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Dark Ariel7

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Everything posted by Dark Ariel7

  1. Punctuation is a minimal courtesy awarded to others. It is like farting in an elevator. Yo just don't do it. Except every now and then. Because you know, it's funny. That said we don't need award winning English. Just, make it pleasant for other to read.
  2. A-1 keeps crashing when I attempt to re-play something in the extras. Also I know the zipper feel. I went commando while wearing jeans just for the hell of it. One of my worst ideas ever in long history of "worst ideas ever". He will never be able to play the piano again.
  3. Your drawing are uneven. By which I mean they are asymmetrical. Straight more confident lines make the drawings look much better without doing much to change them. If you make the lines faster it will make your drawing look more powerful and deliberate. Sorry if I sound a bit like a douche but there is almost no way to give criticism/advice without sounding like it. Especially if you are writing rather than talking. Ps I like the colour schemes.
  4. I have posted on both Fakku and MAL. It seems that no one has read and or seen this Manga and or Anime.
  5. Why does no one have my problem!?! Is it because no one here has played Majikoi A?
  6. Why cant you have a relationship based on lust? I mean when you get hungry you eat. When you get thirsty you drink. If you have an itch you scratch it. It is a need that must be fulfilled. I agree that relationships with are better but it's not like you can find your soulmate around the corner. In the mean time what are you supposed to do? (Do fapping is one way of dealing with it.) This thread cannot be derailed because it was only really meant as a conversation starter to begin with. Ideas flow better when they are not boud by the constraints of "theme".
  7. How old would you say is appropriate for sex with your sibling?
  8. I think Onii Ai did the incest thing pretty well. I did not find it to be just a slap in. If they had not crapped out so bad at the end, even oreimo would have been acceptable.
  9. Not in the become my partner way? I thought is what the thread was about. What did I do wrong? Did I come on too strong? Is it my lack of kanji? I can change, I swear!
  10. I meant both. Real and 2D. I love 2D incest. Don't know why I just think it make for an interesting plot. Real life. I would let my kids do it(if and when I have any). There is one golden rule that I believe must be firmly followed. Never have kids. Ever. It is just a fact like Nosebleed mentioned. There is no arguing that is how it is. I just love the concept of love so to me if people love each other then I believe they should be together forever. I am very anime in that sense.
  11. Well when you reach half an hour you should stop. I think I went too far....
  12. I listened to that track for well over ten minutes.,,
  13. Who loves incest? I actually looked this time to make sure no one had already posted this topic. What do you guys think of incest? Any thoughts from practical from moral but lets not get too religious or anything. Come! let the hate come!
  14. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The worst thing happened. I need emergency measures! Majikoi A-1 keeps crashing whenever I want to replay one of the scenes. I need a fix. *At at same time in a galaxy far far away* "I feel a disturbance in the force"
  15. you are preaching to the cuire. I am already learning. So want to become my life partner?
  16. Not higurashi. I think I will ask there. god I just really hate to make a new profile on a site just to ask the one question.
  17. *hands in his 5K on why his life is hard.* Do I get extra credit if you cry?
  18. Actually I was starting to suspect the same thing. It could be a manga
  19. Nope. that is not the one. The one I am talking about had someone going into a village towards the end of the series. Someones dad did horrible things with torture. I'm sorry this is vague but it all I can recall that I know is accurate,
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