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  1. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in Top 5 VN Heroines   
    Here are my Top 5 VN Heroines:
    5. Best escapism:

    Takabe Eri (Shusaku)
    There is really nothing I can say about Eri without spoiling the integral twist of the game.
    Just know that she is the reason to read this eroge. Especially if you are lonely and a degenerate.
    4. Best tsundere:

    Casty Rianoit (Ciel/Ar nosurge)
    I actually bought the game for Ion, but Cass easily stole her place as my favorite Exa_Pico character after I got to know her better. This is pretty much the best interpretation of the modern tsundere trope I have ever seen. Everything about her behavior is just perfect. The tsun, the dere, the drama in between.
    I hated me, the player, for messing with her love life. I cried manly tears while she was singing Re:Incarnation.
    Sorry Ion, you may be the better waifu, but Cass is the better heroine (and has the better cosmosphere by far).
    3. Best wife (sadly not your own):

    Asaka Reiko (Ushinawareta Rakuen)
    Reiko is awesome because she doesn't love the protagonist. And although the protagonist has a crush on her, he does not try to netori her. Instead, he tries to understand why she loves her husband so much, so he can become a better man, a man she would like, a man worth of her attention. Wow, how not VN-like! Leave it to the 25 years old games to tell a great character-driven story, haha.
    2. Best romance:

    Midou Yuuki (Shitai wo Arau)
    I came for the gore, but stayed for the romance. Yuuki is one of the most "realistic" characters in a VN I had the pleasure of getting to know. If you want to characterize her, I guess she is a classic tsundere, but there is really much more to her. Her "tsun"-side really feels like a nurse who understands the responsibility she bears. Her "dere"-side really feels like a young woman in love.
    I also really like how she is neither a little girl nor an old woman. Something which is surprisingly rare in VNs nowadays. I also like how she is a nurse but not a slut. Something which is surprisingly rare in VNs, too. In fact, Shitai wo Arau is the only hospital VN I know of where you can romance actual angels in white, not some nymphomaniacs.
    1. The ultimate girlfriend character:

    Sanjou Anna (Kawarazaki-ke no Ichizoku 2)
    She is everything a girlfriend should be. Can't really say much more without spoiling the game.
    0. Mai waifu
    I got the bonus points. Her laughing at slaughtered enemies is just too cute.
    Waifus who are masochistic to you and sadistic to everyone else are just the best!
  2. Like
    Tyr reacted to Eclipsed in Top 5 VN Heroines   
    Hahahaha, that's funny, Ion is the better heroine for me, while Cass is the better waifu :3

    You described Cass PERFECTLY, btw +1. More tsundere lovers should play Ar Nosurge, if not just for Cass

    And yeah, messing with her love life... I seriously had a life morale crisis when I told her "Thank you, and don't worry"

    ...Only to go for a certain Shurelia ending later 

    Seriously, I felt like utter scum for doing that ._. it's legit the best WTF PLAYER?! moment ever.
  3. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in Conjueror's Untranslated Visual Novel Tournament [Discussion]   
    Haha, that may actually explain something. For me, hentai is serious business and nothing more than a dark and depraved way to psychologically manipulate and bind other people to yourself and your goals. You know, like in real life.
  4. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Eclipsed in Top 5 VN Heroines   
    Here are my Top 5 VN Heroines:
    5. Best escapism:

    Takabe Eri (Shusaku)
    There is really nothing I can say about Eri without spoiling the integral twist of the game.
    Just know that she is the reason to read this eroge. Especially if you are lonely and a degenerate.
    4. Best tsundere:

    Casty Rianoit (Ciel/Ar nosurge)
    I actually bought the game for Ion, but Cass easily stole her place as my favorite Exa_Pico character after I got to know her better. This is pretty much the best interpretation of the modern tsundere trope I have ever seen. Everything about her behavior is just perfect. The tsun, the dere, the drama in between.
    I hated me, the player, for messing with her love life. I cried manly tears while she was singing Re:Incarnation.
    Sorry Ion, you may be the better waifu, but Cass is the better heroine (and has the better cosmosphere by far).
    3. Best wife (sadly not your own):

    Asaka Reiko (Ushinawareta Rakuen)
    Reiko is awesome because she doesn't love the protagonist. And although the protagonist has a crush on her, he does not try to netori her. Instead, he tries to understand why she loves her husband so much, so he can become a better man, a man she would like, a man worth of her attention. Wow, how not VN-like! Leave it to the 25 years old games to tell a great character-driven story, haha.
    2. Best romance:

    Midou Yuuki (Shitai wo Arau)
    I came for the gore, but stayed for the romance. Yuuki is one of the most "realistic" characters in a VN I had the pleasure of getting to know. If you want to characterize her, I guess she is a classic tsundere, but there is really much more to her. Her "tsun"-side really feels like a nurse who understands the responsibility she bears. Her "dere"-side really feels like a young woman in love.
    I also really like how she is neither a little girl nor an old woman. Something which is surprisingly rare in VNs nowadays. I also like how she is a nurse but not a slut. Something which is surprisingly rare in VNs, too. In fact, Shitai wo Arau is the only hospital VN I know of where you can romance actual angels in white, not some nymphomaniacs.
    1. The ultimate girlfriend character:

    Sanjou Anna (Kawarazaki-ke no Ichizoku 2)
    She is everything a girlfriend should be. Can't really say much more without spoiling the game.
    0. Mai waifu
    I got the bonus points. Her laughing at slaughtered enemies is just too cute.
    Waifus who are masochistic to you and sadistic to everyone else are just the best!
  5. Like
    Tyr reacted to Funnerific in Visual novel genres and traits/fetishes that you cant stand   
    As for utsuge, I've seen enough to know it will actually happen. If it didn't, the title in question wouldn't be tagged with utsuge in the first place. It ends up being a foregone conclusion.
    Example 1: I'll do everything for it, no matter what it takes! Ah, but I can't do this, this, this, this is unthinkable entirely - and really all I can do is shout and be a braindead hot-blooded protagonist. https://vndb.org/v92
    Example 2, more common: the world is a cold place, and since I grew up here, I'm the same way. That doesn't mean I won't break my character every now and then to be surprisingly kind and act according to the society's norms because otherwise a lot of players will be put off, go refund the game and the VN company will have to close doors. https://vndb.org/v1896
    Example 3: No murder allowed. Characters in action titles keep talking about how it may be necessary, but will never do it. Guns will always be used to magically "neutralize" human enemies without killing anyone, because good guys never kill, no matter how evil the bad guy is, right? If the bad guy has to die no matter what, he'll end up dying on his own, one way or the other, thus conveniently avoiding any guilt for the good guy. Most action anime out there, https://vndb.org/v5154
    Think about it, have you even seen any anime where the protagonist kills a human? Barely anything goes far enough.
    Example 4: Cop outs. Provide strong indications of heavy plot, then brush it off as misunderstandings and go the lighthearted way. Generally moege, https://vndb.org/v16069
  6. Like
    Tyr reacted to sarayne in a way to make visual novels more popular in the west   
    My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 23, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your thread gave me cancer anyway.
  7. Like
    Tyr reacted to Kawasumi in Conjueror's Untranslated Visual Novel Tournament [Discussion]   
    different blokes different strokes, the people I know that read it found the humor in the first part to be hilarious.
    (that table CG is fucking hilarious, fite me)
  8. Like
    Tyr reacted to Deep Blue in Conjueror's Untranslated Visual Novel Tournament [Discussion]   
    after playing subahibi sakura no uta is my last choice over all those vns.... i still dont understand why there is so much love towards sca-ji :/
  9. Like
    Tyr reacted to Maxel in Root Double- Before Crime * After Days - Kickstarter launched!   
    I don't know what's the plan behind it, but I don't think that it will help that much. Normal guy, wants his Vita version, he look at KS page: "Oh okay, there's vita, time to pledge!" Then he sees that he would need to pledge 225$ or more: "Okay, nvm." While addind Vita version is pretty nice, I don't think many Vita players will ride this train... It would be way better just adding VITA tier at 30$ and Vita&PC Digital Bundle at like 60$ You would probably get couple hundreds of people. Maybe even more, who knows. We'll see how it'll go, I want it to succeed, so... And you left 1000/5000/7000 as they are, well that's your choice.
    These tiers just saddens me... They're really uncomparable to Muv-Luv or even Libra. Cost of Libra B/W Shikishi 1000$, cost of Muv Luv Maxima Colored Shikishi 300~~$ Official Colored Shikishi 1000~~$ (Muv-Luv ones maybe even less, because of the other prizes) Root Double B/W Shikishi 4000$+ Root Double Colored Shikishi 6000$+ 
    I'm not a hater of SP, but if Regista/Yeti wanted to offer tiers like this, you should just say "Are you guys out of your minds?" It's not even about supporting the KS/game/devs or not, it's about RESPECTING the visual novel fanbase... Someone still will probably have to pledge this amount to save this KS... I know Root Double doesn't have much merchendise, but that doesn't mean that you have to put tiers like these. I would just delete them personally. 
    Someone who's willing to pledge 7000$ should get at least a meeting with writer/artist + both B/W and Colored Shikishis
    Sorry for a little bashing, I hope I didn't offend anyone...
  10. Like
    Tyr reacted to Ariurotl in Your first VN experience   
    It was everything I could've hoped for.
  11. Like
    Tyr reacted to XReaper in Most bizarre scenes.   
    adds ilkenie2 to the list and with bizarre scenes i didnt mean the ones from the game itself, but rather me surprisingly having managed of fapping to its content, means i pretty much enjoyed all those honour lacking sluts getting tortured & worse due to their overbearing sluttyness aka female pigs squeeling in utmost horror ahoy!

    edit: the supposed to be unfaithful married one was great upon the mc realizing her true self
    edit2: dont bother with its precedessor of sorts, should´ve listened to tyrosins advice & skipped on this crappy excuse for a piece of literature
  12. Like
    Tyr reacted to Maxel in Root Double- Before Crime * After Days - Kickstarter launched!   
    Every tier after 225$ should just evaporate. Fans shouldn't even touch them... That's how unfair they are. 1,000$ tier should be like 350$, 5,000$ one should be changed into 1000$.... and the most expensive 7000$ one should be 1,500$ instead. I'm not saying give fans "items" for free, but at least at viable prices. It is calles crowd-funding, but that's just pushing it over the edge. If they want it to succeed they should change the higher tiers + add new ones. They had over half a year to organize this kickstarter and that's what they came up with? One word: disappointement. If they think that fans are dumb enough to give them pure money for almost nothing they're wrong... (hopefully)
    Even though Libra is worse game, the amount of work put in their KS by devs+localization company is outstanding, the amount of tiers is also amazing, the same with fairness of them, and they changed a lot of things according to users feedback. They deserve to be funded.
  13. Like
    Tyr reacted to XReaper in What are you playing?   
    managed to play through izumo4 just in time & after more or less creating a small timetable (daily chart) i´m mentally prepared to the fullest for whats considered entering the holy realm of "eternal NEETism".
    this basically means due to current unemployment of mine the next 3-4months (or longer) will consist of reading (dark) nukige for 6h, 5h on more storydriven stuff (chuuni/militaristic/horror/mystery/apocalyptic/non-moe), playing oldschoolish rpgs for 5h & talking/groping/playing with my figurines for ~2h.

    edit: though i still need getting rid of the huge backlog of mine first, before moving on to the main dish.

    edit2: nah i dont have anything more meaningful (?) to do with my life, as i grew to despise humanity as a whole, dont plan on getting intimate with 3dpd´s anytime soon & prefer to talk to those only via phone if its non avoidable from the beginning...

  14. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in Root Double- Before Crime * After Days - Kickstarter launched!   
    >Sekai deletes negative comments on Facebook and such
    >this thread lost a lot of comments
    This had to happen at some point considering how little respect Sekai has been showing for its target audience and the games they publish. It's just a shame that it happened to the only actually good game they had in store for us...
  15. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from VirginSmasher in Root Double- Before Crime * After Days - Kickstarter launched!   
    >Sekai deletes negative comments on Facebook and such
    >this thread lost a lot of comments
    This had to happen at some point considering how little respect Sekai has been showing for its target audience and the games they publish. It's just a shame that it happened to the only actually good game they had in store for us...
  16. Like
    Tyr reacted to XReaper in What are you playing?   
    even calling the supposed to sound readable gibberisch a translation is pretty much an insult to the acchievements of human language :/
  17. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Eclipsed in What are you playing?   
    Funny, I did exactly the same in the last weeks. Finished the game yesterday.
    I don't know what to think about Ar nosurge. It's by far the best exa_pico game in terms of romance. Cass and Delta are probably the most awesome couple I saw in the last few years in a JRPG. They are so lovely-dovey with each other, it makes my heart going fuwa very strong. I usually don't like tsundere characters but Cass is so adorable honest and fragile with her personality. And Delta is a really good-hearted guy without being boring or lame.
    I love how the game has nearly no harem vibe (aside from stupid side-stories which really were unnecessary) and two predetermined couples, so we get to see relationship building without the boring who gets whom part.
    That said, I have to say that Earthes is sadly the worst character of all and kinda brings the whole game down. Ironically, when I started the game I thought he would be the character and his relationship with Ion would be the one I will like the most. That's because the Anata-concept in Ciel nosurge was executed flawlessly and I think Ciel is one of the best selfinserting "dating sims" ever made.
    Earthes execution in Ar nosurge however is ... horrible. He is the worst character of the cast and that's because he is supposed to be "me", but I never felt that this would be the case. Instead, everything Earthes did, I didn't want him to do. But the game forces me to do this stuff! And the games also want me to want to do it. But this doesn't work at all. When I want to be empathetic, the game forces me to be a smartass. When I want to act, the game forces me to be an hetare. When I want to be raburabu with Ion, the game forces me to flirt with other characters. WTF. Epic fail. The ending is the worst of all. Having no "Shut the fuck up, bitch"-choice ruined my immersion completely.
  18. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in What are you playing?   
    Funny, I did exactly the same in the last weeks. Finished the game yesterday.
    I don't know what to think about Ar nosurge. It's by far the best exa_pico game in terms of romance. Cass and Delta are probably the most awesome couple I saw in the last few years in a JRPG. They are so lovely-dovey with each other, it makes my heart going fuwa very strong. I usually don't like tsundere characters but Cass is so adorable honest and fragile with her personality. And Delta is a really good-hearted guy without being boring or lame.
    I love how the game has nearly no harem vibe (aside from stupid side-stories which really were unnecessary) and two predetermined couples, so we get to see relationship building without the boring who gets whom part.
    That said, I have to say that Earthes is sadly the worst character of all and kinda brings the whole game down. Ironically, when I started the game I thought he would be the character and his relationship with Ion would be the one I will like the most. That's because the Anata-concept in Ciel nosurge was executed flawlessly and I think Ciel is one of the best selfinserting "dating sims" ever made.
    Earthes execution in Ar nosurge however is ... horrible. He is the worst character of the cast and that's because he is supposed to be "me", but I never felt that this would be the case. Instead, everything Earthes did, I didn't want him to do. But the game forces me to do this stuff! And the games also want me to want to do it. But this doesn't work at all. When I want to be empathetic, the game forces me to be a smartass. When I want to act, the game forces me to be an hetare. When I want to be raburabu with Ion, the game forces me to flirt with other characters. WTF. Epic fail. The ending is the worst of all. Having no "Shut the fuck up, bitch"-choice ruined my immersion completely.
  19. Like
    Tyr reacted to XReaper in What are you playing?   
    so far not dissappointed by izumo4, getting some pretty neat oldschool vibes from it, but for those still beeing sceptical because of debonosus former works partly questionable quality, its dialogues & writing in general appear way more refined than in those, which is mostly due to light´s staff (though kurashiki also worked for clockup etc) having handled all the scenario & music to try doing the series justice by creating something that feels epic to the reader himself.
    like tyrosin mentioned, there´s a reason to it, why they decided on releasing it under studio e-go & not debonosu, but best see for yourself...
    edit. lots of battle mikos everywhere catering towards the strong miko fetish of mine.
  20. Like
    Tyr reacted to XReaper in End of the year is near! Favorite moment of 2015?   
    most memorable ones in the case of mine:

    • reading teito hiten deisakusen, abyss homicide club & hotel ergriffen
    • marathoning amagasa´s medieval fantasy series beniiro - varite et mensonge
    • liquid´s kuroinu got licensed
    • the grandios dissappointment thats been empress´s closed game after refuse
      reading its trial before & spending my very last money on it
    • elf as a company regrettably vacated the world stage
    • a lewd mikandi-jp appeared
    • loligeddon took place
    • the neverending circle of repeatative postings reg. sekai´s (over)usuage of kickstarter yes/no :/
    • albatross sky butlers + followup conspiracy theories on 4chan XD
    • mental breakdown after getting enslaved for good
    • the curse which wont let me finish the last 5 eroge i´ve begun reading
    • ushio to tora´s remake in old school manner
    • realization that customers nowadays deserve to die, after paracyte the maximum
      crashed ultrahard sales-wise
    • resurrection of black cyc
    • berserk´s chapter 338 got released
    • gattsu´s party finally reached their destination/ reapperance of gattsu-tan
    • crying like fuck when an anime of berserk´s black swordsman arc has been announced
    • crying like very fuck upon hearing of berserks´s newly announced hiatus
  21. Like
    Tyr reacted to CeruleanGamer in Dustmania WTF   
    I am more for ratings on a vn's purpose. Story and characters are great elements to have but I value the purpose more. If it's a galge/otome, I prefer that the artwork must be at least decent and the relationships are handled nicely. If it's a nakige, I expect to shed some tears and if it does that well and not too forced, then the game did its job. If it's a nukige and all the sexual elements presented are to my liking and satisfy most of my fetishes then I wouldnt mind giving nukiges a 9-10 rating even if the story/characters are crap.
  22. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from FinalChaos in Dustmania WTF   
    Uhm, not really ^^
    https://vndb.org/v9545 is not based on Nabokov's novel in any way. This VN is a just a product of the "lolita boom" which was prevalent in Japanese entertainment in the 80s.
    The lolita boom, despite what one may think when he hears that name, isn't exactly based on Nabokov's novel, either. Japanese obsession with little girls comes from a pseudo-psychological book written by Russell Trainer named "Lolita Complex" where he tries to explain in a pseudo-scientific way (he wasn't actually a scholar) why little girls are obsessed with older men.
    When Lolita Complex was translated into Japanese, it was quite popular with the middle-aged men there. They probably liked the idea of little nymphs who are into them. The first mangaka to draw a "Lolita" was also inspired by Trainer's book and his "Lolita" manga was a big success with the audience and the beginning of that what's now called the lolita boom.
    You see, the term "Lolicon" derived from "Lolita Complex", Trainer's book, and not from Nabokov's novel. Many people nowadays also think that it means "older men who are attracted to little girls", but that's not true either! It actually describes not the men but the girls and means "little girls who are attracted to older men". Thus the "Lolita"-character isn't just any little girl, it's implied that she is a nymphet, Humbert Humbert's term for these "special" little girls. Those little succubi who target older men with their adolescent innocence, just like Humbert himself was targeted and bewitched by his Lolita (although many moralfags probably think of this interpretation as victim blaming, haha).
    If you look at the cover of this VN, you will also see one of these little devils! Just look at her expression, she's probably confused by her budding sexuality and how she's getting wet under that innocent little-girl dress when she's fantasizing about mature middle-aged men! ...at least that's what Japanese otaku in the 80s thought.
    What most people are classifying as "pedophiles" nowadays are in many cases not actual genuine pedophiles. I think most otaku who are labeled as "Lolicons" (which is a misnomer as I explained before, but we will just go with it now) are not attracted by the appearance of little girls per se (which is the definition of a genuine pedophile) but by their innocence. The artificial attraction to little girls is in many cases a result of social awkwardness, especially with normal(-aged) women. Which is probably true for most otakus, haha.
    Little girls don't judge you, they don't care how you look or how much money you earn. All there is to make them happy is to spend some time with them and play with them. It's truly the ideal relationship for many otakus. I'm pretty sure that's why otakus are so fascinated by Lolis and that's also the reason why in the 80s they very much liked the idea, that little girls are actually interested in them and not only the other way around.
    Alice Soft games are a good example for the lolita boom, they are full with Lolita-characters. (At least in the 80s and 90s they were.) Elf's games are full with nymphets, too.
    That said, you shouldn't confuse a "Lolita"-character with the "Loli"-character today. Just like the term Lolicon changed its meaning, a "Loli" nowadays is entirely different from its 80s counterpart. Though it would probably go to far to explain that, too. I actually just wanted show why so many old eroge are "Lolita"-focused and where the term, how the Japanese use it, really comes from.
  23. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from Deep Blue in Dustmania WTF   
    Uhm, not really ^^
    https://vndb.org/v9545 is not based on Nabokov's novel in any way. This VN is a just a product of the "lolita boom" which was prevalent in Japanese entertainment in the 80s.
    The lolita boom, despite what one may think when he hears that name, isn't exactly based on Nabokov's novel, either. Japanese obsession with little girls comes from a pseudo-psychological book written by Russell Trainer named "Lolita Complex" where he tries to explain in a pseudo-scientific way (he wasn't actually a scholar) why little girls are obsessed with older men.
    When Lolita Complex was translated into Japanese, it was quite popular with the middle-aged men there. They probably liked the idea of little nymphs who are into them. The first mangaka to draw a "Lolita" was also inspired by Trainer's book and his "Lolita" manga was a big success with the audience and the beginning of that what's now called the lolita boom.
    You see, the term "Lolicon" derived from "Lolita Complex", Trainer's book, and not from Nabokov's novel. Many people nowadays also think that it means "older men who are attracted to little girls", but that's not true either! It actually describes not the men but the girls and means "little girls who are attracted to older men". Thus the "Lolita"-character isn't just any little girl, it's implied that she is a nymphet, Humbert Humbert's term for these "special" little girls. Those little succubi who target older men with their adolescent innocence, just like Humbert himself was targeted and bewitched by his Lolita (although many moralfags probably think of this interpretation as victim blaming, haha).
    If you look at the cover of this VN, you will also see one of these little devils! Just look at her expression, she's probably confused by her budding sexuality and how she's getting wet under that innocent little-girl dress when she's fantasizing about mature middle-aged men! ...at least that's what Japanese otaku in the 80s thought.
    What most people are classifying as "pedophiles" nowadays are in many cases not actual genuine pedophiles. I think most otaku who are labeled as "Lolicons" (which is a misnomer as I explained before, but we will just go with it now) are not attracted by the appearance of little girls per se (which is the definition of a genuine pedophile) but by their innocence. The artificial attraction to little girls is in many cases a result of social awkwardness, especially with normal(-aged) women. Which is probably true for most otakus, haha.
    Little girls don't judge you, they don't care how you look or how much money you earn. All there is to make them happy is to spend some time with them and play with them. It's truly the ideal relationship for many otakus. I'm pretty sure that's why otakus are so fascinated by Lolis and that's also the reason why in the 80s they very much liked the idea, that little girls are actually interested in them and not only the other way around.
    Alice Soft games are a good example for the lolita boom, they are full with Lolita-characters. (At least in the 80s and 90s they were.) Elf's games are full with nymphets, too.
    That said, you shouldn't confuse a "Lolita"-character with the "Loli"-character today. Just like the term Lolicon changed its meaning, a "Loli" nowadays is entirely different from its 80s counterpart. Though it would probably go to far to explain that, too. I actually just wanted show why so many old eroge are "Lolita"-focused and where the term, how the Japanese use it, really comes from.
  24. Like
    Tyr reacted to CeruleanGamer in Dustmania WTF   
    Are you proposing masturbation should be illegal now?  
    No really, the human mind is so fickle and our brain works in so many ways, that there's billion of subjects and objects that people masturbate to. And by the way you are responding, you seem to be someone who is still very young and hasn't explored his/her fetishes yet. As you grow older, you will be able to understand it more. You will be like, why the fuck is [insert ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING here] making me wet/giving me an erection?
  25. Like
    Tyr reacted to CeruleanGamer in Dustmania WTF   
    When it comes to fetishes, the word "normal" shouldn't even exist.... That's the whole beauty of fetishism: There is absolutely no right or wrong about it. 
    You are the master of your own sexual desire. Don't let anyone tell you what's proper on what to get turned on or not. It differs from person to person and the possibilities of fetishes are astronomical. 
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