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Status Replies posted by Shikomizue

  1. Wow, I advanced three text lines consecutively by executing an unintended, but dexterous, movement.

    I picked up my keyboard, accidentally clicking 'enter', whilst moving my mouse, and I accidentally hit said mouse in the keyboard, clicking the left mouse button in the process, and by hitting the keyboard my finger slipped, scrolling down the mouse wheel as well.

    Therefore, I clicked 'enter', 'left mouse button' and scrolled down in quick succession, advancing three lines.
    You've got nothing on these skillz.

    1. Shikomizue


      You should go into Major League Visual Novel Gaming, I'm sure they'd accept your sweet skillz.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. I've been playing Kichikuou Rance lately. Gosh I like the OSTs in these games, and I like Rance's overall character. Not as somebody who's to be admired, but as somebody who gets away with so much, even if he is decently capable, his luck is otherworldly.

    Which do you prefer?

    And its "I'm superior" and "I'm the king" vibe or

    and its "I'm coming for you ladies" vibe?

    1. Shikomizue


      I actually prefer the second one, you probably know the reasons why.

  3. This thread has been surprisingly serious, and I wouldn't want to derail it, so I'll just make my hypothetical post here:




    1. Shikomizue


      I was wondering when someone would make that joke, yet, nobody did.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. One year in and I'm still a fag.

    1. Shikomizue


      Achievement Unlocked: Long Time Fag.

  5. If Pangaea existed 300 million years ago, how do we know it was called Pangaea?

    1. Shikomizue


      Science! That's how.

  6. Just got the Mass Effect trilogy. Good bye life.

  7. Today I tried to create a paradox, but when I killed my grandfather nothing happened. Was there something else I was supposed to do?

    1. Shikomizue


      Wait. Did you go back in time first? You need to do that before you can create a paradox.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  8. Today I tried to create a paradox, but when I killed my grandfather nothing happened. Was there something else I was supposed to do?

    1. Shikomizue


      You obviously have to kill your father... Duh.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hey, would ya look at that. I actually put something on my about me page.

    1. Shikomizue


      I've done other sprites as well if you want to look at those.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hey, would ya look at that. I actually put something on my about me page.

    1. Shikomizue


      I just imagined what a main character in this story I wanna create would look like and that's how it turned out. I meant for her appearance to explain her personality in a way.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hey, would ya look at that. I actually put something on my about me page.

  12. How do you attract a lady's attention in a casino? You poker.

    1. Shikomizue


      Now where did I put that slow clap video?...

  13. If 1 in 5 kids faces hunger, why don't we just turn every fifth kid around?

    1. Shikomizue


      Flutterz, solving world problems since 2015.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. If the human brain was simple enough to understand, we wouldn't be smart enough to figure it out.

  15. I wonder what people who type "u" instead of "you" do with all their free time.

    1. Shikomizue


      They get that one kill they would've missed if they had typed "you" in an FPS.

  16. Don't look

    1. Shikomizue


      Saying that only makes me want to look more.

      Wait. What am I supposed to not be looking at again?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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