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Posts posted by Arcadeotic

  1. 9 minutes ago, dexatq said:

    Why is exactly your face necessary? I have never understood that. Most idiotic thing in these new let's plays especially annoying in story driven games.

    Well, facecam is a plus, when you're playing a game, where things actually happen.

    Like in action games, but this is Visual Novels, so I think facecam is rather redundant.

  2. Rather interesting. Once again, you jump the gun on these discussions.

    Anyways, all I'm expecting of this is cute nekos, Coconut, some ridiculously good H-scenes and more nekos. Oh and heterochromia.

    That's basically everything, I know that it isn't going to be anything special, but all people need now is more Nekopara.


  3. 2 hours ago, Laika Karou said:


    In version 1.5 of the game all the character artwork was redone from a scratch with significantly higher quality. I spent a lot of time on these new designs so hopefully people who played the game will like this update.
    Download link is the same.

    They look miles better, great job :sachi:


  4. 26 minutes ago, Black Sands Entertainment said:

    this is a very long series about the mysterious past of Nun and the Core. It should definitely get the people who want to understand the premise of Legends of the Rift a chance to explore the alien side of the Black Sands Universe.

    Thanks for taking the time to read it. We will be putting out updates on the regular.

    Just notify it here, and I'll be vrry happy :sachi:





    Our discord server: https://discord.gg/hmgnfvu

            Bishoujo Mangekyou -Norowareshi Densetsu no Shoujo- Translation Project



    Title: Bishoujo Mangekyou -Norowareshi Densetsu no Shouojo | 美少女万華鏡 ―呪われし伝説の少女―

    Developer: ωstar (Omega Star)

    Official Site: http://www.omega-star.jp/

    VNDB Link: https://vndb.org/v8038


    Note: This is originally from the Finnish translation, however, as I go through translating the title, I will look through the script in Japanese as well




    Onogami Shigehiko, a teacher at an all-girls school, is a man of love - of love towards beautiful young girls - and to this day he has managed to keep this hidden from those around by playing as Mr. Serious.

    From the fear of losing his beloved career as a teacher, he has had to abstain from crossing the line with any of his students until now.

    ...Indeed, until now, until he met Kagarino Kirie, a mysterious girl of stunning beauty - it is this meeting that finally derails him into crossing that line, a line that was better left not crossed.







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    Well, this was a little earlier than hoped, but either way, here it is.

    Anyways, this project started about 5 weeks ago, when I thought about breaking into the translation scene. This has been a passion project for the whole time, doing this by myself.

    Honestly, this is a good title in terms of nukige, and I've enjoyed it and the rest of the series immensely.

    I've been doing updates in my wordpress weekly, and so have I in my Fuwa Blog. Either way, this has just been a regular passion project, which I've been doing in silence, but I thought that now would be a good place to bring it to light, fully.

    That's basically it, all things considered. Origin here.


    The Team


    - Arcadeotic




    - ApocRage

    - ocdc


    - Einstein9029

    - Nanon


    - Forgetful Frank

    - MajorPopinFresh


    TL: 100%

    Edited: 100%

    QC: 100%

    Proofreading: 100%


    Complete Patch Download Link: https://arcadeotic.wixsite.com/euphemictl/single-post/2018/10/09/Bishoujo-Mangekyou-A-Girls-Cursed-Legend


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