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Posts posted by Vorathiel

  1. Nice interviews, but nothing really informative.

    But this fragment made me cringe:


     The first of course, is the judgmental assumption that featuring sexuality and sex as one element of a story devalues the entire work or product, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Sexuality is an important aspect of human nature, personal relationships, and character development. Being able to include those elements only furthers the depth a story can offer. 

    It's like not accepting what h scenes in VNs are, and made them something much deeper than they actually are.
    Sex in vns is not 'part of human nature'. It's much more important. Justification of h scenes by saying that those are just 'part of human nature' is silly, because also part of human nature is waking up and then changing clothes. But yet, nobody ever wrote a big, extremally detailed scene about changing clothes in the morning.
    They could make sex in books/movies/tv series style. Just give a few sentences that implies sex had a place maybe even a few detais about what kind of sex, or dialogues during this activity, and that's all. And it works that way in every other medium.
    But no, they're extremally detailed in vns, and that makes them just a pornography without any meaning.
    Sex in vns is not 'part of human nature that enchances the story'. It's almost always fanservicey porn.

  2. 2 hours ago, Eclipsed said:

    People can give Tokyo Babel flak for the lacking of a dedicated, fleshed-out romance all they want, but sometimes it's the little things that offer so much more oomph ^_^ #Totally not a sap for this kind of stuff.

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    I love romances in non ero VNs/books/whatever just for a stuff like that. ^^ So much more heartwarming and beautiful, just 'lovefilled', than 'my hips are moving on it's own, while shes' crying of embarassment'.

  3. 5 hours ago, uberpr0 said:

    And the jokes yeah most were funny, but then it got super repetitive and just went into stereotypical lewd scenes or gags that really lost any kind of appeal with the poor introduction into them and recycling.
    The only save interesting point so far was a certain highschool at night scene which actually built up some tension and sparked my interest for a few minutes.

    I loved it. It was really a great scene. This only shows how inconsistent this VN is.
    Anyway - as far as I remember I gave Tsumugu 2, cousin around 5-6, sister around 4-5 and Tane full 9 for her route.

  4. I tried Killer Queen. I love 'trapped' setting, so although grades are rather poor, I though I will have some fun with this. I'm at the end of first 'chapter/route', and I'm so bored and tired, that I just ended this for today. It's like Sharin No Kuni level of how bad it is. Characters motivations are stupid and unreasonable, their actions are angryingly stupid and surprising on 'how the hell did you even think this could work' level, their behaviour is non coherent at all, and overall plot is filled with cheap drama with 'pathophathetic' music. Even the main character is similiar. Just look at this Mummin:



    And now at this pathetic hollow creature no 2:

    Even their characters are similiar.

    What else? Sprites are ugly, backgrounds are ugly, music is bad, translations is nice, setting is good (really interesting rules of this 'killing game'), protagonist is not very cliched, but obviously later ruined to fit with 'standard good guy' trope, and whole vn is longer than 10 hours, even when you're fast reader. Would not recommend to anyone.

  5. Is it a scene where she's sleping, guy is doing nothing worth noticeable, and she jut kicks him in her sleep, because she 'feels' like he's going to 'attack her while she's sleeping'? Next sentences are something along "i'm sorry" from a guy and "as long as you understand" from a girl, despite the fact, that she's the one doing harm in this situation?

    I LOVE that trope! I could read it every day I read VNs! Oh wait, I do read it everyday, because it's soooo overused. And it's annoyingly stupid behaviour from characters.

  6. 2 hours ago, Turnip Sensei said:

    So far I read the prologue/Hitogata part. It was surprisingly interesting, although somewhere in the middle I almost forgot I was reading KnS. Still I really enjoyed the chemistry between the children and the secluded village had it's own pretty cool atmosphere. I really wouldn't have minded reading more about that. 

    Oh yeas, another one in the 'Hinata village was great part' team, welcome aboard sir! :D

    2 hours ago, Turnip Sensei said:

    If I had to complain about something, then why wasn't Nanako&Naori a thing.

    Because Naori had a mutual crush on Futami Yuu of course. B) They were so great together.

    How do you liked the third person narration in that whole segment?
    Reading a vn without a protagonist was somehow strange for me, but at a same time refreshing and really enticing. Wish to see more of that. No protag >> bland protag, every time.

  7. Didn't played ZE yet, but seeing comments like that:

    55 minutes ago, Eclipsed said:

    Most of the complaints about VLR not making sense are ehhh, it's sci-fi fiction, don't need to try to be all logical with it:makina:

    my hype is going down rapidly. You serious? If anything ever should be logicall and 'to the point' is sf genre. Unless it's science-fantasy, like star wars. But maybe your comment was just some kind of irony I didn't get (it's typicall for me).

    So can anybody tell me without spoilers:
    is ZE just filled with bullshity plot twists without logic, but 'muh plot twist, imma so hyped nao!',
    or is it logicall and gives you 'damn, that was a fantastically written complex story' moments? 

  8. Foreshadowing.
    Like again, in one of the worst written/directed 'big' VNs I've read - infamous Grisaia.
    Makina route. Yuuji got to know her past. And then he is sitting and thinking to himself about her. for fewteen minutes he is thinking 'she was thorugh this and this and that, and then she went there and was ding that. because of that she was this and went that and all of suden this and that happened'. And that's it, now I know her whole story. And now, right after that, there is 'retrospection' sequence which is going through the same events I just got to know from Yuujis thoughts, but with more details and with narration focused on Makina.
    So what was the point of this foreshadowing? To kill the mood/emotions in this retrospection? To 'soften' the shock? Then why even bother writting 'shocking' events?
    But enough about Grisaia.

    Foreshadowing is pretty comon thing in vn/anime/manga, and it's infuriating. Shocking scenes works, because they're sudden and surprising. Telling the audiences what is going to happen next is just wrong, it's just bad writting.

  9. Finished.
    Well, I'm unempathic this, so everytime I had a choice (Laundry, go search for her, keep the fly, taste of food) I was choosing the 'negative' answers.
    And that's where is a litttle crack in you walkthrough @Nosebleed. I didn't even have that last choice (regret/don't regret), because I was a prick. Probably this last choice is appearing when one choose 'keep the fly', because that's a 'Buterfly effect' achievment, and overal that makes sense storywise. But I just didn't had it, so I was 'forced' by the game to replay from the start.
    And that ws pretty troublesome, because every transition in this game is soooo sloooow. Also skip is not stopping on unread text, so yeah.

    Also - I only encauntered the bathroom scene and found Lucy on her 'wondering day' on my second playthrough, so it wasn't directly part of my experience. And that's why the last main plot point didn't worked for me. It was well written, and this time I can completly understad why people really liked it, but I just personally didn't made a bond with Lucy. Just not my type. And that's why I was more baffled than anything when 


    twist happend. I just couldn't believed that guy who was completly not into robots suddenly after burning his first android by his father, suddenly started to devoting his life to robotic science to bring Lucy back. The impact was (for me) too weak, to justify that sudden change in this guys personality.

    But oh well, if this would be even Yume from Planetarian everything would be fine and I would probably shed a tear, or two. ;)

    Overall - nice story, would recommend. :)

  10. Started this on a whim, and I think I'm in the middle.
    And I really like it. Protagonists it's what really 'makes' this VN for me, just as similiar to me, as it could be in 'vn protagonists' style. He's still a little 'empty case', but I like how he is nagative towards robots, Lucy herself, how he gets angry at her airheadness, (and smacks her head), and his overall views of the world just matches mine.
    I also like father. He's a strong character, with his own personality and I like that about him. It's not that I like him as a human being (because he's kinda an asshole), but as a character in game.
    Another thing I like very much is washing machine design. Looks great! :D Shame that laptop and tv don't have any futuristic tweaks to their desing (it's 2050, right?).

    The thing that I probably like least is Lucy herself. Uncaused cheerfulness is a trait that somehow angers me, when I see it in human beings, and especially in characters in various media. Just not my thing. She's also an airhead, so another point down. But she is what she is, and her personality procures interesting thoughts that protag makes, interesting themes to think of. And that's always appreciated, in any media.

    So, hopefully it wont suddenly take a turn for the worse, because I really want to grade it high. It's just...pleasant. :D

  11. Fewteen days ago, while reading horrible paced text in Grisaia I started to wonder who to blame. Writter? He definitelly has some skills, few scenes was really good. But his unfocused writting is just the pacing killer.
    He can write long,long,long wall of text about nothing and at the end of that sequence in two short sentences summarize enjoyable/exciting moments, which was never 'shown' in text itself. And he does that constantly.
    I have some movie theory background and thought that director is responsible for making script work, he is the one who made scenes flow, or not.
    So maybe it's a directors' fault for not smacking Fujisaki Ryuuta with a baseball bat to the head, when he was needing it? Somebody to say to him 'this is wrong, trim a lot of fat here, and expand that part, because this is good'.
    So I went to Grisaia vndb page and saw thet there is no credited director.

    How can a work as large as Grisaia even work without director who would manage the work on this (clearly it didn't work)? So if it's possible to write that huge and widely acclaimed title (second most baffling thing about VN world, after the Sharin no Kuni acclamation) without director, then why many titles do have a director? What is his role on the projects? The great Nakazawa Takumi since I/O is only credited as director and producer, he's not writting anything. So what is his role in games like Root Double, or Secret Game? Who is most important? Writter or director?

  12. Sorry for not answering Funya, but two days ago I was reading Makina route in Grisaia
    and it literally made me sick and depressed for good two days.
    I hate this title. Loathe it. But I must finish it.

    So. I came back after 10+ days of break. I was around the middle of this route. And I started reading and IT WAS GOOD. Surprisingly, because almost nothing in this VN is good.
    But this was. You know, all that plot with branching family, Yuuji visiting Makinas' 



    how she rolled him out of talk, great intelligence, great confrontation, and next scenes filed with emotions, when


    bakery was burnt.

    I was really sad, it hit me. It was heavy, it was emotional. And that's good. I even go to my spreadsheet to up vote Makina routes' 'up until know' grade. I gave it +0.3 (which resulted in 3.5/10 at that moment), which is a lot for just one scene.

    But right behind the corner was a lobby scene, where Yumiko told Yuuji to 'go comfort Mischa'. I mean Makina. I immidiately had a flashback to that, worst ever, choice in Katawa Shoujo. I'm sure many of you remember. But I ignored that red light, because not now, how could this happen now, after that great seqnece, when Makina is totally depressed and lost.
    But little do I know, Yuuji came to her room, saw this poor little child (I didn't help that in this scene literally one of every three sentences was mention of how Makina looks or bahaves like a child/kid/overgrown infant). Put a hand on her hands, and she grab his finger like, and I quote, "overgrown infant". It was cute. I love their chemistry as father and daughter. It's really nice to see that kind of relationship in VNs, probably the first time I see something like this. But right of the bat he "kissed her parted lips" and I started silently screaming at the screen. Everything what happens next was so painfull, so cancerous, so horrible that made me almost cry. And cut out from VN world for good 48 hours. Which didn't happened since october, since I started reading VNs regulary.
    He basically fucked his own daughter after she said (while wobbling on her kid like legs) "fuck me daddy I'm not a child", and then exposing her non existing childbreasts. Makina is around 7-10 years old. I know it said, that she's 18 or something, but I believe in what I see, read and hear. I couldn't care less if she's 1000yo dragon, if she looks like a child and behave like a child she's a child. And it's not like I have something against lolis. If done well - go for it. Loli route in Majikoi S was glorious. But fucking his own daughter, because that's how they relationship was, is just wrong. And I mean WRONG.
    So he told her to take off her clothes and spread her 'happy hole' and I quit at this moment.
    Few hours later my friend send me a CG from that scene, where she, of course, pees herself while crying of embarassment, because that's hot as fuck, right? (It's not).
    I probably never felt that bad after reading a VN. Well, maybe in Haruko Maniax, but still - not THAT bad. 

    Grisaia surely knows how to ruin good things. One of the worst VN I have read (still 2 more routes to go), on the Sharin no Kuni level of cancer, stupid ideas and stupid characters, with unfocused, bland, and hilariously bad writting/direction. But this is a discussion for another thread.

  13. Well, obvious VN for this thread is Yume Miru Kursui, when you're a totall asshole nad choose other routes, or only read that one route where you aren't.
    But this is rather extreme example.

    I had a situation like in first post, few times, but never that severe to stop reading/skip through routes. When I read a route and I like it, it's engaging, I had a hard time to get to next route (Majikoi is best example of this), because of those events I just lived are going to be erased. So it's always forcing myself to start another route. And then I usually get acustomed to this new route pretty fast, so no problem.
    And also - there is no 'cheating' for me, this is only a VN. The protagonist is the one, who gets the girls, not me.
    It helps that I usually left best girl or second best girl for the last.

  14. 1 hour ago, Fred the Barber said:

    Add that to no red flags in the opening, story, or characters (aside perhaps from the, even by VN standards, terrifyingly large bust sizes of most of the female characters...), my enjoying the art style, and most importantly Front Wing's reputation, and the end result is that I'm looking forward to throwing money at this.

    E-mote s the answer. You know, the bigger the chest, the better bounciness.

    I wish I could be as happy as you about it, there is a lot of red flags for me. :D Even the pose and face expression of that clingy-liquid-metal-neko-girl character is enough for me to turn this down. ;p

  15. Wow, seriously? :D Well, voices aren't THAT important in KnS, but they're pretty great. (They're even better in KnS2, Reji is fantastic). But most important thing - you missed the awesomenes of Yukarin, voiced by miraculously verastile Mizusawa Kei. Seriously, look at her list of voices. Mindblowing. Also - Toko, Natsume and Yaginuma are very memmorable. You should post in one of the many Kara No Shoujo threads, it would be easier to discuss. ;)


    ...aaaanyway, I finaly finished Route E in great I/O. Well, by 'finished' I mean that I got final ending, but still have 2 bad ends, and a lot of 'holes' to fill. Some of them are unlocked to read, some of them are still locked (I heard that route D' will unlock them).
    And I have a question - should I max the endings and holes in E route before starting Prime routes, or should I read D', C', B' and A' routes and then fill up the E route? What do you think @Canicheslayer?

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