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Posts posted by hsmsful

  1. Proof that god hates me:

    Just now I was about to do the 40 AP Master's EXP Chaldea daily, with my AP full at 75/75. After picking a friend's Herc as support, the game disconnected from server right before the battle started. It began to reconnect in an endless loop so I closed it via task manager and reopened F/GO.

    The title screen led me to the main menu, having only 35/75 AP without participating in the the battle at all.


    What the fuck, Delight Works.

    That 40 AP was worth more than whatever you're paying your mentally challenged game designers.

    happened to me a lot today, I have like 40 ap so I go for 20 or 30 AP quests, for about 24 hours I did no quests. The only difference being that I have shit internet and the game has nothing to do with it :makina:
  2. I dunno man, I have a level 60 Emiya as a friend, and despite the numbers, I can't help but feel like his damage output is just inferior to my own cards. That, and the speed this NP grows is just so unnaturally slow, for whatever reason. As for Alter, I didn't actually know that one, though, regular Saber IS still a 5-star stat-wise.

    I can't help but feel that Emiya needs certain essences to give him NP at the start of games like kaleidoscopes. Also I didn't notice and found that I have 50 SQ , still not going to summon, I swear I know I will get another bunch of essences and maybe a 3 star servant.

    As for saber Alter she is nearly the strongest servant from what I see. Her NP charges quickly, her np is super powerful. Man....

  3. Last year as in previous year.

    My HS has five years, the first is "prep" which brings all students to a standard English level. To my knowledge that doesn't count in uni applications (since it is not mandated by the national ministry) and then there is grade 9,aka the first "proper" year of HS. Then you have until Grade 12, after which you graduate HS. I just finished G9,so I have 3 years left in HS.

    And all the years count , right? But then if you fucked up in a year and worked hard enough in the next 3 years , won't you be able to get into the university you wanted? Even if the possibility is slim, if it's there, try to grab it. Even if you fail, always have the I tried badge.

  4. Basically, spent the second half of my last year in high school on my computer. Did practically no homework for a whole term (term= half a schoolyeal here). Grades dipped, concentration issues, this year we were taught mostly stuff that will be the foundation of the rest of HS curriculum and I do not feel like I learned anything. My last minute worker attitude got me declined from the IB (International Baccalaureate) program for the next two years. Ended the year with my GPA being 84/100 (which is, I'd guess, pathetic if you want to get into an Ivy League university).

    TL;DR: Parents let me manage my own time last schoolyear. Fucked up, dipped grades, probably will miss my life goal by a wide margin.

    It might not be the same but I refused to go to the most prestigious high school because I suck, I mean because it was a boarding school, strict kind , only boys school and needs lots of studying. I regret it a lot, some graduated there and went to top ranked unis all over the world and the best I can get here is one in the 400s which is depressing for me. But enough about me, hopefully I can manage to even get there.

    Now about you, I don't know how the system is there but till 2013 , if you were not satisfied with your senior year degree in highschool, you could redo it. Also if it was last year in highschool , shouldn't you be in college now? :michiru:

  5. Man I saw so many beautiful girls in the classes today from all different places.

    Confession: I hate how everyone in the senior year is so serious including me. Like try to open a conversation with those stern faces, I know they wanna get into good colleges but still.

    On the other hand, I find dealing with complete strangers , aquaintances and friends fairly a pain in the ass in their own ways. Complete strangers are not known and I am always on edge from them , hell one asks for directions and the next second he has drugged you quickly and now you are rotting in the desert without some of your internal organs. As for aqauintances, you gotta have to keep up some kind of formalirity .... or something like that. As for friends, they differ, like some of them are moody just cause they want you to ask them what's bothering them and it will take half an hour for them to spill it out and they probably won't take with your advice because they just want people to hear their problems and tell them ouch your life is miserable :( . I have met many of those. There are some people where you end up helping them and they become so indebted to you..... ughhh... they shouldn't have asked for my help in the first place :amane: . Now let's talk about those silly casuals who don't wanna talk about anything serious and are complete bakas but it's ok to live with them, they are the least troublesome.

  6. At this point in time, there is only one Ruler just as there is only one Shielder in the entire Fate multiverse.  :D

    yeah I know, I just meant that I just don't remember her name. I still am kinda annoyed that she gets a class for herself : <




    Do you guys see this xD? http://fategrandorder.wikia.com/wiki/Servant_Classes_Event

    Those QP amounts  ^_^ Gifts from the gods.


    It's really best to walk through the content, and wait for some events then pull, because the newer servants like Gilg will unlock in later stages. We'll see.

    14 Quartz's already, hope I'll get to like 40-50~~ till the end of Aug.


    TIL: I cannot reroll for Alter Saber :( She's unlocked after clearing first map, Fuyuki city.

    yeah saw this event thingy, forgot to post about it here. Sowwy 

  7. I do claim to have seen retards though. "Is 95% v/v pure?", I don't know, is it legal for me to shoot you for that question?

    Does dis mean a solution made of two liquids one of the is 95% and the other 5%? And what do you mean it's pure? like how can something be pure if it consists of two liquids of different quanitities?

    Or wait was this the point of your sarcasm and I am being an idiot?




    inb4 I get shot



    Spoiler; Rome is much easier than Orleans.

    Stop spoiling , you are reported. 

    How am I going to have fun in the game now?



    On another hand, my team is kinda bad, till now I am just surviving by the power of koujirou + ruler support character (jeane I think), just wanna protect his ass with her noble phantasm after 1-2 battles, also when you fight a servant it's kinda hard unlike in fuyuki city map which was rather easy so yeah I get what you mean, I am going along by pure chance and planning. At some point i will probably start to have to get good cards or I will be screwed, dunno. There's still the option of just choosing a random very stronk support character and making it somehow, dunno. 

  9. ... shit.

    Sorry flutterz but this cracked me up a lot  , thank you <3 


    On a side note, what people always tell me is that first year of college is actually the hardest, because it's probably general study and you probably won't start studying what you actually like plus the amount of material in it is so much bigger than highschool so you have to take time to get accustomed to it. Or so they claim.


    On other hand, tomorrow I start the classes for my senior year and since the classes are kinda weird here , basically we attend general (?) ones in centers not in school and so you will probably find like 2-5 students from your school there, maybe less or more depending on where you live. Either ways I will be meeting new people I don't know at all.








  10. I dunno if the game hates me but for the second time , I am not getting any 4 star servants, only 4 star essences , not that sad thou, some essences are useful for me atm and I still haven't finished orleans so yeah, there's that too.

  11. even thou I stopped playing the game completely, I sometimes look at my friends' posts about lol on facebook and holy shit everything is changing and they buffed the tanks this time I think and changed their items just like what they did with ap items. I will probably still not play the game but this is an interesting direction they are taking. (Hope they are not just going to raise the scales of the chars to try to compete with dota 2 like many people said, not that it matters to me atm. Then again I might come back oneday)

  12. Yea...but wiki said

    Whers the button for this thing? I got quite some essences to combine/burn but cant find the button for it :vinty:

    Also, this bind code stuff...lookslike i need anewone each time i change device? :vinty: What a pain...

    Oh well, whatever, i like my Alexander, not realy like my Caesar (why the frak he is so fat) and i want Lancelot or Vlad >.>'

    Yea...but wiki said

    Whers the button for this thing? I got quite some essences to combine/burn but cant find the button for it :vinty:

    Also, this bind code stuff...lookslike i need anewone each time i change device? :vinty: What a pain...

    Oh well, whatever, i like my Alexander, not realy like my Caesar (why the frak he is so fat) and i want Lancelot or Vlad >.>'

    Click on the menu then click on the second button from the left, scroll down and you will find the last button is craft essence , combine whatever you want together.
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