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Dark Ariel7

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Everything posted by Dark Ariel7

  1. Well at least so far I have figured out that neXas is the name of the launcher, or rather that is what the system recognizes as the name for the game launcher. Also compatibility mode did nothing. I am running windows 8 which is supported by Majikoi A. I do not have this problem with Majikoi A-2.
  2. Dude, you just oversimplified like a whole paragraphs of explication into a couple of short simple sentences...-_- You read the first sentence and ignored everything else. My not having a girlfriend is because I am 18. I am not bleeding from loneliness. It is not very unusual for people my age to not have a girlfriend. Plus, to be honest I live in a pretty bad neighborhood so my options are not stellar. You make it sound as if though everyone here that agrees has very sad unfulfilled lives. Also, I heavily implied that it is out of love that I agree with incest. Sexual desire is not the factor for me agreeing with love among siblings. It is simply a more than acceptable byproduct. To call the vague and biased statement a theory is honestly an insult to science. You have no proof or rational to back it up. I backed up my counterargument with logic. If we ask the people here I am sure that more than one that will say they have a girlfriend and agree with incest out of the roughly 20 people that have posted here not all of which agree with incest. That margin of error is large to call your statement a theory.
  3. I tried windows comparability mode for window 7. You installed the Sayaka patch right? I am trying what I believe to be a different torrent. I am hoping that fixes the issue.
  4. Need more Tatsuko. AAAAAAAHHHH! *Rages*

  5. What operating system are you using and do you know where you got your copy of A-1?
  6. Does anyone have any idea what can cause this? I am doing Majikoi A-1 and it crashes at any attempt to replay a scene from the extras. Nexas (whatever that may be) says that it has crashed. I did not study intensely for 2 months to play Benkei once! or even twice! What use is it if she is not there everyday?!?!
  7. No I just meant it as a legitimately-to-satisfy-my-curiosity question. It just seemed odd that I had never come across one before, even a bad one. I do own a couple because like you said, if you are really interested and you want to learn, you buy one.
  8. It says that NeXas has stopped working and then closes. As a side though: It is an anime about someone who wakes up and has no memories or very fuzzy memories. There are some sisters involved. One of the sisters has a thing for mushrooms. She cultivates them and researches them. One of them works as an aphrodisiac. It had about had someone going into a village towards the end of the series. Someones dad did horrible things with torture. I'm sorry this is vague but it all I can recall that I know is accurate. There MAY have been a girl with a sword involved. I am pretty sure the sisters where either 3 or 4. The protagonist was not masked and they were all normal looking highschool age kids.
  9. One does not condone the actions of other simply because they are lonely. I will concede that I have never had a girlfriend and that I am Ok with incest. However! There are a few points that negate that theory completely. I do not have a strong incestous feeling towards anyone in my family. I am lonely in the sense of wanting a relationship but that does not mean I want to have a relationship with my family. If I was simply desperate would it not make more sense to have regular fantasies about regular hot women? Why would my frist place to go be my family? No, my family is not a warm loving family. They are total ass holes to me 90% of the time. I have friends. If I have no girlfriend it is because I have never put forth any effort to get one. I am not interested in the people around me at the moment. The only people willing to accept incest are not pathetic lonely people. That is a baseless an quite honestly insulting assumption. (Yes I know you never said pathetic but it was implied plus it works better with my theatrics)
  10. I fell like the guys saying no clue know and are just teasing me.
  11. I remember not having the issue at first and then, It just showed up. I even tried re installing but nada.
  12. まじで? In actuality or as a joke? Well I don't think it has to lead to a power imbalance if they are both of the same age like cousins. Also rape is not the kind of incest I meant.
  13. I would let you but I don't have a garden, so..... [130118] [みなとそふと] 真剣で私に恋しなさい!A-1 [Crack is included]
  14. Mare? I know I touched incest but bestiality is a little...
  15. I think I made myself slightly misunderstood. When I say a relationship built on having sex I do not meant that it is a relationship that will last a lifetime. What I mean is that one should not look down upon a relationship built for the satisfaction of Mutual carnal attraction. Lust in terms of sex is the lust I mean. I did not mean that there is not other kinds of love. You love you bro but you don't want to have sex with said bro. I mean in lamest terms booty calls are a fine type of relationship. That I think also applies to incest. You might be sexually attracted to your family and they in turn sexually attracted to you. So why not? Maybe I am weird but I really dont put much stock in sex as a type of love per say. I think you can have sex without loving a person just fine. I think it is better if you love that person but if there is no one you love at the moment why not? In the words of Einstein "I was young and she was willing."
  16. To commemorate this page: (seriously spoiler wanko route.) Why? well...
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