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Everything posted by Kurokusari

  1. What, a girl that likes Yuri? I thought it was like guys avoiding yaoi like the plague. Well then, welcome to the forums! I hope you and enjoy your stay and see ya around. Grats on getting to work on your own VN. Not really a fan of otome games but I guess it's something greatly important to you. I need to learn to draw and make some weird VNs
  2. I wouldn't exactly recommend Grisaia no Kajitsu if you're looking for realistic mindsets. The protagonist will pretty much solve the problem in the most unexpected ways (turkey, anyone?) but I guess it aligns with the "who are able to objectively judge the situation at hand and act according to what they are capable of" part that you want. The characters are quite capable and the situations really brings out the worst in humanity. So yeah it goes partly with what you want and then maybe not. My personal recommendation would be ef - a fairy tale of the two (https://vndb.org/v88).The characters are pretty likable and also relatable and they are in the point where they make some important decisions in their lives. Well at least the first tale is. I do believe the characters have enough realistic mindsets.
  3. Yeah I have a similar goal to yours. Experiencing things in itself is a great thing even if it's bad. But I do prefer good experiences. Also, this is mostly a question of how you value your life compared to important people in your life so whether you can do it or not is not a problem. So much love . . . for yourself. But some people can't bear to be the ones left behind but it seems you're different. Quite sturdy, aren't we?
  4. What how did you know?! But seriously, they were just from the same developers as Suikashoujo's. I was wondering if this was even received so I looked it up and it seems they made quite an number of games. So yeah moon people do play these things. Definitely not making excuses
  5. . . . What? I just went and looked for some and I found some, unfortunately. Most of the synopsis use some obscene words so read at your own discretion. Yes, they're all Nukige. https://vndb.org/v16900 https://vndb.org/v15604 https://vndb.org/v15431
  6. Uhh you'll also die so your wife is gonna do it with some other man. So your name is not just for show.
  7. Idk but my experience like this was with Agarest. That game had choices, flags, affection points, and heroine endings. The only one missing is the heroine route. That and it was gameplay heavy. I mean, the gameplay could take you around 300 hours to complete it and that's just gameplay alone. Also it destroys the story and the translation was crap (not really related). The concept was good but it was executed horribly. As for what differentiates it, idk you're comparing it to something too broad. Just about every RPG game has dialogues/text. Heck even some FPS games has them. But for the sake of a glaring answer, it's the amount. VNs without gameplay is 99% dialog and 1% choices.
  8. Everyone is mostly picking their child/himself and almost no one picks their wife/husband. I understand not dragging everyone to the grave but doesn't anyone feel anything for their partner? Or maybe I should replace it with waifu. I just hope that you'll have the resolve when you have the decision like this. What no one wants their 3d waifu? Jokes aside, I don't think most people can bear it to be this pragmatic in this kind of decisions. True but a change of values is never boring imo. It seems like there are a lot of people who prioritizes their child. So you hate kids? Might be different if it's your own flesh and blood. This is mostly how you honestly feel and how you value people's lives aside from yourself but if that's your take on this then it's all good. And yes, there are people who will fail to follow through but this is just a theoretical situation where you have time to rationalize on what you really want. Yeah I did mention a happy marriage.
  9. A reformist is usually someone who is met with cold glares. Although I wouldn't exactly call myself a reformist either. Just a bit weird, I guess. Thanks for this one. I'm glad that it could be well-received by some people in the community. You're quite the unique person, I guess? But still choosing money over family, it makes me curious as to what kind of experiences you had to turn out like this. No offense or prying intended. They say wisdom comes with age. People definitely experience those life-changing moments before that kind of age. Or they just have more time to think then. I'm too young to know There are a lot of events where what people choose rationally is different from their choice in the actual event. Maybe it's because of the atmosphere or just the lack of time to think. Btw, if it were you, would you like experience something that would change that motto of yours? I'm not questioning it since all of us abide to some sort of personal virtues.
  10. That's one deep degree of being apathetic. I won't say that it's selfish since most people don't want to die but there's always a chance for that to change. I was the same back then until I got a dog. I loved that dog more than people and her death pretty much almost killed me. I was also apathetic back then, too, but one person changed that. Who knows? Life's a pretty long road and you might also have the same experience. I sound like an old man. Haven't been that deep yet but I'm glad that Tokimi is the best heroine. I already had a good impression of her.
  11. It's your choice so dw about it. I only want live until I'm satisfied so I'll gladly pass the baton at this point in my life. I don't mind dying early as long as I won't regret anything. They do say that happiness is a choice so you do have a point here. Being happy again after recovering from something like this is feasible.
  12. Yeah this was shamelessly ripped from Eien no Aselia but I was really intrigued by this question. Believe it or not, I spent good 10 minutes thinking about my answer on this one. The question goes something like this: The choices are the same but I added the 'None' to mix it up a bit. For some missing details, try to imagine the situation as your own in the future. On what is the most possible situation you'll have at this point of time. Your child can be a boy or a grill, whichever you prefer. I hope you won't simply slap an answer and that's it. I'm curious to how will you reason your morals and views on why did you choose that specific person to save. We can discuss about our different answers and views but please try not to get butthurt too much. And people, try not to provoke others into it. I'm sure you guys are good enough to phrase it non-aggressively. I'd like to keep this as civil as much as possible. Now to start off, my answer. I'd choose my child. I'm sure that it'll be hell after he survives but at least he has some hope. I have my siblings and I'm very sure that they'll take care of them when I'm gone. Living without parents will be tough but he still has a long road ahead of him. I'll pray that he'll find his happiness like his parents. The reason why I didn't choose myself or my wife is because by this point of our lives, I'm sure that we already enjoyed the ups and downs in life. I'm aware that this a bit too sentimental since the forums have a lot threads like boobs, traps, lolis, moe, boobs, etc. Some sort of serious discussion might be a good change of pace. Or you guys might raise pitchforks and chase me out of town Edit: I CAN'T MAKE A POLL. IT'S SO HARD. Edit: I did it. Now praise me.
  13. Scratch Deardrops on my recommendations on this one. Osadai is definitely one since Yukino-tan openly declares his love for the MC. Utawarerumono also doesn't fit since it's mostly implicit expression.
  14. Although I have to say that this one has no routes. So yeah, you'll be screwin' all the girls. I'm a fan of vanilla romance so I kinda hated this part of the game but if you don't mind it then try this one out. If you're a fan of old-style RPG then this one is a good choice. It's a bit lacking on some parts but it's still good. Also, I just realized that most of the deredere heroines are childhood friends. If you don't mind that aspect then my suggestions above should work. If not, then you'll probably don't like those.
  15. You guys have some fancy stuff to help you with colors and I'm here struggling experimenting. Haven't tried doing real research on colors but this is really helpful. I'll probably be using this for quite some time in the future. Thanks for sharing this! This is the only one I used before and it's quite similar to yours. Although it has some helpful function of making an example with your chosen colors. http://paletton.com/
  16. Started Eien no Aselia. I was already expecting the art to be really different from the VNs that are newly released but it was still out of my expectations. I haven't played any VNs as old (2003 release) as it but the art is really . . . different. Well it's still better than my stick drawing so I can't complain. The MC is a bit of a hothead but his reasons are somewhat understandable so it's fine. Idk why but glasses in VN really puts me off for some reason. I never found bespectacled girls good-looking (keep your pitchforks). No, I have nothing against glasses since I also wear one. idk if this even a spoiler:
  17. It uses music as its theme. The music's pretty good, too. Deardrops https://vndb.org/v2368 And a moege. The protag's a pervert tho and it's kinda annoying. Osananajimi wa Daitouryou https://vndb.org/v2622 And I think deredere means that the heroine already loves the MC at some degree from the start.
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