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Everything posted by Kurokusari

  1. So I was thinking what thread could I possibly make where I can make myself useful (supposedly on discussions tho) but the forums already have a long history so figuring out what could I possibly add to enrich the forums ended in me banging my head against the wall nothing. So yeah I decided to put my skill to use. Namely, making graphics stuff like wallpapers, signatures, and timeline covers. So yeah anyone can request and I'll do my stuff. Do keep in mind that I'm just a lolicon mortal human so I do get tired so don't kill me if I need to rest. <insert a puppy with teary-eyes pic> Here are some samples: Please go easy on me. ======================================================= Decided to organize the opening post for better understanding. Requests Tips If for certain reasons you can't find a render or really want a certain picture to be used, you're free to request so but its quality will be depending on how much I can actually customize the picture. Some tips in picking renders: Reminders Current Requests for today: 0/3 Current Requests for tomorrow: 0/3 Exceeding Requests: 0 *These awesome counters reset every time I sleep huehuehue.
  2. turn from absolute hatred slowly to incredibly lovey. I'm sure Stockholm syndrome played a role somewhere, but the first time I saw her making an effort, I was like . For Darx's character, he is the typical badass, but I really liked him more because he was like "I take what I want, and I do it too". His incredibly crude methods of torturing the women through sex was hilarious, especially the water torture method . He always starts off incredibly evil if they tried to harm him, but slowly breaks them in on the pleasure, which shows that he cares to some extent about them. He might just actually be a really high level female philanthropist. On the actual story progression itself, it was pretty typical grunt work the entire way, and littering clues with it. I really wasn't expecting the final twist that pulled everything together though. On my first run through, I completed 69% of the scenes *snicker* and 77% of the CGs. What really pissed me off was that somehow I missed one of the everyday life with Shia scenes near the end. Onto NG+ while inhereting my: Super sniper Ogre Girl Frenzy Fighter Tifur Super Ultra AoE Mage Triclops (it doesn't show it, but she has 3 different 3x3 AoE elements ) Slippery Slime Master Medic Ambrosia Hopefully I can 100% the Scenes and CGs this time around.
  3. Well you can't really expect much development of a character in the common route since most common routes are mostly used as a buildup/introduction. And expecting a development of a character in a route (which is not the heroine's route) since it might overshadow the heroine's route. Well there are exceptions if the said character has some sort of connection with the heroine's route. This is merely a conjecture based on most VNs since I can't remember everything vividly about Comyu but I do remember that Comyu's story structure is slightly different from most of the ones I've read.
  4. That 'one-note character' is too true to deny, for the most part. I won't deny that she's pretty monotonous due to her perfectness and lack of variety but Maybe pretty boring as an individual due to her lack of variety in her but not as a participant in the story.
  5. I can sympathize with it being an offense (please try to understand that he's on a job plus he's talking to his superior) but I can't understand why it needs to be posted in the mass media. Some people might find it interesting but come on people. He's only one person that did one mistake. No need to put it in the news for everyone to see in expense to the offender. People nowadays are too desperate for news fodder.
  6. Welcome to le forums! Enjoy your stay! Seems like you're playing Grisaia no Kajitsu based from your list. Common Route: Hours of slice of life | Heroine Route: Rollercoaster of emotions and awesomeness
  7. Well some people might find Kagome boring for some reasons (like how she doesn't show much emotions) and I do agree that she's a cut from the rest of the cast as a character. I for one do agree that she is indeed intelligent (her insight throughout the VN is amazing) but it's not exactly given much focus since the story doesn't really focus that much on the battle of brains. Some people might find her annoying due to her verbal abuse to the MC. While it's comedic in its own right, there are people that find it annoying, sometimes even offensive (you will be one of these people after playing Ikikoi). Plus her first impression is a queen that WILL throw insults at the MC anytime, anywhere. Well at least to me. TL;DR: I agree that Kagome is indeed one good character but not everyone can appreciate her in the same way/degree as us. Edit: I finished the game some time ago and I don't really remember that vividly so my impressions might be off now.
  8. I was new to VNs so I didn't expect things to drag out for 50+ hours XD Thanks for the advice senpai~ So basically I need to skim through the whole forums to find out what I need
  9. What the heck is this thing? 'What's on my mind?' Why would I tell you? Are you gonna abduct me?

    1. Nayleen


      Maybe. It might've already happened. Including the box.

    2. Kurokusari


      ^Definitely didn't expect anyone to pay attention to this.

      Did laugh a bit until someone in the same room dubiously stared at me, when I'm supposed to be doing 'work'

  10. Merry Christmas! I mean, hello there! I've always been lurking around here since I've started playing visual novels so I thought I should make an account already since I've already used it a lot. Some stuff about my visual novel experiences: I'm relatively new to visual novels (barely a year) but I've been enjoying reading them for a while now. Like most people, I've started due to anime sucking my social life out being a hobby. At first, I thought anime only came from manga and light novels until i came across Clannad and researched a bit about it only to find out another great medium of entertainment. Oddly enough, the very first VN I ever finished was Grisaia no Kajitsu. Although I said finished, it took around half a year to finish a route (Amane's) since I thought it was going nowhere. That said, I don't hate slice of life, being the main genre of the common route. I'm pretty sure that GnK's common route is relatively long compared to most VNs so maybe I was pretty nuts reading it for my first experience (lewdness not intended). Long story short, I devoured all the remaining routes after finishing Amane's and was hungry for more. Some stuff about my love for lolis myself: Well I used this name just about everywhere in the internet and games so you might have an idea about me but I'll tell about myself anyway. I'm a 2nd year Computer Science student (no, I won't install Windows for you) with a passion for reading. Although anime started my hobbies, I don't really watch that much anymore. I read more light novels and visual novels more than I watch anime. As for other hobbies, it would be tinkering with Photoshop. I do sigs, wallpapers, lolis and whatever interests me to make. Look at that block of text that would put people off in meeting you Anyway, I look forward to hanging around with you my slaves peeps! While I'm at it which threads would be most active for discussions? Or just about anything I could start off with aside from my introduction lol
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