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Everything posted by Flutterz

  1. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay! Good luck with your VN! Have a moe:
  2. Welcome back to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay! Have a moe:
  3. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay! Good luck with your project! Have a moe:
  4. I have a hard time (read: can't) approaching people, especially people I don't know, but it's still a problem even when I do
  5. At least the astronomy club membership didn't cost as much, and they actually had pizza not just chips. also they didn't show meh anime which is always a plus
  6. Talking to people is hard, club or no club
  7. Confession: I tried attending the anime club, but it runs until really late so the time is meh, the food was meh, the anime they were showing was meh, the fees were meh, overall meh/10.
  8. Honestly, I'd rather have a strong ending than a strong start, because you can have a strong middle right after a not-so-strong start. But if you have a weak ending you're stuck with it until the next season. Maybe that's just personal preference though. And sure, there might not be a crusade, but like I said, anyone who has the slightest interest in watching season 2 will do a google search or two and find out very quickly.
  9. Well, the first part is literally not impossible. The latter however... I'd never have a Rem avatar
  10. Cliffhangers are better than leaving something really important that happens at the end of the season until the start of the next season. Since the anime isn't an original story, pretty much everyone who is even slightly interested in there being a season 2 will find out that it's actually a cliffhanger. And even if it were an original story and there weren't anyone who could go around the internet yelling "Who's Rem?" it'd feel more like the writers couldn't think of anything good while writing season 1, but then when season 2 was confirmed they went "Hey how's this for a twist, right after where season 1 left off, turns out nobody remembers Rem!". Either way you might as well just put the cliffhanger in.
  11. Yes, I have a comprehensive collection of good Kud figures, so basically just the two nendoroids.
  12. I regret not figuring out how to make friends Regret implies that you could have done something about it though
  13. We're not starting writing until next week, but after a few practice runs I can basically write any of the hiragana/katakana. It's probably due to the fact that I learned to read them over 3 years ago
  14. I probably just haven't watched enough trashy isekai anime to appreciate Subaru actually having to put in some effort (sometimes), the closest I've come to watching anything with a parallel world (Re: zero aside) was NGNL, and I dropped that after 1 episode. So for me one or two episodes of him being retarded and failing would have sufficed, anything more that and he's just being needlessly cringey and blockheaded. Oh, I suppose I've also watched a bit of Zero no Tsukaima, but that was for the "plot", not the plot.
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