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Posts posted by Ezioe

  1. On 12/20/2015 at 6:18 PM, Eclipsed said:

    Now that Cloud's out, what are you guys' thoughts?

    Not that I'm an analytical competitive expert or anything, but Cloud feels meh. Horrible recovery that feels just terrible to have to waste your limit break on Climhazzard, all of his tilts and midairs have disappointing knockback despite his large ass sword; friggen' Link's Master Sword makes enemies fly further, and why does he float when he dashes!@#

    Still though, it's Cloud, so still pretty fun to get to play as him :P

    Don't worry. Bayonetta will be better. I guarantee it.

  2. Shake this kuma pls https://vndb.org/c5143 

    If possible Christmas themed. I am willing to use it as my avatar.


    Shake this kuma pls https://vndb.org/c5143 

    If possible Christmas themed. I am willing to use it as my avatar.

    Here you are. Not avatar worthy though. I hope my skills improve enough for that.


    I'm Done for the night. I have school tomorrow. I'll do some more tomorrow.

  3. Anyone want a shit drawing of any character you want? I need some practice with drawings. So, anyone want one for free? I'll do it. :/ Feel like being nice. It's the season if giving yada, yada, yada. Here's some of my work...so you know my shitty style... XD

    (Keep in mind I'm not that good. Which is why it's free.Even if I was good, I don't think I could charge. I'm too nice.)


  4. I love Levi. But other than him I found all the other characters unlikable and I cared not when some of them died. Eren's a crybaby, tbh. And while I didn't expect Annie to be the FT, It wasn't like an OMG plot twist. It was like a wtf? They never foreshadowed it. There was no logical explanation for Annie to have become a titan. P.S. WHAT ABOUT THE FUCKING BASEMENT!?!?!

    Are you reading a manga? The fight for that basement is currently happening. And i doubt we will see it in second anime season, becase too much stuff happened.

    I've never been a big manga reader.

  5. Over this last week i've been trying to convince that my youngest sisters' ideas, on how to achieve world peace, is fundamentally flawed. She seems to think that all of the worlds problems stem from overpopulation and a mass genocide of people will solve all the problems in the world. However, that is simply treating the symptoms. First of we must control the population growth itself, by sterilize the population by contaminating the water supply and construct multiple "people factories" to artificially create and maintain the population. This will allow the ability to handcraft each individual to suit what society needs and avoid genetic defects. To prevent the misuse of the system the sole control of these factories should fall under a massive system of redundant AI. To prevent any possible deviants trying to overthrow the AI the populace must be infected by self replicating nanobots. These machines would serve beneficial purposes and keep people alive and healthy for extended periods of time, but if an individual becomes erratic or threatens the system, the AI can safely shut down the individual anytime by using the nanobots.    

    It seems like she is starting to share my ideas, but my other sister has started calling us sociopaths. 

    There are many things wrong with this.

  6. Confession: I've been trying to complete the first page in a manga I'm creating. But I'm a lazy bum. Can't even finish the line art. 


    Confession 2: I showed my mother one of my recent drawings and the first thing she said instead of voicing her praise for my work was "Why don't you ever draw black people?" I then proceeded to spend two hours drawing a black person. It came out decent enough. Thanks mom.

    Hidden Content

    This reminds me of Clerks the Animated Series where Dante and Randal are reading viewer mail asking them if they're afraid of women and they keep blowing it off, until a letter pops up asking if there aren't any black people in New Jersey and they hop all over that by introducing a black character on the spot.


  7.  For Ex: I before e except after c


    We have all heard of this.


    Anyway, here is some usage I've gathered.

    "Too much anime." (as an activity)

    "New anime this season" (as a category) as in "New anime this season includes one punch man, noragami 2, gundam..."

    "I watched a lot of anime lately." (as an activity)


    ...but in certain cases...

    "Animes that will haunt you" (as specifying a group of anime)

    (will mean differently than "Anime that will haunt you", given that certain headlines omit quantifiers like 'an' or 'a') 

    "The worst anime in 2015" will also be different from "The worst animes in 2015" in English.


    None of this makes coherent sense. Anime is not a verb so it can't be an activity. There was also no difference between The Worst Anime in 2915 and the Worst Animes in 2015 in English except that I've never heard anyone say Animes as the plural form. If someone says the Top 10 Worst Anime, you know it is the plural form.

  8. Confession: I've been trying to complete the first page in a manga I'm creating. But I'm a lazy bum. Can't even finish the line art. 


    Confession 2: I showed my mother one of my recent drawings and the first thing she said instead of voicing her praise for my work was "Why don't you ever draw black people?" I then proceeded to spend two hours drawing a black person. It came out decent enough. Thanks mom.


  9. Can we just agree that English rules are usually decided by what the first thing that comes out of your ass when you give it a little pull is?

    "Cactus" is often pluralized as "cacti", but you rarely see people use "ani" instead of "anuses".

    I honestly never hard anyone refer to more than one asshole before. English has many rules that have exceptions to those rules and an exception to that as well. Although in school, they leave out the exception to the exception. 


    For Ex: I before e except after c


    We have all heard of this. But teachers forget to mention to you until high school the exception to the exception.


    Except in eigh like neighbor and weigh.


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