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Everything posted by Aniki

  1. The lads at FuwaChat got bored and decided to do this. http://fuwachat.wikia.com/wiki/Forums Cheers.
  2. 5/11 Too small. Does the background need to be in the picture as well? I can't see much of the character.
  3. /a/ says it's an eroge called Love Raper.
  4. The best advice I can give you is to not accept advice from people on the internet.
  5. I thought the Allies won WW2 so this wouldn't happen...
  6. Does the UK really want mass emigration? This is how you get mass emigration.
  7. Disclaimer: I'm fully aware the kanji on the right actually means rape or other sexual misconduct.
  8. Anyone know about the story of Vault 69? That's more or less what's going to happen to that lad.
  9. He would be separated from the rest of the class, possibly even the entire school. If he makes one fatal mistake, everyone else is going to know. It would be fine if they just know, but then he'll hear the girls talking about it behind his back. Then they'll start ignoring him. His life will be hell for the next three years.
  10. It says something about their target audience. If a whiny brat in a visual novel can get a massive harem of ladies, then anyone can do it. Yet, majority of that audience never have girl friends, let alone friends.
  11. Why not Nintendo? Visual Novels on the WiiU doesn't sound like a bad idea.
  12. I think most of your confessions don't sound like confessions at all. True confessions should be against popular opinion or plain embarrassing.
  13. No, that is blasphemy to the Orthodox Church. Of Pizzas, that is. The next person prefers sailor uniforms over kimonos.
  14. Because most people actually do enjoy a little pornography in their romance VNs, especially considering their main audience are young teenagers with massive libidos. Mainly because their main audience are teenagers of that age. High school is all the rage in Japan. It's as if you die immediately after graduating.
  15. Heh. Prejudice is to be expected since all they've heard about Japan is about lolis. People over there in England call every Japanese man a lolicon but they sometimes forget most of their country, especially their government, are filled with wankers.
  16. Well, one thing's for certain. I'm lucky I'm not British.
  17. I admit defeat. To those who don't wish to continue and want to piss off Bats, you can ignore his "Use spoilers" plead. Good luck, lads.
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