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Posts posted by Bolverk

  1. I'll add some more resources here:



    Learning methods

    Nukemarine's Suggested Guide for Beginners It's a guide how to learn japanese by plowing through anki cards in a effective manner. It's made by a community member at Koohi forums. (I'd like to mention you can learn vocab very fast with this method and keep it in memory. But you learn without alot of context, which has it's negative sides.)


    Practice Material

    WWWJDIC Dictionary site. (great site)


    -As for reccommended vn's I'll just quote a few of Clephas posts.


    Relatively easy language for a story-focused VN.


    A big list of Visual novels to read if you are confident enough you can read JPTL 2


    Also great post made Down!

  2. If you'd like to get a wider sample of Shaft's artwork watch Hidamari Sketch or Madoka Magica

    Nisemonogatari is one of my favorite's because imoutos, and also because Shinobu actually has a bigger role from then on

    Nisemonogatari episode 4 was the best. xD

  3. You should ask Clephas for a vn or check his posts out.


    With my experience with vn's I recommend choosing a vn that you find interesting -making you want to read it. Choosing a vn you don't really want to read is worse choice compared to choosing a hard VN imo. Also it should be moderatly hard for you. Hook the vn up with TA + ITH. Also you should know atleast some grammar. If you got almost no knowledge beforehand I'd recommend you read Ixrec's guide, it's very short and highly compact.

  4. Everything can be hacked. This is one of those universal truths.

    Making games DRM free presents a lot of risks for any company. It's good for you the user but it's not good for sales, that's the main point, is it good for sales? No.

    The VN/Eroge market is smaller than you might think. If you made it DRM free you're asking to estinguish a lot of companies that produce VN/Eroge. You talk about ease of access but that's not really the case. That game you had had a DRM that requires you to be online in order to play. There's many different forms of DRM and in VN/Eroge the type of DRM that exists is the type that doesn't let you install the game after a certain amount of devices used that CD. Therefore your point in this is not valid.

    Mangagamer makes official english releases yes but i assure you the bigger portion of their sales goes to Japan. Japan could care less about the western market, it wouldn't make nearly as much as they make in Japan alone.The licensing deals are very very rare and big titles will almost never have an official english release. The companies are against hacking the games and making unofficial patches as well. Basically what you're asking is for companies to go bankrupt.

    As a user all this sounds great but in the long term it would have a huge impact. I like to save my money but i also like to have my VNs, it can't be helped.


    First I am thinking about the current market for visual novels here in the west. So mangagamer, jast and moenovel.

    The thing I am really questioning is how much making the DRM free will affect the sales. Considering the market is already heavy loaded pirates. If you search on the web you will likely find lots of different research and opinions on what's best. Imo it's more of a case by case basis. Similar to piracy it affects sales, but to which extent and negative or positive is not. It is more a case by case basis how it affects.

    As for my personal experience with DRM was just an example of a DRM actually stopping the user from using the product. That's how far companies can go to "protect" their products. Ofc there are different DRM's, most of them are not that troublesome for the user tho.


    Regardless of that. I find it doubtful that japanese companies would agree to making their english releases DRM free.

  5. Considering Steam is a form of DRM, and people agree that using Steam increases sales for developers, I think you'll be hard pressed to find examples.

    Steam is less of an DRM and more a everything else. And besides, people can crack the steam games as well.


    Imo DRM is useful for big games companies, but it goes against it's purpose when it makes the product harder to use than it should. I remember I wanted to play my paid for version of Sam and max games on my laptop while in a place I had no internet connection. I had to vertify the game with internet connection to be able to play it. Ridiculous.


    I think the VN's should be DRM free because they will mostly be pirated anyway. That way more ease of access. Though on the other hand. I remember hearing once of a vn that got a translation and offical english release (mangagamer I think). Most likely it had a lot of sales on that title because no one had made a crack for it for a few weeks after it got released.

  6. I completed the RTK so I tell you my experience on this.


    So with 2013 almost over, I decided to get started on this! >_> But really I only saw the Fuwanovel blog post about learning Japanese a couple days ago, and the methods sounded solid and straightforward so I decided it was time to buckle down. Learning Japanese is one of those things I've said I'll do for years, and then I never stuck with it. I did take an Intro Japanese college course which got me to memorize the kana and learn a bit of grammar and vocab, but once the class ended (almost a year and half ago at this point) I stopped trying. Anyway I'm starting now with memorizing kanji just 10/day at a time, and I'll look ahead at the grammar book, just cause I like grammar.


    So this question is for the way future when I've actually memorized the kanji, but I'm curious about how people go about learning the readings. Is there another set of flashcards with those, or some other method?


    Depends on how you want to continue to learn japanese after RTK really. But if you intend to read JP vn's raw afterwards with ITH and TA you will learn the kanji's by immersion. You will see the kanji, read the furigana (reading) and after doing that multiple times you will remember it. Rather than through anki, you will have an entire sentence, maybe voice, story context, pictures etc. Alot more easy to connect the words imo atleast.


    Usually how I go on about learning new words is: If I see a interesting word or a word that pops up often I will look at it. And try to make a logical connection between each kanji or I make a wierd connection as long as it sticks it works.

    Example a word that keeps popping up in my current VN is: 吸血鬼 - きゅうけつき (vampire). I see it as  吸(suck) 血(blood)鬼(devil). This one is rather easy to connect really, hardly all words are like that though. I vocalize it in my mind and read it each time I see it. After after a while it's stuck. Similar to anki, but with more fun.

    Some words just stick without effort. Like 存在 -そんざい (existence/being).


    So basically you will naturally learn the words as you read with some effort.

    The thing about RtK is that it gives you a tangible object to attach more meanings, readings etc to. I don't think many of its detractors really get this.

    Yeah people seem to pop up sometimes and say RTK is bad because it doesn't completely learn you the kanji. But that's neither it's purpose and also exactly the reason why it works so well.

  7. I love vn's because it's a combination of media together with a book. The music, visuals and voice make the stories so much easier to get into and immerse myself in.

    Also the stories and characters are often anime or manga like with a better and longer story. It fits me perfectly.


    *Rant on*

    Mainstream games are imo just getting worse all the time. This is especially said for bigger companies. (But also smaller ones) Multiple great video games series have been RUINED imo by making them "mainstream". Splinter Cell an awesome stealth game series. They even had put 1 year of planning into making it even more awesome open and such. I was realy looking forewards to that. But noooo, the big bosses on top didn't want that. So we instead of Splinter Cell: Conviction! Suddenly now you control a Bionic superman who can climp and run and shoot insanely fast. wtfffff.


    Ghost recon. Awesome series with a long past. I liked the last games also GRAW 1 and 2. They were great imo. Easier to play but still good. Then, let's make it "mainstream". I raged when I saw the trailer first for the next title. Ghost recon: future soldier. omfhg, you can't be serious. I don't even know where to start on this one. It's just so much wrong....


    Assasins creed, first game was very well done. Rough in the edges but interesting plot and world. It made you think and wonder about right and wrong, the creed etc. Long conversations with your master about retoric etc. It was truly something new. The next games in comperisation was like. He must die kill him. You say: "Okay". The last game that has come out is supposedly good, but... Yeah...

    *Rant off*

  8. Hm, I have only read the grand route of the game, aka yuuji's route. I found it highly enjoyble, it's most likely the best route in the game. (So you might want to take that last)

    Plus that you got the 5 after stories, 1 h-scence collection and 1 other route not sure what the last one is?


    I tried to read Sachi's route, but i just couldn't get into it. Besides the grand route and it's continuation with the 3rd game in the series are a lot better imo.

    Also when you can read whatever vn you want in jp. You have the possibility to choose what interests you, and just drop the rest.


    Back to your orginal question though. No I don't know what order is best to read the routes sadly. But I don't think the after routes are that connected. So it shouldn't matter. Only guessing here tho...

  9. Completed all of the routes of Grisaia no Rakuen. They weren't as fun as the main route. But they were still good.


    As for the next vn I shall read. I am not completely sure yet. Either it will be Tokyo Babel or Draculius. Maybe both at the same time? Not sure. hmm.

    I am tempted to start konakana, but I think I will get back to that vn later.

    Damnnnn, I really want to read Subarashiki Hibi..... No doubt later...

  10. Okay, I'll deal with it then haha.


    Yup I got confused. No doubt about it.


    And riggghttt. We will prbly know more about her soon.

    She said she was Oshino child or was it niece? Either way, I got a feeling she is not human. Well, I guess we will see.

  11. Gehhhh. You guys are most likely right... Tho I will keep the hope that we will see her again, even just briefly in some later arcs.


    Also Nadeko "disappeared" as well in the bait monogatari. :<

    But tbh, I am a bit confused with the chronological order how the story develops. It's soo over the place. Makes me confused. Prbly this just makes it more awesome later tho.



    Also you always got a feeling Ougi might show up again. Tho he promised not to come back the the town. So I am unsure in what conditions he will show up.

  12. I watched the latest episodes....



    whyyyyyyyyy whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.


    Luckely tho, I think we might see her again considering the after credits and they can't just take her away from the series. :<



    About CR subs. As others have stated they are rather mediocre. If you compare them to commie or some other high standard subs. They consistently translates and rewrites the japanese into good english.

    If you haven't watched way too much anime or know some japanese it's not a problem. I took a long while before I noticed it. But nowdays, bad translations are like a nails scratching on my squishy brain scalp.

  13. I think we should keep the games pre-patched. This "issue" has been brought up multiple times in the past. I have always stood by keeping it as it is. It is more work, but the original vision of Fuwanovel is to bring more VN's to the west. There are numerous problems to getting this done. One of them is ease of use, by having the games pre-patched it makes it easier for newer people.

    Besides the pre-patched games we got: A good website which doesn't look like a nukige heaven like mangagamer. We got good torrents, FAQ how to get the game working, a very nice community.

  14. Completed Grisaia no Rakuen main route. hmm, I think I will complete the prolouge and 2nd route as well. They should count for about 30 % of the game in total. The final game in the series was really good. Sometimes it was a bit over the top, but overall it was great. 9.5/10 in score imo. But as I said before, I haven't read the side routes yet.

  15. Awesome work Naomi. World dominance will soon be yours for the taking.


    As for hints. A slight change of ilegend idea. We could post fuwa links to popular videos of anime OP's or ED's on youtube. Those animes that have vn origins ofc. We could say something in the lines of:  "This anime got a longer Visual novel with better and more diverse endings. Get it at fuwa go go~~"

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