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Posts posted by Slynch

  1. Cheers guys. Yeah I don't doubt for a second that the corrections are right :P that tip about always being suspicious is a good one, I'll adhere to that definitely.

    I've found the two types are the translations that are debatable, and the translations that are just plain wrong. Of course I want to have no translations that are straight up wrong, but if the debatable ones are debated this loc isn't going to be finished! :D Besides, that stuff can be picked up in the editing phase. Draft phase is inevitably going to have mistakes. 

    Of course, however, I will always listen to feedback when provided <3 

  2. Thanks, but we could already recompile the psb files (sorry, I should've been clearer!), we just can't rebuild the archives the psb files were inside. 

    I'm hoping that someone can eventually make a program to do that since it's beyond my capabilities (just a simple js dev...) but in the meantime I'm starting on the translating. 

  3. Hi everyone. So since we are able to extract (but not yet recompile; this is being looked into) script files from NEW GAME: THE CHALLENGE STAGE, I've started a repository for translating the scripts (link below).

    The source script files are in JSON and are pretty unwieldy to translate, so the files on the repo are in a intermediary format created by my psb-translator program (also on my Github account) for ease of translation.

    If anyone wants to contribute, just read the readme and get started.


    EDIT 12/08/2018 - I made a Google Sheets for tracking which files have been translated and the % done. This can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xZPtvfvcnNc7eIG-mthxgS1lhgg4lBBmB5Qi-GBaWAw/edit?usp=sharing

  4. Awesome, you're a star. I'll take a look at it after work and see what I can do. One thing I'm not clear on; you say we can't rebuild or just that with modification to one of the applications we can? 

    EDIT: Just understood what you meant by replacing index 1's key. I'll see about rebuilding from exm2lib's source code. If anyone else wants to take a stab feel free.

    EDIT2: Can't compile exm2lib (latest) since I can't find the "as-ps3" and "as-zlib.h" headers. Any idea where to find them?

    EDIT3: Yeah you weren't joking, author of exm2lib has made some crucial parts private and only the main CPP public. 

  5. Hey everyone. I managed to get my hands on a PS4 copy of NEW GAME: THE CHALLENGE STAGE and decrypt the disc. As the game is by 5pb, the files are a familiar "_info.psb.m" and "_body.bin" format, but I cannot seem to extract them, much less repack them. As this game was a JP-only release, I'm very keen to get started on translating it. It's worth mentioning that this game was released closely to the Re:ZERO visual novel, and while I've only got the PSVita version of that, I can venture a guess that it has the same file formats (PSV + PS4 are both little-endian as well).

    If anyone wants to take a stab, I've uploaded the decrypted (ready for IDA) ELF file, as well as a couple of small sample files: http://slynch.xyz/Downloads/newgame_challengestage_ps4.zip

  6. Great work guys, keep it up!

    On 20/10/2016 at 0:42 AM, FuryTomic said:

    Well now that the Vita has a new exploit for some time (and got patched if you updated) we might also go along with the Vita Version.. Simply put, see if we can export our files onto the Vita and test it out.. But I do suspect some things are different than the PSP. It's my two cents though. However, I won't be able to do the testings nor updates to test and try it out..

    Well my offer always stands; if you ever want to test it, just send me a repackaged script file (with just a string changed to "hello world") to try out. I have a couple of hacked Vitas and a copy of Sakurasou :) 

  7. Just want to say I'm rooting for you guys; doesn't matter if it's slow or fast progress, take your time! 

    And just my two-cents on the PSVita situation: the PSP version and PSVita version were released simultaneously, which tells me that the file formats will, in all likelihood, be the same. If you would like, I can try and acquire a copy of the PSVita version and confirm this? :) 

    EDIT: Checked anyway; files are contained in CPK archives (nothing new) and scripts/translatable strings are held in (I think) SSB files (strings are in plaintext but the file is compressed/encoded). Seems to be the same as PSP. If there's a way to repack CPK files, I could test a translated script on one of my Vitas? Also I can upload one of the script files or its header to see if there's a difference?

  8. On 04/06/2016 at 11:22 AM, Scorp said:

    I mean you want to make a book from VN, If there is complex flags, like:

    show text
    show text
    if flagb=30 show textA else show textB

    it would be not a book, but a bunch of barely connected text lines.

    Oh yes, it definitely requires a bit of elbow grease first; the script needs to be trimmed to exclude content from branches you don't want (e.g. remove textB if you want to keep textA). But it's a 20 minute job, depending on the complexity :) 

    Although, you say "you want to make a book from VN", but as I said I already have; I am actively reading an arc from Katawa Shoujo from an output produced by this tool, so I know it works (if the elbow grease is applied... ;) ). The tool isn't necessarily designed to 1:1 convert it (although I did prototype a version that could, albeit poorly) but is designed to help convert it. God knows how long it would take to manually extract lines of dialogue and format them into a readable format, even with a decent regex; this tool was made to heavily reduce this time :) 

    KEY scripts are a pain in the butthole, though. Whereas with Ren'Py there's an indicator as to where dialogue jumps to based on decisions, KEY scripts do not; they are just simply lines of strings, and the only indication of where the dialogue jumps to is if there is a comment that says it  :unsure:

    At any rate, I would love to make/provide presets for different Ren'Py games but because I am unsure as to the legality of this, I've made my code as "vanilla" as possible, copyright-wise.

  9. 19 hours ago, Scorp said:

    This would be a bunch of unreadable mess if you parse something complicated with lot of flags, like Remember11.

    Depends on how the flags are placed into the text. Currently working on making the parser work with KEY scripts, and they have the flags preceded by a backslash, whereas with Ren'Py, most (if not all) of the flags are within {} parentheses. If the flags in Remember11 are placed within {} then the parser would work fine. 

    But hey, won't know until it's tried! :) 

  10. Hello again, Fuwanovel forums!

    Just stopping by incase anyone is interested in a project I'm currently working on. It's a C++ parser that reads through uncompiled .rpy code and filters out all the unnecessary text, and formats the necessary parts into a plain-text file for further formatting, but the text file will work fine on a Kindle as-is. A technical wizkid can probably program a regex to do the same job, but this is much easier to pick up for the user. 

    Please note that the software is not designed to 1:1 convert script; it is designed to cut the amount of time required to convert a script to eBook manually by roughly 66% by doing the most tedious parts for you. It still requires about an half-hours work to trim the script down to the relevant parts.

    I do not and cannot condone use of the software with any game you yourself do not have permission to modify/reverse-engineer. 

    The readme on the Github should answer any questions but if you have more, feel free to ask away! The project is open-source and covered by MIT (to comply wtih Ren'Py license) for you to do as ever you like.


    Binaries are included in the "Release" section of the Github page, although for scripts that require a bit more configuration you might need to recompile with modification to the DebugStrings code. Here's an image of a test script I ran it through:



    EDIT: Removed PDF support; wasn't working out :) 

  11. Snow Sakura (or Yukizakura, whatever) is decent but not free unfortunately, although easy to find online :) 

    I myself just finished the most "normal" arc (Shizune, but this is debatable I guess?) of Katawa Shoujo... I enjoyed it, but didn't live up to the hype. Going to play the other arcs anyway, since people recommend it so highly :D

  12. Hello again, Fuwanovel forums!

    So I recently finished the Clannad VN + anime 100% (thanks to the useful guide on these forums!) and one thing that reaaaaaaaally irritated me was the artwork at the end of the Kyou arc. Her nose looked like she had some sort of scab or something weird like that on it. So I loaded it up in Photoshop and gave her the old-fashioned rhinoplasty. Figured someone somewhere could use it to make a wallpaper or something.

    Here's a download link; it's in PSD format so you can modify it easier.




  13. 11 minutes ago, Forgetful Frank said:

    Being a huge fan of open-source software, I'm very happy to hear about your hard work creating this.

    I love the concept of open-source, best of luck to you, sir! ^_^

    Thank you! Unfortunately I just entered my last term (or semester, as other countries call it?) of the year at university so I'm awfully busy at the moment! 

    Once I get the time, though, my top-priority is documenting all the code, and providing a skeleton project for people to use. Then my to-do list consists of:

    • Unicode support (doable via a string to Uint8-array converter function?)
    • Better/more transitions
    • Screen-shaking (for scenes where a character gets hit, for example)
    • Auto-clicking (this would take about 10 minutes to implement, just including it in the list so I don't forget...!)
    • Finishing the options menu
    • Cross-platform compiling (I will actually be taught this at university within the next week or so, so I might end up testing it on the engine!)

    But your comments mean the world to me so thank you! :) 

  14. To keep people here updated, I've been working diligently on this, and have made great strides in the last week :) 

    I've just pushed v0.4.4 to Github and also released a working- albeit very early- demo of the port working! The source code can, as usual, be seen on the Github link in the OP, and the demo can be found here: https://github.com/Slynchy/Snow-Sakura-CPP/releases/tag/v0.4.4

    Here's a few images of the demo version (it has non-working features removed temporarily, which is why the MENU button looks odd :) ):








  15. 8 minutes ago, Ariurotl said:

    Hey, I'm one of those weirdos who loved Canvas 2, actually (except for Elis, who can go die Die DIE). Kazoku Keikaku... not so much.

    I actually have already played Canvas 2 and I kind of liked it but I didn't follow a guide so I got a bad ending; kinda spoiled it. Going to use a guide this time though :P


    7 minutes ago, sanahtlig said:

    What problem was this project trying to solve?  What is the use case scenario where your engine would be optimal vs. other alternatives out there?  And how does your proof of concept (Snow Sakura, in this case) illustrate these advantages and create value for either developers or end users? (Note: your last answer touches on the last one.)

    When you're trying to promote adoption of a new idea or method, these are the kinds of questions you should be thinking about.  Otherwise you risk spending a lot of time on a project that might go to waste because people don't understand its significance or relevance. 

    While this is absolutely true, I am actually mainly making this project as a learning exercise in multi-platform deployment capabilities and engine development/organisation, as well as an experiment into finite state machine driven UI programming :) I just happen to also be a firm believer that everything should be open-source which is why I share my work on Github! :D

    With regards to benefits of this engine over others? Not many; one large component is keeping it lightweight in terms of file size (using WebP instead of uncompressed 32-bit BMP), code complexity (the main game loop is approximately 20 lines long; the rest is handled by the engine) and being easily modifiable. While that last point is not the case at the moment due to lack of code comments/documentation, I will be providing industry-standard Doxygen comments in the final version. 

    I suppose another benefit to this engine is the small-to-non-existent gap between author and programmer; the scripting language is extremely lightweight and easy to pick up on ;) 

  16. 15 minutes ago, sanahtlig said:

    So what was the reason for porting Snow Sakura in particular?  Does the official English release have compatibility issues?

    Not particularly; nothing more than a couple of typos. The main reason is that it's my favourite VN, but also that it was Windows-exclusive; an open-source C++ engine means it can go on any platform that OpenGL can go on (which is virtually most platforms). It compiles on Linux with issues on file pathing (due to case-sensitivity and other Linux idiosyncrasies), which means it should compile on other Unix-based platforms :) 

  17. Hello everyone at Fuwanovel! 

    Just sharing my current project since it might interest you guys and gals; an open-source C++ VN engine and a port of Snow Sakura to go with it! 

    It's not going to be the world's best VN engine, but it's completely open-source so anyone can contribute/modify it as they see fit!

    The Snow Sakura port can be watched from the Github page: https://github.com/Slynchy/SnowSakuraCPP/

    The engine itself can be watched from the Github page: https://github.com/Slynchy/March22/



    And here's a video showing its basic VN capabilities, since a picture tells a thousand words!

    I'd also like to shoehorn in a thank you to Kelebek1 for helping decompile the Snow Sakura scripts into a more usable format, and frc_ for giving some tips to improve the code :) 

    If you also have anything to contribute- be it feedback, criticism, code, etc.- then please use Github or post here ;) I welcome it!

  18. 17 minutes ago, frc_ said:

    Had a quick read of the source code out of curiosity. Some tips:

    • In ChangeLine(), the check should be newLine >= script.size(), not just >.
    • You can do str == "literal" instead of str == std::string("literal").
    • For the various .txt files, why not read the file until the end instead of requiring the author to write the number of lines on the first line?
    • Instead of having .txt files listing names of files and folders (e.g. characters), why not just scan the folders?
    • Last but not least, why no unicode support?

    Also, is it really alright for you to place copyrighted artwork of a commercial game on Github? :P

    Thank you for your tips! I've read and addressed them below :) 

    The script size check isn't even necessary for now since all scripts get terminated before eof is reached :)

    The std::string() is to stop my compiler whining when compiling.

    The line count at the top of the text files; it's messy and annoying for the author, but I plan on making SDK tools for these to ease development of these parts :D 

    Scanning folders can get your program looking iffy to virus scanners :( 

    And you're right, I really should have unicode support; not too difficult to fix :) 

    And no, I shouldn't really have the resources on Github; I've got numerous ideas on how to get around this but I've yet to implement one!


    (sorry for any typos: answered on phone!)

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