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Darklord Rooke

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Everything posted by Darklord Rooke

  1. On the lemma forums there's a thread asking why yuri games are so unpopular. It also questions why there's a greater interest in otome and yaoi games It is very much about the demographic.
  2. I understand your point but I think your example was a poor one. "Don't misunderstand me" is something I've heard from native english speakers, and it isn't poor english. Of course, I never heard it when I was in school but.....
  3. I support your sustained assault on that scourge called Europe, and pledge my assistance from Australia. And by 'assistance' I mean I will send you many squads of Kangaroos and crocodiles. Use them wisely.
  4. Turning Fuwa into a host site where lots of translation groups operate, or some kind of collaboration site, may be a more feasible idea. I forsee problems if you try and create a single Fuwanovel group. Many problems. Because of this, I believe this to be an April Fools joke. Just my 2c. If it isn't an April's Fools joke, I wish you the best of luck. If it is... Steve's was better
  5. You're weighting things here. Only people who care about getting things for free care about JAST's habit of scooping up fantls. If you care about expanding the visual novel scene, you'd buy the game and be happy that there's a legitimate way of supporting the developers in the west without expecting users to buy things from a Japanese website and be able to apply patches. You forgot Django by the way. JAST has at least 7 story titles on the way, with a couple more expected. And no, I really don't care what the community thinks is important. The community, in terms of VNs, are mostly made up of people trying to get the most VNs possible for free. Considering the visual novel scene has declined largely in the past 5-6 years, what's far more important is finding ways to get money back to the developers. No money means no games. So yes, JAST is tl a couple of games that have already been fantl'd, and by doing so more people will buy the game and more money will go to the developers. So I don't share your view of things. JAST has at least 7 story VNs on their schedule, and these are the developers I want to support. MG has a host of nukige titles on the books who I really don't want to support. Oh, except for the creators of EF, who I think are struggling financially at the moment. Which is a shame. Concerning speed, while MG is faster than JAST, they're not nearly as quick as you think. Most of their releases are short nukige stuff where a) people don't care about translation quality and b) all they're translating is 'oh, ooooohhhhhhhh' over and over again.
  6. A significant proportion of the titles you are referring to are older titles, especially if you're flipping through their G-Collections line. JAST's modern releases are mostly story VNs, a quick glance through their recent and upcoming releases will confirm this. MG's, on the other hand, are dominated by nukige. A quick glance through their recent releases will reveal mostly nukige, unlike JAST's. JAST's mangagamer line up is not dominated by nukige.
  7. Recommendations - Innocent Grey stuff Check titles by Nitro +. Quite a few are dark. Type-Moon likes to produce dark stuff. Fate/Stay night gets darker the further you get into it. Tsukihime gets really dark.
  8. Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou, one of the greatest mangas without an anime series. Blood Alone Yotsuba Orange Marmalade Dear, Only you don't know All of these manga deserve an anime series
  9. I just played their demo and was pretty unimpressed with the writing. Probably not the best scene to showcase. Still excited about the game, but not quite as much as before.
  10. MG releases a lot of rubbish. A few good titles are sprinkled in there somewhere, like EF. I'm interested in most of JAST's titles. For me, it's an easy win to JAST. @Krill, JList funds JAST, that's why they don't need nearly as many nukige in their line up. 3 of the last 4 games MangaGamer have released has been nukige, with plenty more coming. In comparison, JAST just released Yumina and will release Steins Gate.
  11. Yeah Baby! Next person sees erotic images in clouds. All the time!
  12. You're Under Arrest Ranma Tenchi Macross The 2 Rurouni Kenshin OVAs - Trust and Betrayal (Lightyears better than the series. And the MUSIC!) Lain Aria
  13. This is awesome. I'll be keeping an eye on this!
  14. "Aaahhhhhh AAAAAAAhhhhhhhh AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Shinji Ikari - Evangelion.
  15. 1 - StrikeMan - "You're Under Arrest" 2 - Vimes - "Terry Pratchett novels" 3 - HK-47 - "KOTOR"
  16. It was a fun plan, but you made one mistake. You made it go on too long, and you made each activity a week long. Stories are hard work. Activities in general is work. So when enthusiasm for a project dies, people will naturally not want to work hard on it any more. Maybe you should have made it a couples week and planned 3 activities of 2 days each. That way you capture fully the enthusiasm and energy the people have when they first started, and the project finishes before people got bored. Tis a shame. I was planning on kidnappi- curious to see who the writers were on this forum. Cest la vie.
  17. You should think carefully about what would happen if the majority of members DID use the like button often
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