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Posts posted by hsmsful

  1. So ummm uhhhh operation hook her up with her ex to make her not think anything of you is undergoing since after meeting her ex and talking to her multiple times. Those two love each other and it seems him not being able to help her and me being able to help her was the reason they broke up (and she didn't tell me about it). Onr way or another, I will fix things in place.

  2. It hailed once in Egypt. 

    The hails melted before falling into my hands thou :sachi: 

    I blame it on there not being any rain in the first place.


    So my dad is going away for about 13 days and he's taking my faptop with him cause his faptop sucks, time to lock dem files with my collection in them..... I will miss my collection especially the type moon collection ;-; 

    Moving aside, I still have my mob which has tons of manga stored on it, my pc which has three vns (grisaia, comyu and osadai) and my (censored) so I will still have fun, just no more game ;-; 

  3. I have been thinking about what to post for a while: 

    Should I post that I am happy there's no more love live and now it's sunshine tiem? to irritate a certain someone

    Or should I take this seriously and say that objectively speaking : idolm@ster is the best?


    So I have decided to just say this: Love live sucks but the thread will never die. Haters gonna hate.

    (> defending a thread he's been in for less than 2 or 3 months , feel free to abuse me)




    Confession 2: I think people wearing sweatpants outside of their homes, should be shot on sight. Unless they're justified in doing so; sports, work, etc.


    I so fucking hate it when people wear sweatpants unless they are going to do some sports (which doesn't really justify it since there's a changing room in every gym, sports club .. .etc.. so you can just have a bag with the clothes in it and change.

  5. You gotta go somewhere for 16 hours after you wake up? :o

    nah I will sleep now and probably wake up after like 6 hours then go to my relatives place and stay there for the whole day, I am so sleepy, I even typed send the results not send the answers , gdi

  6. (trying to get out of Elo Hell)

    This made me laugh out maniacally lel 



    And while everyone flatter the Flutterz (see what i did here? :mare:)  Ill just post another wall of text :illya:


    Let the hunger games final question round begins!



    1. You dont have them, or you just decide not to go?

    2. What kind of games we are talking exactly? And what was the lastone you played? And at what point you dropped it?



    1) Both I think. Like my parents don't like to go and even when they decide, I am usually against it and decide not to go. I don't know .... man you ask difficult questions for me to answer. Like basically my parents were poor back in the day and now they are better in terms of money but whenever they decide to go on holidays, i decide nah , sitting at home would be better and then I just keep thinking that man if I went with them, it would have been a feast or both my body and eyes and tell myself I would go next time which doesn't happen. GDI .... 

    2) Any game that would make you rage like the infamous dark souls (last one I played) , mario parody shitty fucking games , flappy fucking bird , curveIhateyoufever and somehow I don't drop it. Like I hate them but I will still come back for more. I am not a masochist thou >.>



    Also we all know that Kosaki is a chitoge fan actually :sachi:

  7. This is like the 2nd event that I do a SR rush .... right at the end :sachi:

    welp I am too lazy and I have so many gems to spare anyways

    thou now I have 47 gems instead of 70 , meh 

    oh sorry here's an update : I have 52 gems cause of the N card and the 4 gems for T4 

    Also I always mark the N as a favorite in order for me not to use her for practice :D

  8. The guys from FSG are such trolls. :sachi: 

    Anyways thanks for all your advices. Apparently she told me yesterday that she held me so close since I am like her hero who saved her from the darkness :michiru:

    That made me feel bad about telling her about the friendzoning thingy, I think I will wait till we meet next month irl and just tell her out straight, face to face. That's the least I can do to respect her , I can't do it by texting. Unless I am just jumping to conclusions and she didn't mean to give me signs like these (this is a very weak possibility but it's still a possibility). I will try to be friends with her after that although it's unlikely , as someone who got rejected before, it's hard to live with the other side as friends and laugh again. Confessing/Giving signs is a double-edged sword. Really. You might take ur friendship to the other level or degrade it and destroy it into nothingness. 



    I guess I can ask hsms this: how would you feel if that girl still pursues you romantically even if you clearly friendzone her? Will you be able to appreciate the friendship? What will you do?

    There are limits to how persistent a human can be so this is highly unlikely. However if I do think of it, what I would do is actually appreciate the friendship while keep mentioning that we are just friends from time to time. 



    This is unnecessary rant so you can ignore it:

    And basically I know we should be over this, but the whole thingy about my crush still gets to me so I don't feel like I have any feelings for any girl atm. At some point, I was actually going to give this girl signs that I actually am ok with a relationship and love her but felt that this was cruel because simply I want a girl to make me forget about my crush and a part of it was out of pity as I don't want her to feel what I feel if she actually has feelings for me. I feel disturbed in terms of my feelings to the degree that I want my senior year to start already and make me super busy so I don't think about anything.



    Confession: For the last few posts from hsmsful in this thread, the tone of his post has perfectly matched his grumpy Tohsaka avatar's expression, and it amuses me endlessly.


    :D I think this is basically the best expression to describe me and my speeches most of the time 

  9. Too lazy to take this somewhere else, but how can you friendzone someone before they confess to you? Like how can you make someone understand that you have no feelings for her if she's giving you signs and yes I am too lazy to take this to the Advice thread :sachi:

    Want the full story? Here:

    There's this girl who was a friend of a friend and I knew her from that friend and she lives in another governorate that's like 400 km away.She's older than me by one year. She was going through her senior year exam , she went through lots of hardships and she was on the verge of breaking down (for example basically she knew another guy and loved him but he just brought himself to love her and didn't really love her, it was a failure and that left her heartbroken and made her unable to study). Someway or another according to her, from how I talked to her, I saved her from breaking down and made her able to go on and get good grades despite doing very badly on the first exam (I don't even know). She's going to come to the capital (where I live) and enroll on a college her. Anyways during her senior year, she started getting closer to me.  She even asked me if I had a crush . She helped me confess to my crush and then told me to forget her and that I deserve better than her,  now she talks to me everyday and has always been saying stuff like I love you for some time (not taking this as a confession , ok? ok), you are the nicest guy I have seen, I wish I will marry someone like you in the future, I have never talked to even any of my friends about my secrets as much as I did to you, I wish I had someone like you besides me who will help me move forward and not hinder my progress (reference to her previous bf) .... etc.... HALP. Not only do I not love her romantically, I am not ready for a relationship either if that's what she's going at.



    Confession: I might have another child coming soon...

    Taco plz , from the same woman? 

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