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Everything posted by Zucco

  1. ^ I think it's better to write the rest in lower detail for now. No point in trying to rush things when the first chapter alone is gonna take forever to draw... It's better to have an overview of the plot (if possible. Separated into chapters) PS: Sorry, I can't finish reading it right now. I really need to sleep. Tomorrow I read it calmly and try to post a few more drawings.
  2. Yup. Hachikuji Mayoi is the best girl. Word of god.
  3. Welcome to the forums! But beware: once you set foot into this world, there is no escape. I hope you enjoy your stay!
  4. Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works. Well... maybe it's not the worst, but given how good this route is in the VN it's definitly the most disappointing. Naruto filler seasons where also pretty bad.
  5. Day 4 got eaten by a cat. It's lost 4ever!
  6. Ignoring the deadlines of a bunch of college assignments
  7. Kouga Orion Happy new year! ps: by the way, how will the story develop? Will it follow chronological order, or start with the main characters already in their 17's and give a bunch of flashbacks? Or maybe even alternate between the 2 timelines, with the story of their childhood and young adulthood each advancing in chronological order, paralel to each other? pps: It's kinda funny that I also though of L-Elf while reading Mahiro's description when I didn't even watch the series... must be Arturia's signature fault!
  8. ^ Now, that is a pretty big post... Well, having everything neatly organized like this makes my life a bit easier. Thanks! And now, an update on the male characters drawings. None of then are definitive... And I really have to start working on the bodies... Mahiro Kouga Orion Well, that is it for now. Gimme your thoughts! Ps: I was thinking about making most clothes look neutral instead of futuristic, expeacially those of common people. Not sure how to draw the noble's clothes... I was thinking about doing something exagerated, (even ridiculous, depending on the charecter) more like the clothes used on the 18th century than those of the 19th, but more futuristic. Maybe doing something like "the higher the status of a noble, the more fancy the clothes... (And the hairstyle and maybe the makeup)" in a way that alows people to imediatly recognize other people's status. There might even be some law that enforces people of certain classes to dress in a certain way, or use especific accessories (The same way that, in the 16th century Venice, both jews and protitutes had to wear a yellow piece of clothe) Also, It might be interesting if low rank soldiers used a uniform similar to those of today, and Apachi Warriors a futuristic Battlesuit. pps: Hope you find those cords soon, krill!
  9. The Refrain route from Little Busters!, In particular the events after you learn the secret of the world (Not very original of me, I know, but Little Busters! is just that awesome).
  10. My new year resolutions?... 1. Fight harder for the things I really want 2. Take classes more seriously 3. Spend less time playing RPGs and VNs...
  11. ^ Thanks! Ps: Just a small sugestion... It might be fun if the girl solt to Raepista starts speaking stuff that sounds like nonsense (like crazy stories, mindfuck logic, or something that may come out of Osaka's mouth) once in a while and the guy with her is the only one who can keep up with her most times. Pps: about the novel I sugested some time ago... Don't worry Arturia, I would never sugest we turn it in a traditional military story! And I really like Sci-Fi! I just feel that reading some parts would help in adding a bit deph to the story. I'm posting a quote from the novel with spoilers deleted, just read it if you want.
  12. Gay that was sold to Raepista: You actually did hit hair-style and mouth with wath I had in mind. Dark long hair, sharp eyes, average height and width. Something like L-elf from Kakumaiki valvrave. Girl with him: short un-straight brown hair, kinda cat-like eyes, average height for a girl. Like a Aiko Andou from true tears + +. Girl sold to Midoristal: longer blond hair tied back, also average height, somewhat slim, naive looking eyes. Like Noel from Blazblue + +. Gay with her: still thinking about this one, body should be something like this but I still don't know about face. Girl from Rouria (older one): Short purple hair, average height. Something between Naruki Gerni from Chrome Shelled Regios + + face and antalk Nina hairstyle from the same anime. Girl from Rouria (younger one): Short blonde hair, slim, short height. Like this girl from Freezing. Gay with them: Not sure about him yet. Loli girl from freedom fighters: long white hair tied in one plait ponytail, Short heit. Like this version of Lambda from Blazblue anime + + . PS: click on the purple words to see a picture, + means there is more than one so click on + to see another one. PS EDIT: Acctualy they become green words when posted Haha, I had tought of guy from Raepista as tall and somewhat skiny, but other than that the description you gave to the first four characters actually fits kinda good with what I had in mind. About the other three... I didn't like the older girl from Rouria. I didn't have a clear image on the younger one, but I think your sugestion fits the description. And I adore Lambda's design (As well as most BlazBlue and GuiltyGear characters) but I was preaty satisfied with the loli I drew...Well, guess I will give it another try and we will see wich works better. Also... I also love characters with long bangs, but if I make everyone like this it will be a bit lacking in variety. Oh, and about the guy from Rouria... I imagined him with avarege height, avare looking build when fully dressed, but with better defined muscles than most people, and with facial expressions and reactions similar to Araragi, Koyomi. Not sure about hairstyle tought, About the style... I was trying to go with something more similar to Naoki Urasawa's style, but I will try to follow both Okami's and Arturia's request and "manganize" it a bit more. Lets see how it goes ^^
  13. Thank you krill! I downloaded too. That "Sketching Manga" series is really good!
  14. Well, I did a few character drawings... I will just post the ones I did like: I was trying to draw the Loli girl from freedom fighters. I thought she looked a little older than in the description, but I liked the way she turned out. Did a few small changes after the first I was trying to draw the Gay that was sold to Raepista. Doesn't look much like I originaly though, but I don't dislike this picture. I will try to make a different drawing for that character later, but I still wanna use this guy for something. Well, that is it for now. It's been a while since I last tried do an original character, so I followed a few tutorials on how to draw people faces. Moving on to tutorials on Body and movement. I'm also not sure wheter to keep using this style or start learning something easier to do... And should I put the drawings in a spoiler tag or not? Oh, please give me your thoungts on the character designs! Merry Christmans!
  15. My family always spends the night of Christmans eve at my grandparents's house. When we where children we would go there a few days before to decorate the (plastic) christman's tree and make a small Nativity scene on the fireplace. (Which doesn't need to be lit on Christman's eve, since it is summer. Not that it ever REALLY needs to be lit anyway... The seasons are not very well defined where I live and It's rellatively warm during most of the winter. It's been years since I last seen it lit.) On the night of Christimans eve the room would be filled with gift wrapped boxes (My grandparent's had 8 children, so we are a preatty big family) and there would be a red sock filled with small presents hanged over the fireplace for each child. We had to wait till midnight to start opening the presents, and the party would continue late into the night. Now that my grandparents are getting older (my grandma is 89, and my grampa 96 years old) the celebration became a lot simpler overall and we cannot continue as late into the night, but it's still fun. Merry Christmans!
  16. Thanks! Well.. here is my entry. I've never wrote fanfiction before and english is not my first language, so I originally planned to just write whatever and get the 5 points. However, somewhere along the way I started finding it pretty fun... And now I'm kinda proud of the result. Not sure if it's of any interest to anybody other than myself, but I hope whoever reads it find it fun!
  17. I really liked the poster and the rooster. Looking forward to that update!
  18. That is a hell of a welcome... I'm happy to meet people from my neighbourhood around here! And thanks!
  19. Thank you all! Glad you liked my drawings. And now I really need some sleep...
  20. Thanks! About the suggestion... At the moment it really looked like a good idea, but I'm already starting to second-guess myself. Either way, good job! You've writing some interesting ideas. I'm really curious about where we're going with this!
  21. Also, if we are going to make a military story, a recommend reading ERICH MARIA REMARQUE's "All Quiet on the Western Front". It is a novel about the life of a german soldier fighting in the first word war that was wiritten by a german who fought in the first world war, so it's quite realistic. Futhermore, it's a very good novel. Ps: I will try to make a design for characters described by Okami, and post it later. Also, I want to see what designs you guys come up with!
  22. I know you already someone in mind for the art, but if you guys ever feel like more help is wanted, please let me know! http://zucco1.deviantart.com/
  23. It sounds fun! I could contribute with drawing of characters, and maybe with the background. I must warn you tough, I never tried to draw a manga before (it was almost always just individual characters) and I don't know if I could keep a consistent level of quality. Also, I know next to nothing about colouring ou about Softwares that can help with drawing. (I can mess a little with MS Paint, and that is it ^^ Well please take a look at my Deviant Art gallery http://zucco1.deviantart.com/ Also.. While It might be a bit cocky for someone who just joined the discussion, can I make a sugestion? I think It would probably be easier to decide on a general setting and use it to make short, interconected stories (like in Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles, for example) than to create a single epic plot. This way we could continue for as long as want, without worrying too much about the pacing and trying to knot all the loose ends or fearing leaving the story unfinished, or rushing the ending. Moreover, It would give more freedom to the authors... And I really like the idea of several short stories with some recurring characters and settings, but giving off a different vibe. For instance, if we go with Okami's idea of Arturia's story, there could be a lighthearted, comic or even romantic story about the residents of a village or town (with a few references to the militarization of this world, like news about the warfront, the increase in tributes or the diminishing of the heathy male population) and later a more violent, depressing story about the warfront, or even the ransacking of the relatively peaceful town/village from before. And... Nice to meet you guys!
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