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Posts posted by Bolverk

  1. People seem to get the impression that I am smart when they see me. I am guessing it's because of my glasses, stature, face and such. This rather annoying because I am actually an Idiot, I find it hard to even put effort into wiping my ass. I can hardly even write a article because I did school so halfassed.

  2. Depending on you wanting to upgrade your PC later, I'd reccommend getting a big chassis. Makes it a lot eaiser when you start shoving more stuff into it, even more so if you have a high capasity PSU which tends to have a lot of cables. Also having a good PSU is a good idea. You won't have to pay much more and you can have a PSU for years that you don't have to worry about having too little power or the PSU crashing your pc for some reason.


    What kind of CPU and GPU and money you would like use I'd reccommend to search up what kind of games you play and compare them to.

    As for CPU I'd reccommend going for Intel because they are more fitted for gaming. If you make more 3D modeling and such might get consider a 8 core Amd orsomething like that though. There are loads of comperisations online to look at to find what fits you.


    My personaly experience with GPU's is that Nivida tends to be slightly pricer, more stable all around and the developers gives out patches more often. AMD tends to be cheaper and have some issues with bad performance on some games and it might take a month or two before that's fixed. <- This is really mostly the case with newly released GPU's.

    I tend to go with AMD, but I'd recommend Nivida.


    In your case though, (I totally forgot what you said in your OP..) Getting a somewhat big case, and good PSU not too much capasity though. A Nivida GPU and Intel CPU will prbly do you well.

    What is most needed a good CPU or a good GPU really depends on what kind of games you play though. CPU market haven't really been improving in prossessing so much lately because Intel owns the market lol. They are focusing on taking the tablet and phones right now. So if you put money in it now you might not need to upgrade it later, just your GPU.

  3. Oh, awesome! And even if it was a million times better, I wouldn't skip the first one either way. I even started reading it already, and I'm liking it a lot. How's the difficulty in the sequel? I heard it's much harder than the first, but in what way?

    It's harder yeah, compared to the prequel it has a lot more action scenes, more story and more frequent monologues I suppose. Simply said it spikes more often with harder to understand scenes. You will likely be used to the prequel's language, so as long as you use JParser or some software like, it shouldn't be a big problem to read it.


    Edit: I completed Draculius, I ended up playing it literally all day haha. Man I really enjoyed it. I guessed I had some issues with reading it too slowly messing up the pacing of the story a few months ago. I was right, the story and scenes flowed much more naturally and dragged me in quickly so I didn't get bored. I'd give this game a 8/10 or something lower before, but seriously 9 is what it deserves considering how much I enjoyed it now. So I gave it a 9 ^^



    I am currently playing now Anaxael thanks to Vokoca.

  4. As most people probobly know, living can be a bitch. Throughout the hardshship of life my personallity have changed so that I lost a lot of empathy. I personally don't mind it that much really. The problem is  I feel a lot self hatered when those around me are sad because of something and I should be as well, but I ain't. I know I should feel sad about it or some emotion in that regard. But I feel nothing other than the pressure to make an artificial expression of sadness. Honestly it makes me feel like a massive asshole.

    Luckily I am not completely emotionally dead, lol. This just happens too often imo around other people.


    Honestly though, there is no such thing as a perfect human. Everyone has flaws, you could spend your entire life and still find things you'd want to improve. Being more than a shitty human is something to aim for though imo hahah.

  5. Completed Reminiscene, all routes. Overall I enjoyed this novel quite a lot. Though it did kinda hard these weird routes at the end that didn't add any big points to the story. They kinda told some parts of the story that you wouldn't know of otherwise. But the be honest some of those routes were simply.. Boring. Noticeable Rin and Nozomi's routes. Aki's route was great, Kizuna and Akusera was okay. The secret route ofc I liked haha.

    Routes were a lot lot better combined into the story in Akatsuki no goei Shuumatsuron. Almost seemed like the writer in reminiscence made the story, then added the choices. Well this might just be kinda messy because he will contiune the story in the sequel. We will see I guess.


    I am popping back to reading Draculius now. Kinda put that one the shelf way to long because my slow reading at the time messed up the pace in the novel. I read a lot better now haha. So it feels a lot more natural.

  6. Reminiscence 6th and Rakuen 5th. I am suprised that rakuen only came 1 place over reminiscence. But then again I am suprised it didn't come first xD. It is the best one for me I suppose so far of the 2013 novels I've read.


    Reminiscence is a good vn, but it does have a few flaws. Namely the routes, we might see the continuation of that with the sequel.

    Hapymaher is also on the list, Clephas regards it highly for 2013.

  7. Well I guess it's a good choice by nintendo. But I don't perticularly like it lol.  I've always been more of a singleplayer or local player on consoles so no more Wi-fi doesn't really damage me as well. It's a friggin wierd move to do though imo. Seriously nintendo is being somewhat... Wierd nowdays.


    On the otherhand those who have modded their Wii's so they can play "backup" games, will lose a few of their functions.

    Does the Wi-fi mean no more Nintendo services only? Because you can connect to the internet on the WII and download patches and game covers etc. Those servers are not connected to Nintendo servers. Which means they should still work.


    I am guessing someone out there will even is a way around wi-fi ban. As already modded Wii users can play on the net as normal users. It shouldn't be way of to guess that they should be able to make their own net. All wii online play I am guessing are client based anyway. Acutally when I think about it, most likely this won't happen on most games. Some games it might happen if they find a workaround.



    I am not a fan of the Wii U, more of a gimmic imo.

  8. Read through what I could understand of the Senshinkan prologue, and it was beyond amazing. I have never seen something so epic in a VN, and to think that was just the prologue... Unfortunately, I can't get ITH working with it at all, and VNR has serious trouble with the long text (it takes text from the whole NVL textbox at each click, no matter how much of it appears, which results in it being too long for it to handle 95% of the time), so I won't be reading this until there's some sort of a fix. ;_;


    It's so frustrating to have bad japanese and such epic things coming out, I really need to go crazy on the kanji or something. :D

    Try updating ITH, and try again. There is a update exe in the ITH folder.

    Pretty sure VNR and ITH has a max limit on how many letters that can be captured at one time. 150 or 200 I think. There should be a setting somewhere to set that higher if that's the problem.

  9. Ohh, this does seem interesting. I am currently reading VN's with TA +ITH to learn japanese and for fun.


    I am in. I would love to do this. Been thinking about starting something like it. What level are the founding guys at?  Also, I never figured out how to install Translation Aggregator on windows 8, or at all really...

    TA doesn't need to install, simply put a Edict dictionary in the dictionary folder in TA and it will work.


    I am guessing you are not using the tablet like user interface of Windows 8. This Is how I got it working.

    To get the Edict File link: Edict2 This link will open a site with the entire dictionary file in it, so wait a bit until it have loaded. After that use your internet brower menu on the top of your screen. (Depends on your browser how this is done.) and go File -> Save Page as: Then save it as a txt. file. This will download a compressed file, extract it and move the edict2.File into TA's dictionary folder.

  10. My most hated character is no doubt Sakaki Chizuru from Muv Luv. (Rage censored in spoiler)


    This bitch, yes bitch very appropriate description of this is a nagging annoyonce piece of shit called Chizuru. A know it all, that again and again pushes her opinions on others. Its like grade school all over again!

    I also can't forget her her oh so lovely phrase line that comes up you and you know her nagging will come. "Nan de tsuste!" Which in case you didn't know, she spams 100 times throughout the novel, each DAMN TIME. With the fucking the air with your finger sprite. How many times I wanted to break that finger; I have lost count. May hellfire consume your soul in all of the other time lines.


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