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Posts posted by Nier

  1. 7 hours ago, VLOCKUP said:

    Big tits fantasy English edition was sold only for download distribution until now, but soon the packaged version will be on sale as well.

    Hey nice find! Hehe, it's no wonder that MangaGamer would make a physical version of this as it seems that it did quite well for them in terms of digital sales.

  2. 1 minute ago, Narcosis said:

    Not really, lol. The pubic hair is simply considered obscene and that goes back to Meiji period, especially the Pacific War, where goverment seeked to ban and persecute everything western, including porn. Not much had changed since then, with exception that obscene materials in general are considered illegal (yes, you heard it) and people selling or distributing these can be punished by hefty fines or even imprisonment. Modern pornography in general is subject to censorship, which typically involves placing pixelization on the genitals; this partially allevates the problem, hence there's no real reason to remove the pubic hair in adult videos, but it is still deemed as inappropriate in works of art, including manga, anime and games. This is the reason why artists typically avoid drawing pubic hair or do it in a barely visible way. They simply want to avoid controversies and keep a low profile from organisations, such as Nihon Ethics of Video Association and the Ethics Organization of Computer Software. It's not really the censorship, that's the issue though. Much like with many things, it's simply something they got used to and don't feel the need to change.

    Yes I know all that, but hum this doesn't have much to do with the OP question and my answer? His question was asking why VNs don't have hair in their pubic areas unlike say in JAV (JAV stands for Japanese Adult Video, basically japanese porn where there is ton of pubic hair) and it seems that the general guess to that question is that the artists usually don't how to make it look good, so they leave them hairless.

  3. The japanese shave pubic areas!? Have you ever looked at a JAV? Save for exception it's a freaking jungle down there, if anything shaven pubic areas is a fetish (Japan has about 500 different kind of sexual fetish, follow NSFW link for proof: http://www.dmm.co.jp/mono/dvd/-/genre/), if anything it's westerners who are obsessed with shaving it, have you ever looked at US porn?

    The reason why VN usually have no hair I am guessing is because it is hard to make it look good and it is hidden by mosaic anyways, so they don't care.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Narcosis said:

    Why am I not surprised it's @Nier again posting this :chaika:


    That is the duty of True Fan.


    8 minutes ago, littleshogun said:

    Although speaking about Nekonin I'd still not interested with that though, even with H Scenes confirmed to be intact.

    It's got a rating of 68 on EGS: https://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game.php?game=24608

  5. Update #1:


    You read right, Shipping is FREE until the campaign reach it's funding goal of 35,000 USD, after that you will have to pay for shipping.

    As of right now the funding is at 21,380 USD already, so you better hurry up and put a pledge in to get FREE SHIPPING while you still can: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sekaiproject/fatal-twelve-a-thrilling-mystery-vn-with-full-voic


  6. On 2017/3/14 at 11:03 AM, #YOLOGNAISWAGETTI said:

    That' gay.



    But when I went on MangaGamer storefront, that crosdressing game that they released was usually number 1 of the sales though, at least around the time when it was released.

  7. 2 hours ago, Soulless Watcher said:

    What the fuck is with the weird prominence on the Japanese voice acting? Like is this campaign here to solely fund that aspect of the vn? I'm sorry, but I haven't fallen down that specific fucking weaboo hole. If I'm helping bankroll the development of a visual novel I want extra story content or art assets, voice acting (especially foreign voice acting) is not even on my list of priorities. 

    No your not getting a dime outa me, I'll be glad to purchase this visual novel after I see some positive reviews.

    Fuck off with your fake outrage bullshit, you're just a shit-stirring hipster who enjoy making up drama out of thin air. This is a japanese VN, of course it would have japanese audio.

    aiueoKompany is Japanese dev and their last title "Sound of Drop -fall into poison" didn't have any voice acting, but for their next title "Fatal Twelve" they aim to have voice acting.

  8. 10 minutes ago, ChaosRaven said:

    Doesn't look bad, but I've already used up my current Kickstarter budget for the Leyline trilogy. Might check it out if it's released and gets decent ratings though.

    You won't be able to get the physical rewards afterwards if you miss this one out though, the other thing you can do is put down 1 USD and then upgrade your pledge and/or add add-ons through Backerkit when you have the money.

  9. a96f6NT.jpg

    Kickstarter Campaign:


    It's a 34 days campaign.

    aiueoKompany is the developer of "Sound of Drop -fall into poison-" (for the ones interested, you can get a physical copy of that title in english here), but any true VN fan should know that already.


  10. 6 hours ago, SpeedBeatz said:

    For what it's worth, we sent out press releases about the campaign to a large number of site, as we always do, and only 2-3 smaller sites picked up the story at all.

    It seems a Kickstarter campaign for a visual novel series just isn't "news" anymore in 2017.

    Oh that sucks, what made the first Grisaia campaign so successful was basically the word of mouth spreading on the internet after the video games/anime/manga news sites reported on it, I still visit the same news sites that I visted back in 2014-2015 and I didn't even hear a word from them about Grisaia: Phantom Trigger's campaign launching, while I do remember quite clearly that they heavily reported on Clannad, Grisaia Trilogy, Muv-Luv Trilogy and such.

    I am guessing a VN Kickstarter campaign isn't such as novelty anymore, aye?

  11. 18 minutes ago, novurdim said:

    Not that sure took long for a game as popular as Grisaia with a goal at mere 80k.

    It's the difference in getting the word out.

    It's obvious that even people who weren't even into VN back in 2014 or 2015 heard that there was a Grisaia, Clannad or Muv-Luv Campaign going on on Kickstarter because otaku-related news sites reported on it, while here with Grisaia Phantom Trigger the only reason I knew it was launching is because I visited Frontwing twitter by chance a few days before the launch of the campaign which had a message on it that gave the date and time during which the campaign will launch.

    Not everybody is a true VN fan who checks daily Kickstarter's Video Games category in case a new VN project has launched, so obviously this is gonna bring in less people if not alot of people know about it and if potential backers only find out about the campaign a few days/weeks after the campaign has launched.

    Here is comment taken from Grisaia: Phantom Trigger:




    4 days ago

    ... What the heck man I got no info on this (e-mail) before the KS campaign started, I even knew this was coming but didn't know the exact date really ticks me off.

    Guy is a "superbacker" and backed 61 projects, most of which are VN or VN-related and he only found out of the campaign launch only after it launched.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Darklord Rooke said:

    Holy crap, they're really milking the Grisaia franchise. How many Grisaia games does this make? 0.0

    The Fruit of Grisaia

    The Labyrinth of Grisaia

    The Eden of Grisaia

    Idol Magical Girl ChiruChiru Michiru

    The Leisure of Grisaia

    The Afterglow of Grisaia

    The Melody of Grisaia

    Grisaia: Phantom Trigger

    Except for Phantom Trigger, they are all available as part of the Complete Box that was released in Japan back in January: https://vndb.org/r49197

  13. Kickstarter just launched, here:


    It received 12,561 USD only 5 minutes after it launched, which is 15% of it's 80,000 USD funding goal.

    Update: The 85 USD Early Bird tier is going very quickly, there is only 63 spots left only 10 minutes after the campaign launch.

    The funding is at 15,509 USD now.

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