱を試しているということだな、確かにそうだ、一度や二度ぐらいで揺らぐと思っていたオレが甘かったんだ!」
    My Rough TL: "You're just testing my passion, I see! I must admit, I was too naive for thinking I could change your mind after only the second attempt!"
    Comments: Unfortunately. your translator didn't understand the nuance in this line at all. Their interpretation of 一度や二度ぐらいで揺らぐと思っていたオレが甘かったんだ is completely offbase.
    Comments: The verb 思う (Japanese for "to think") is completely missing from your TL.
    Comments: When Shion says 'waver,' he isn't talking about himself, or else he would not have said 揺らぐと思っていた (it's really weird to say "I was naive for thinking I would 揺らぐ(waver) after the first or second try).
    Comments: This line is setting up for Shion's next line (below), which was actually very cleverly written in the Japanese considering the context of the situation. This is what I meant by butchering Kionachi's work, and why I'm so ticked off right now.

    >One line later

    Original line: 「わかった、君のその挑戦、受けて立とうじゃないか! この青柳紫苑、三顧でも九顧でも礼を尽くそう!」
    My Rough TL: "I got it, I'll accept that challenge of yours! As long as I bear the name of Aoyagi Shion, I'll come back a third time -- even a ninth time if I have to!"
    Comments: Just three lines ago in this scene, Shion called Masaya 'Zhuge Liang.' Historically Liu Bei succeeded in recruiting Zhuge Liang after going through the trouble of paying him three visits in person. This is Shion's second 'formal' visit to Masaya - the next would be the third. Hence, "I'll come back a third time -- even a ninth time if i have to" is a huge reference to Zhuge Liang, as he only gave in after the third time.


    By this point, I felt like I've already seen enough...

  3.  Why should we accept that lame excuse?[1] why didn't sekai project tell us from the beginning that it wasn't them managing the project.[2] sic "All production work was managed by the circle initially.After September of this year we've taken over"  Why did I back sekai when it wasn't them who were in charge of the project[3] and why didn't they tell us on the KS page?[4] And why did they make a contract with them if that was the case?[5] Something isn't right.

    What does anything have to do with the fact that they uploaded an old patch because nobody really checked anything to begin with and then ignoring repeatedly everything related to that issue (deleting a post on steam that told them about that mistake) and a month later giving that shitty excuse of legal issues which isn't related to the bad management and poor service customer that they have, so did "the circle" manage their steam account and upload files for them?[6]  or did their lawyer advice them to do that too huh? Why did we get to know that they were having legal issues after 9 month of the project being delayed?[7]

    Come on, stop defending something that cannot be defended. I will love to give a lame excuse like that in my life and get away with it.


    [1] Anybody familiar with such processes knows it isn’t actually a lame excuse. The business world isn't a friendly place, in case you aren't aware. Take a deeeeeep breath Deep Blue, because asking questions while unwilling to accept any answers merely because you want to ‘maintain the rage’ is a philosophy I stopped entertaining a long time ago.

    [2] Apart from the section on the Kickstarter page where SRL THEY were enhancing the game, optimising systems, and preparing it for overseas release?

    [3] You backed Sekai to get a product.

    [4] Because internal business operations are generally none of your business? Sekai aren’t the only ones that have to bow down to the wishes of Japanese Developers, it’s fairly common knowledge that they hold considerable sway and veto power. And some pretty lofty expectations, and weird ways to conduct businesses. A lot of JAST's delays wouldn't happen if working with Japanese Devs were all rainbows and lollipops.

    [5] To localise the game.

    [6] I'm not saying this to be mean, but that sentence is completely incomprehensible to me, but that sounded fairly conspiracy in any case.

    [7] Probably because as a young company just starting out and uncertain of how things are done, they were unsure of what they could and could not disclose to the public? It is obvious there is much they cannot disclose.

    I make it a point not to defend the indefensible, but people angry at Sekai tend to feel the need to justify the rage with weak excuses . Do you have a right to be disappointed and angry? Sure. But I draw a line at conspiracy theories, and mob-like or abusive behaviour. That isn't good.

    I won't follow this topic and this conversation further on because it won't change anything and I'm really tired about this issue with WAS, Senjou and everything else related with this.

    I just wanna say that sekai project was the one that funded the project they gave their company name to S.R.L to finance their game, we pledged to them (SP) and not to S.R.L even if they are saying that they are not keeping the money (which im sure is true) they still are jointly liable with S.R.L for this issue. This was a big mistake on part of SP and I'm mad because they can't apologize to the backers, everyone makes mistakes specially in the business world but if you do something wrong, because is clear that helping S.R.L or whatever the company that is making WAS it was a poor choice of Sekai project (and yes it is our problem because we as backers are in the middle of this problem) and the least thing they can do is to say it "yeah we got screwed up, we are sorry about it" and not just come up with the legal issue thing. 

    Or maybe there really were legal issues...? I don't know why you're so adamant on writing it off as an excuse, but if that's the attitude you're going to take then it really doesn't matter whether SP gives an answer or not because you're so dead set on hating on them.

    Also, I'm not sure if you fully understand how a publishing company works. Might want to do a bit of research before you start pointing fingers.

  4.  Lets start again, leaving aside what sekai "can't talk" about because of legal issues, still doesn't explain why they didn't inform the backers that they weren't' handling the project from the very start or did I understand wrong what sekai project told me? sic " All production work was managed by the circle initially. After September of this year we've taken over." That cannot be related to a legal issue because it was prior to the campaign itself when sekai project didnt even have a contract with S.R.L. at that time, or am I wrong? 

    Why does... that even matter...? And why is that surprising at all? Sekai Project is a publishing company - almost all of the games were produced by companies other than SP. You're basically getting the same product no matter what, so let's not blow something so minuscule out of proportion (like that hasn't been done enough...)

  5. Well I am one of those which supported WAS. It was scheduled to release in April. Still waiting... My money was totally wasted here. 

    Due to legal issues, on the advice of our lawyers, we cannot talk about WAS - NJ

    eta: We are still committed to delivering it, we just can't talk about what happened.


    There's been problems with the Doujin group in Japan, so that project's been a bit of a clusterfuck it sounds like. 

    Why should we accept that lame excuse? why didn't sekai project tell us from the beginning that it wasn't them managing the project. sic "All production work was managed by the circle initially.After September of this year we've taken over"  Why did I back sekai when it wasn't them who were in charge of the project and why didn't they tell us on the KS page? And why did they make a contract with them if that was the case? Something isn't right.

    What does anything have to do with the fact that they uploaded an old patch because nobody really checked anything to begin with and then ignoring repeatedly everything related to that issue (deleting a post on steam that told them about that mistake) and a month later giving that shitty excuse of legal issues which isn't related to the bad management and poor service customer that they have, so did "the circle" manage their steam account and upload files for them?  or did their lawyer advice them to do that too huh? Why did we get to know that they were having legal issues after 9 month of the project being delayed?

    Come on, stop defending something that cannot be defended. I will love to give a lame excuse like that in my life and get away with it.


    When people don't get an answer, they start making conspiracy theories. When people do get an answer, well, they still make conspiracy theories. Literally no way to make people happy, but I guess that's the community for you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    You are saying this basically
     "we don't answer because you are going to start making conspiracy theories"
    Will answer you "we cannot answer you "

    are you kidding me or talking for real?

    I think sekai project should change the company name to "Plead the fifth" is much more fitting.


    I don't know how you made that logic jump, but the whole premise of that statement is flawed because the question at hand was answered... Once upon a time I thought you were one of the few people who actually had sense in this community, but now I'm not so sure anymore

  6. Well I am one of those which supported WAS. It was scheduled to release in April. Still waiting... My money was totally wasted here. 

    Due to legal issues, on the advice of our lawyers, we cannot talk about WAS - NJ

    eta: We are still committed to delivering it, we just can't talk about what happened.


    There's been problems with the Doujin group in Japan, so that project's been a bit of a clusterfuck it sounds like. 

    Why should we accept that lame excuse? why didn't sekai project tell us from the beginning that it wasn't them managing the project. sic "All production work was managed by the circle initially.After September of this year we've taken over"  Why did I back sekai when it wasn't them who were in charge of the project and why didn't they tell us on the KS page? And why did they make a contract with them if that was the case? Something isn't right.

    What does anything have to do with the fact that they uploaded an old patch because nobody really checked anything to begin with and then ignoring repeatedly everything related to that issue (deleting a post on steam that told them about that mistake) and a month later giving that shitty excuse of legal issues which isn't related to the bad management and poor service customer that they have, so did "the circle" manage their steam account and upload files for them?  or did their lawyer advice them to do that too huh? Why did we get to know that they were having legal issues after 9 month of the project being delayed?

    Come on, stop defending something that cannot be defended. I will love to give a lame excuse like that in my life and get away with it.


    When people don't get an answer, they start making conspiracy theories. When people do get an answer, well, they still make conspiracy theories. Literally no way to make people happy, but I guess that's the community for you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  7.  People have written well-structured statements describing how SP needs to step up their PR game, and they have acted on that by hiring new PR people. 

    I'm really happy that they decided to hire someone to help them with PR, but there's still a lot of unresolved problems:

    - Sekai Projects forum is dead for over a month, no one beside dovac(last post a month or more ago) answers any questions or hold up any discussions here with community

    - Their twitter focus mainly on promoting OEVLNs/cheap/unknown japanese VNs (It was so active though when Witchboy KS or how this VN is called was up)

    - We still don't have any progress updates on their BEST localizations (Root Double, Tenshin Ranman, Chrono Clock) We just know that they're picked up, and we have no news beside that, I'm not saying they should post progress updates every week or month, but they should keep people updated... For now we have silence since Otakon/AA, if nothing's going on or translation hasn't started and they're busy with other projects just say so... It won't hurt.

    - What I think is really bad from their side is their releasing style. In order to gather hype you should set up release date... Like MG does with their titles Higurashi Ch2? 13 November, yay Euphoria? 27 November, if it'll get delayed it'll get delayed(rarely hapens, right?) Anyway they have set up dates and now they promote by twitter/forums/reddit other things, and boom they get a lot of pre-orders, and fans swarm their VNs all at once(then write reviews and they get more pick ups) And how it looks for SP? Clannad, we still don't know the release date(hello? it's november? date could be nice, even something like 30 Nov) G-Senjou?(Oh it's released tomorrow, surprise?) Mangagamer = translated interviews, pre-orders etc. SP = spontaneous releases At least from what some guy from SP told me on reddit they're preparing relaunch of their website+forum for months, I hope it'll work out, and they will actually post things on them. Also I'm not telling SP to be like MG, because MG is in the business much longer, but they should take an example from them. I hope SP will look like MG right now in like 2 years or so~~

    As for the Kickstarter and rewards, even if Clannad gathered like 540k, 54 k goes to Kickstarter guys, so it's already 490~~k translation/re-translation/translation checking/QCing also isn't free, so some of the money needs to go there, then there's physical goodies (tshirts, discs, albums, tapestries, artbooks etc.) and of course license for voices etc. And yeah, dovac have to be fuck*** rich, because he earned 1,5m$ on Kickstarters... and SP stopped getting more licenses(G-senjou/Tenshin Ranman/Wagamama/Chrono Clock for example)

    Some guys may not like how SP is doing things now, to be honest I also don't like how they do them... But, we can say they just started and I hope it will get better, and they won't go Steam route only, and still release 18+ versions for hardcore/"loyal" fans. And their 18+ versions won't get X months of a delay and won't go out without proper QCing(I'm keep telling everyone that Denpa's Grisaia is full of typos(they might just put old koestl/Doddler release with AppLocale fix and new font and bugged text display... but w/e) What I can't stand is that dovac or anyone official from SP didn't provide any fixes to text issues O_O And I got ignored by them on forum, god bless that Doddler/koestl are responding on IRC... Can't wait to see how 18+ Meikyuu will work out.

    - I'm not too sure who manages the forums, but 90% of the questions are asking about future plans instead of questions about the releases that they currently have out. It's kind of weird to be asking a company about their future business plans, if you ask me. It's like asking Disney how their newest movie ends before it's even released in theaters. Questions like "where do you see SP 5 years into the future?" are fine, but questions such as "are you going to license ___ ?" are just what. Do people actually ask that hoping to get a yes or no answer? They're not necessarily stupid questions, but people tend to ask questions that are difficult to answer.

    - Those are the games that need more promotion.

    - SP will announce news when they get it, or when they're allowed to announce it. The team is really excited when we get news in, so we won't knowingly withhold news unless we're not supposed to talk about it yet. If there is nothing announced, then that simply means there is no news. People have mentioned that they could at least post "May 18: No updates," "May 26: No updates" to let people know that they're not dead, but this is a company we're talking about here - not a capricious fan TL team - so they're not going to die halfway. Even with the newest Final Fantasy game, Square only uploads a trailer like once every 4-8 months as they leave players to anticipate what's to come. When you really think about it, is there really a point? I think people are just being impatient about waiting in silence and I can understand that, but posting "No updates" every other week really isn't going to change the fact that we have no news to announce.

    - I think you have a point there. Release dates give people something to look forward to. However, when you are forced to delay something due to unforeseen circumstances (*cough* Shiny Days), you are going to get grilled for it. As a translator, I really appreciate not having a deadline set in stone because then I won't have to feel bad about spending more time on a line that I'm having trouble wording, and aim to really refine the script. But yes, I agree that the G-Senjou release was like "oh what, it's releasing tomorrow?" I haven't heard anything about the website+forum overhaul because I am not involved in it, but I look forward to it as well.

    Steam allows us to reach a wider audience, but we're not abandoning the hardcore fans because we are all hardcore fans ourselves~

    As for QC errors on Grisaia, I think some of that might have been attributed to engine/import issues due to some of the more bizarre mistakes (like words disappearing), but I'm not too sure myself. If memory serves me right, the patch was addressed on the steam forums but approval from Japan is still pending. I really can't say too much about that since I'm not involved in the Grisaia project, but I'll try to ask around about it.

  8.  you can see the second thread made by maou didn't even mention the fan patch anywhere.  It was strictly informative. You can see it right there in the OP. You can't justify that one. I couldn't care less about the ban. You suppressed information because it wasn't in your best interest.  

    We've been over this, did you really want to do it all over again?

    This is exactly why I hate debating on these forums... People refuse to back down and bring up old points again. The conversation ends up going in circles

  9.  Maybe you should change the way you tend to approach them, if the current one isn't working. Maybe they have an exact reason to avoid communicating with certain individuals and communities? Eitherway, the only thing I see here is a one-sided anger over the fact a publisher is openly ignoring a part of it's community, which it certainly has the right to.

    There's way too much overreacting over the smallest of things.

    Like I said before:

    "People are just really bad at criticism on the internet even if they don't know it. A portion of the people genuinely have complaints but don't actually know how things work, resulting in unreasonable suggestions. Some simply complain because they want to stir shit up. And there are those who actually give helpful critique but are drowned out by all the flaming and complaining that really helps no one at all. Not to mention, most of the flaming is based on assumptions and ignorance."

    That said, there's really no reason or benefit to blatantly ignore good criticism unless your feedback is just really bad. People have written well-structured statements describing how SP needs to step up their PR game, and they have acted on that by hiring new PR people. So Scorp, I imagine you must have unintentionally said something that would make people think you are being confrontational. Maybe you could post a link or screenshot to the exact questions you posted.

  10.  Pretty snide remarks from a Sekai employee, as expected. Maybe you should actually take the time to read the forum properly. Any kind of feedback or criticism that could potentially harm your sales is considered "Promoting Piracy" to you.  You've just proved my point, because you came here specifically to mock the audience who disagrees with you, like Sekai always does. You must feel pretty offended yourself as an employee. I hope you don't think you're special or anything, because people boycott companies for less every single day for more ridiculous reasons (although people normally don't give them the chance to improve first).   Go on you had your say, now you can run back to your employees and tell them how you really put us in our place. You represent your company perfectly.

    Actually, I'm a contractee. I work freelance so I don't do work specifically for SP, though that's where a lot of my workload is from at the moment :illya:

    I see that you're not taking this ban quite well though, despite stating that you didn't care before. If you honestly think that saying "I honestly recommend the original version with the fan patch instead" is okay on the G-Senjou forum, then just wow lol. Politely-worded or not, both threads were closed for the same reason (and it wasn't because they weren't being polite).

  11. After having read the reddit post, I really do have to agree that this specific community (the VN community) is very easily offended and quick to overreact over every little thing. I remember when all the FuwaMods swapped their forum avatars with each other's and they suddenly got called out for being unprofessional and immature. Like what the fuck lol. Mods aren't allowed to have a bit of fun now? I don't know what attributes to this - maybe it's because a majority of the fanbase are literally teens - but it's ridiculous how butthurt people get over nothing


    I just do not like when a person start telling I am telling lies and slander out of the blue and want to justify that.

    One example out of many: 

     What is the problem with the statement about KS which resulted dovac being filthy rich? :) 

    Protip: Ending a line with a smile doesn't automatically make it okay to slander

     Seems exactly because I do not know him personally I tend to tell these. He behave himself on the web like an arrogant kid, does not care about people to whom he supposedly work (target audience), so unless he start behaving himself as a normal person I want to behave the way I want.

    You're not exactly being a 'model denizen' of the internet yourself. I'm not going to lie, you have some serious issues when it comes to following up on other people's replies (or maybe your line of logic just works a bit differently from others) that makes it seem like you are a troll. But I digress, I am ending the conversation here.

  13. I like how you said if astro would confirm dovac's lifestyle you'd believe him and back down. And when astro confirmed his lifestyle after actually staying at his house, you didn't believe him and refused to back down.

    Why are we even talking about this? How does his dietary habits and whether he's destitute or simply poor have anything to do with G-Senjou no Maou's steam release? Why do you not find prying into his personal life with such incredible detail inappropriate? This conversation is actually absurdly disrespectful and inappropriate and is actually making even me a little uncomfortable despite not having anything to do with anyone involved. This is ridiculous.

    I actually tried to be as vague as possible while still getting the point across (all I stated was that he didn't live in a mansion and didn't drive a Porsche, and only referred to posts that were made public on his own Twitter), but it is true that this has nothing to do with the thread. I was just angry that people would make ignorant comments about a genuinely nice guy when they don't even know him personally.

  14. Also if he consumes 20 cans of red bull - that's his choice, but no wonder he does not want to eat normally with such amount of caffeine and taurine, he would not have much appetite in such case. Actually instead of that he could eat normal healthy food (how much red bull cost? lets say 2$ per can, so it is 40$ per day, so 1200$ per month... ehm... already more than he told before about having 1000$ per month... anyway, whatever, it is 1000$ for red bull only and you definitely could buy normal food for this money instead, I eat soups, cereal, beef, drink tea and all this for 150-200$ per month). So since when poor choice of food became indication of impoverishment?

    Do you not understand hyperbole? The fact that you'd even use this as a basis of argument is pretty mindblowing.

    I am not a native english speaker, you know. Anyway, my point is that making statements about impoverishment according to food dovac post in twitter is pretty stupid as well.

    He might not be dirt poor but if anything he isn't living as lavishly as you had assumed (to quote your previous statement: "BILLIONS". I assume that was not a hyperbole since you actually tried to justify that comment a few posts later.)

  15. Sorry, didn't realize I was talking to a dense anime protagonist. The premise of your argument is flawed and you just don't seem to understand simple logic

     Only statement was about "I cannot believe with such money he live impoverished life", what is slander here? By your words he does not live impoverished life. I know lot of people who do not drive porsche, but earning more than 10000$ per month. In any case they do not live impoverished life. And I know people, who gain 500$, but still in 30 years live in own house of 3 stories, because they put all their efforts there. And I know people, who tricked people for 200,000$ (and lived impoverishly before), then spent these money almost completely on different joys and in the end they still live impoverishly on the outside. I do not blame anyone here, as you can see, so I do not see, how you can call anything of these as slander.

    If you was on both sides, then I do not understand, how you can still tell, that KS along with its rewards takes same amount of time to do and same efforts as the whole actual work itself. My own experience tells completely different - people could create KS out of the blue with lot of rewards and after disappear for years to develop actual thing. Or you wanted to say something else? Explain better then...

    Making a KS doesn't meant you don't have to translate the game afterwards. 

    My rule of thumb is that if somebody ignores your statement for a second time even after you have pointed it out, then it isn't worth carrying on the conversation any longer. So never mind, carry on.


    Also if he consumes 20 cans of red bull - that's his choice, but no wonder he does not want to eat normally with such amount of caffeine and taurine, he would not have much appetite in such case. Actually instead of that he could eat normal healthy food (how much red bull cost? lets say 2$ per can, so it is 40$ per day, so 1200$ per month... ehm... already more than he told before about having 1000$ per month... anyway, whatever, it is 1000$ for red bull only and you definitely could buy normal food for this money instead, I eat soups, cereal, beef, drink tea and all this for 150-200$ per month). So since when poor choice of food became indication of impoverishment?

    You don't seem to realize that people don't necessarily drink Red Bull and caffeine because they want to, but because they are forced to stay up to do work constantly. If you don't even understand that, then I believe you are far too ignorant about how much work really needs to go into localizing a game all so that YOU can play it. And if you didn't realize that 20 cans a day was a hyperbole (assuming so since you started doing calculations on the spot and attempted to pass that off as an argument) then I am genuinely curious as to how old you are.

  16.  What exactly in my words in slander? Unless you show me exactly that - you are doing baseless slander about me. 

    I quoted the statement in question just for you in the original post, but even then you somehow managed to completely overlook it. I don't follow your logic. Maybe you aren't clear about the definition of the word.

    Or you want to confirm, that dovac is really impoverished? If you confirm - I will believe you and would never doubt that dovac is impoverished.

    I have been to his house and have eaten breakfast there. I can confirm that he doesn't eat 3 square meals of steak and lobster (or 3 square meals at all). He doesn't live in some kind of mansion, and he does not drive a Porsche.

    Also if you truly think, that making a KS project is much more work than translation (I mean here translation of whole game/images/etc., so whole game from start to finish) - well, you got tricked :)

    Except I have worked for both sides of the industry before (Kickstarter + sans-Kickstarter), so I don't understand how I can be 'tricked' about how much work that needs to be put into things.

    I'm not sure if you're even reading replies at this point because you have completely ignored statements on numerous occasions when replying to others. Making a KS doesn't meant you don't have to translate the game afterwards. CKo7mXLUMAALiJG.png

  17.  What is the problem with the statement about KS which resulted dovac being filthy rich? :) By me all is exactly true. Anyway, whole point is that KS getting millions without any real work would result in companies like MG and Jast going into think "what the hell?? we do all work on our own money, spend years in translations and in the end get 500000$ max in 2 years, while SP does nothing, except KS and get billions even without doing anything, and more - based on fan translations!". Not fair, so I suppose soon MG would start making KS campaigns as well and after would be Jast. This is why this whole idea is worst possible one, as Sekai is not motivated to deliver quality product at all - of course, I would not be motivated as well, if I got million dollars without doing anything :)

    Since when was planning, running, coming up with rewards, and advertising a KickStarter - on top of the translation itself - any less work?

     Yeah, impoverished Raymond working only for fans, eating instant ramen and all going for games... Do you believe this yourself? Imagine, how you got more than $1,400,000 (that's only for KS projects, and how much he got outside that?) and "live impoverished life"?... Unbelieveable, by me.

    I can't exactly make you like him, but I'd appreciate it if you stopped making baseless slander about dovac. If you've seen his Twitter at all, you'd see that he's really not eating well (if at all, save for the 20 cans of Red Bull daily). I'm not speaking as an employee or anything, but he was a really kind and down-to-earth person when I met him even before I started working for the company. I first approached him at the SP booth at SakuraCon last year and to be honest I was slightly intimidated about talking to Sekai's CEO. In the end, he was very welcoming, and not in a superficial marketing/business type of way. Maybe he rubs off on people the wrong way online, although I've personally never experienced this. But you have to realize that even though he's the co-founder of SP, he's also a regular person, and you can't always expect him to be talking on behalf of his position as the CEO of SP. People take his comments on his personal account as bad PR for some reason when he's not even talking on behalf of the company. Sure, his words do hold weight, but can't he just speak his mind as an individual for once without getting grilled about it? I noticed a lot of people talking about freedom of speech or something, so I find this to be a tad bit ironic.

    Maybe SP could take criticism better, but I find that people are just really bad at criticism on the internet even if they don't know it. A portion of the people genuinely have complaints but don't actually know how things work, resulting in unreasonable suggestions. Some simply complain because they want to stir shit up. And there are those who actually give helpful critique but are drowned out by all the flaming and complaining that really helps no one at all. Not to mention, most of the flaming is based on assumptions and ignorance. If I were the CEO of a company, I'd be more than a bit annoyed at this.


    Also, @ OP,

    Whether you agree with it or not, you were banned for promoting piracy and that is what you did. Maybe you're upset because you were banned without a second chance, but this industry takes piracy very seriously. I hope you don't think you're special or anything, because many people are banned on Steam every single day for more ridiculous reasons (although people normally write up an appeal instead of an entire paragraph to call out the company in question about it).

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