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Pink Saga




The Saga of PINK


The following is meant to serve as background information for Eclipsed's Danganronpa Steam Giveaway. Try your luck at it, if you dare :upupu:

Question for Giveaway: "Who is the mastermind, The Ultimate Pink?"

Old Stuff:



Hello friends of Fuwa,

As you may have noticed, it has happened.

I have changed my avatar from the ever lovable Zero no Tsukaima's Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière to the ever lovable To LOVE-Ru's Nana Astar Deviluke.

Some of you may recall prior to my settling down on Louise that I have had a history of frequently changing my avatar, so this should come as no surprise, though naturally I understand that some people don't like change and so this choice of mine will unfortunately leave a slight bitter taste in your mouth. Oh well~

On the bright side, multiple features and traits have been retained... pink... tsundere.. beating on the perverted male protagonist...flat...Nana looks pretty damn good with her hair down...

So why the change then?

Contrary to the popular misconception of my preference of the color pink, my favorite color is purple. Now, between Louise and Nana, who has purple? Ding ding ding! Nana.



1. You really went Louise -> Nana just because Nana has purple eyes?

Yes. Purple eyes are hawt. Give me a character with purple eyes that I really REALLY like and I'll switch to that asap.


2. RIP Louise?

I still fking love Louise so don't be surprised if I switch back and forth or become a Bandwagoner-Traveler or



3. So is Nana your favorite character from To LOVE-Ru?

Surprisingly, no. It's still Yami > Momo > Mikan > Yui > Lala > Nana etc... though I am very fond of Nana for her similarities to Louise. Besides, wouldn't you agree Momo or Yami as my avatar would definitely feel off?



4. What have you been up to (Fuwa-wise)?

My activity on this site -like a few others- has dropped pretty heavily, though I think this is just a phase that we're all going through / it's that time of year and

because we're all gonna abandon Fuwa soon. Maybe. Hopefully?



5. Brah, you sure pink ain't your favorite color?

Yeah, I'm sure. Though, maybe it's my second favorite color by now?


6. The name of the culprit will be revealed by The Best Pink.


Chapter 1 - The Death of Louise?


DtKQx8Y.png (30×30)  "This isn't fair! Eclipsed, that baka! I'm supposed to be the best pink! Why would he abandon me for some flat-chested alien?"

0MHO9e5.png (30×31) "Look who's talking! And hey! It's not like I wanted to be his avatar or anything! Didn't you read what he said? He picked me because of my purple eyes, not because of my pink hair.  What kind of reasoning is that...? But it's not like it matters now. Didn't he already change his avatar to Yotsuba?"

DtKQx8Y.png (30×30) "Hmph, you're right. Who cares about Eclipsed, I have Saito anyway.
What about you, Nana? Do you have someone to go back to?"

0MHO9e5.png (30×31) "W-w-what are you talking about! O-of course I do!
H-h-h-his name i-i-is R-R-R-Rit-"

DtKQx8Y.png (30×30) "Okay, that's good. Well, I'll talk to you later.
But man, I wonder what Yotsuba had over us..."

0MHO9e5.png (30×31) : "Huh? O-oh, w-well...there is one thing..."


VmaDoyv.jpg (200×224)
:heart::kosame: Yostuba :kosame: :heart:

DtKQx8Y.png (30×30) ...

0MHO9e5.png (30×31) ...

DtKQx8Y.png (30×30)That baka inu!!!!!!

0MHO9e5.png (30×31) Udders are SO overrated!


So who's the best pink? Stay tuned for the next Chapter in The Saga of Pink!

Chapter 2 - The PINK SAGA Begins!

Louise woke up in a daze.  DtKQx8Y.png (30×30) "Where...Where am I?"

Gazing upon her surroundings, she found she was in a room bathed obnoxiously in the color pink. Pink beds, pink curtains, pink tables, pink chairs, pink carpets, pink doors... pink as far as the eye could see. There was even a pink note on the table. She picked it up and read it:

"Greetings Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière and welcome to the 1st Round of the PINK SAGA, a game designed to determine who is most deserving of the title, "Best Pink". You and eight other contestants have been chosen as the "Nine Pink Maidens" who will have the honor of competing for this title. Congratulations.

Participation is mandatory. Failure to do so will result in a very, very, VERY unpleasant punishment. You have been warned.

Your first task will be to escape from the Pink Room you are currently trapped in. Solve the room's mystery, and you will be able to move on to the next round and be that much closer to obtaining what is truly yours."

Louise immediately crumpled the note and threw it away in a fit of annoyance. "WHAT'S THE POINT OF ALL THIS?!!" She stomped towards the pink door and grasped the handle. *Jiggle jiggle*. "Tch, locked. Well..."

She took a deep breath, brandished her wand, and uttered a single word. "EXPLOSION!"

The pink door was engulfed in a bright light and with a loud PWRRRRFFFFF!!! it was destroyed. "Hmph, so much for solving the mystery". Louise proudly made her departure out of the room, but not before taking one last glance behind her. "Best Pink, huh..."

Her reward for escaping the Pink Room was to be greeted by a labyrinth of hallways & corridors. And more pink. Whatever place she was in was completely composed of this color. It was becoming very disturbing. She began pacing faster, growing more and more anxious with each passing second, searching desperately for an exit. Questions were filling her head. What is this place? Why am I here? Who-

Her train of thought was disturbed by the echoes of running footsteps. She couldn't tell which direction they were coming from, but there was definitely more than one person...two...three...four...five...............eight people, and they were all coming towards her! 

Paranoid from her earlier thoughts, she closed her eyes, took out her wand, and began her incantation to defend herself- "EXPL-"

"C'mon! There's gotta be a way outta he- GEH! LOUISE?!" cried a familiar voice.

"OSION- Huh?!... NANA?! ...And...??!!!"


 Jg3cBEA.jpg (200×203)2Kpm20e.jpg (200×201) cCGxzWH.png (200×200) 5wd3Vgo.png (200×200)
fKqAf2h.jpg (200×201) YO0qETa.png (200×200) vfdmCUX.png (200×200) aT6vkVL.jpg (200×201) 1H7GdZN.jpg (200×199)

Louise from Zero no Tsukaima. Nana from To-Love Ru. Clover from Zero Escape. Yumina from Yumina the Ethereal. Sachi from Grisaia no Kajitsu. Rise from Princess Evangile. Madoka from Madoka Magica. Yuuna from Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru. and Inori from Guilty Crown.

The Nine Pink Maidens.

Only one of them can become the Best Pink...

Let the PINK SAGA begin!!!
Chapter 3 - The Best Pink I


"The requirements for becoming the Best Pink are simple: you must be the last person to survive. How you end up becoming sole survivor is up to you. Of course, you may all choose to live here peacefully for the rest of your lives, but I'm sure you all have urgent responsibilities to fulfill in your respective worlds...

Louise - The Kingdom of Tristain needs your power as the Void Mage lest it face ruin. Also, Saito pretty much has no reason to be in Halkeginia if you're not there.
Nana - Mea needs your help to convince Nemesis. Oh, and Rito is up to no good with Momo.
Clover - Welcome to your Fourth Nonary Game <3 ~
Yumina - Kirara is going to give you harsh discipline if you don't show up for the next Presidential Election Debate!
Sachi - Maybe it's good that you're here, so you don't do something crazy at your school...
Rise - Masaya won't be able to attend Vincennes Academy next year if you don't win the Election!
Madoka - Homura-chan is waiting for you.
Yuuna - Everybody in the Hero Club is waiting for you!
Inori - Shu won't be able to stop GHQ without your power...

Only the Best Pink will be granted permission to leave. Who will emerge victorious, I wonder...?
Let the PINK SAGA begin!!!"


Clover's eyes went wide in disbelief. iZVVvm1.png (30×31) "No...This can't be... not another Zero..." She looked down, visibly disturbed.

Nana was suspicious. 0MHO9e5.png (30×31) "HEY! Cow udders! What's that about another Zero? And what does it mean by this is your Fourth Nonary Game? Are you Zero?"

Clover shook her head in anger. iZVVvm1.png (30×31) "Of course not!"

Yumina stepped in. DWtgzfo.png (30×30) "Wait, you guys! We have to all trust each other if we're going to get out of here! Don't fall for Zero's trap! "

xNimSbA.png (30×30) "Y-Yumina-chan's right. Let's work together!" Madoka agreed.

AnYQroj.png (30×30)  "We should explore this place, top to bottom. There will definitely be an exit somewhere!" Yuuna exclaimed.
:sachi: "If you all become weary during your search, please come see me. I am proficient in over 50 therapeutic massage techniques," Sachi added.

DtKQx8Y.png (30×30) "Why are you wearing a maid costume?" Louise quipped.

hlxnuOg.png (30×30) "Clover-san, if I may ask, would you mind telling us more about these 'Nonary games' you have been a part of?" Rise inquired.

u2e0WyT.png (30×30) "We should all take the time to talk about ourselves. It would appear that not everybody is from same universe..." Inori suggested.

Clover nodded.  iZVVvm1.png (30×31) "Yeah, you're probably right. I'll start then. My name is Clover Field. In my world, I was a participant in something called the Nonary Game..."


Rise was wallowing in despair. Originally the most high spirited and confident of the group, her extended stay at the Pink Palace has finally begun taking its toll on her psyche. 

hlxnuOg.png (30×30) "How long have we been here?...the White Lilies must have lost the election already... Masaya...Masaya's gone now..." Tears formed in her eyes. Her chance to reform Vincennes Academy has long expired. That was all she ever wanted...

BkgKPWc.png (30×30) "Rise-san, there you are!" Sachi emerged from the shadows and walked up to the disinterested Rise. "I have something I wish to discuss with you."

Rise gave Sachi a cold stare. hlxnuOg.png (30×30) "Hoh... And what is it do you wish to talk about? Didn't we all already share everything there is to share with each other? And then we've done absolutely NOTHING but wander around in circles for god knows how long. My world is ruined by now. What's the point anymore?"

Sachi didn't waver. BkgKPWc.png (30×30) "Yes, we've been here for a very long time indeed... But remember, the damage that has been done to your world during your absence can be repaired as soon as you return, and for that you must remain hopeful".

Rise said nothing.

BkgKPWc.png (30×30) "But I digress. I have come to you to with an urgent proposal: unite with me and Clover against the special ones."

Rise was confused. hlxnuOg.png (30×30) "Unite against the special ones..?"

BkgKPWc.png (30×30) "Surely you've realized it by now, did you not?" Sachi explained. "You, Clover and I are the only individuals without any special powers. Louise, Madoka, Yuuna, and Yumina all have magical powers, Nana is an alien, and Inori is a monster. Clover overheard them plotting to take out the weakest first- that's us. We have to take the initiative". Sachi extended her hand to Rise. "Rise-san, join us".

Rise thought for a moment, eyeing Sachi's hand. She then made her decision. hlxnuOg.png (30×30) "Thanks, but no thanks, Sachi-san. The fact that everyone is finally starting to make a run for the Best Pink just shows that they still have a purpose- their world still has hope. Unfortunately, I no longer have both".

BkgKPWc.png (30×30) "Tch"

Suddenly, Sachi tossed a canister onto the ground, releasing a plethora of white smoke around Rise.

hlxnuOg.png (30×30)"Wha-??!!"

The last image Rise would ever see would be a masked Sachi lunging straight towards her with two knives.

187cCIA.jpg (640×360)




iZVVvm1.png (30×31) "Ahahaha, good job Sachi!" Clover bounced into the room, giving Sachi an ecstatic applause. "You did it!"

BkgKPWc.png (30×30) "Thank you, Clover-san." Sachi replied. "But It really is unfortunate Rise-san decided not to join our alliance..." Sachi removed her gas mask. "How were things on your end?"

Clover gave a sly smile. iZVVvm1.png (30×31) "Tee-hee, they're all E-X-T-E-R-M-I-N-A-T-E-D. It was soo easy to lure everybody else into that bomb-rigged room of yours. All I had to do was scream that I had found an exit, and then once everybody showed up, KAB-OOM! It was spectacular, you should've seen it!!"

BkgKPWc.png (30×30) "I see..." Sachi replied. She took a deep breath. "So... it's just us two now..." She braced herself.

Clover nodded. iZVVvm1.png (30×31) "So it would seem. Thanks for your help, by the way. You really are an obedient one, arent'cha? Truly one of the best maids". Clover's smile became twisted. "But are you... the best pink?" She began laughing hysterically.

BkgKPWc.png (30×30)"Kh-!" Sachi immediately made a dash towards Clover, brandishing her two knives to make the fatal cut-

-But Clover easily sidestepped her attack and drew her own weapon- an axe, freshly stained with blood- and swiftly brought it down on Sachi's neck.

It was over within seconds.

iZVVvm1.png (30×31)"Tee-hee-hee, didn't I tell you about my job? I'm a much better fighter than I look, silly." Clover began dancing around in joy. "YAAAY!!! Hey, Zero!! I won!! I'm the Best Pink!! NOW LET ME OUT!!!"

*Step* ... *step* ... *step* ... *step* ... Clover's victory dance was quickly halted by the sound of approaching footsteps. She immediately turned to face the source.

iZVVvm1.png (30×31) "ZERO!!!" But then she was frozen in fear as she caught a glimpse of 'Zero'. "No, it can't be...Why..."

'Zero' slowly approached Clover, step-by-step, not uttering a single word, only emitting a very twisted smile. It was as if she was being mocked.

iZVVvm1.png (30×31) "No... Why is it you?! You're supposed to be-!!!"

In a state of panic, Clover raised her axe and began charging at 'Zero'. iZVVvm1.png (30×31) "WHY IS IT YOU?!@#"




/Clover End/

Chapter 4 - The Best Pink II


Madoka had made up her mind. There was no choice left.

 xNimSbA.png (30×30) "Kyubey! Grant me my wish! Make me a Magical Girl!!!"

D7e8TVR.png (30×30)  "A wise decision, Madoka!" A radiant pink light showered Madoka as she was imbued with the powers of a Magical Girl. "Now go, become the Best Pink, and we'll finally be able to return to our homeworld! Homura's been waiting for us!" 

xNimSbA.png (30×30) "..."

Madoka took off, preparing herself for the horrors she would inevitably face.




DWtgzfo.png (30×30) "It's no good, she's too stro- GHghGH!!!" Yumina was violently pierced through her abdomen, her blood spilling to the ground.

AnYQroj.png (30×30) "YUMINAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yuuna dashed over to Yumina and embraced her now lifeless body. "Yumina!! Stay with me!! Yumina...! YUMINAAAAA!!!" There was no response. "Sniff... so... that means..." She looked around her. The bloodied corpses of Louise, Nana, Clover, Sachi, Rise, and now Yumina all littered the room. "I'm the only one left..." She sobbed.

*Step...* *Step...* *Step...* Footsteps were slowly approaching Yuuna from behind.

She wiped the tears from her eyes and turned to face the one who killed them all. AnYQroj.png (30×30) "You..." Her mind was filled with rage. A pair of enormous gauntlets formed around Yuuna. It was her Mankai form, blossoming her powers to their full potential.


iKLaoan.jpg (736×414)
AnYQroj.png (30×30)"YOU MONSTER!!!!" 

The killer gave a dry, hollow laugh before giving Yuuna a cold, heartless stare. "Yes... A monster...That is indeed..."


s9zwpXe.png (480×270)
u2e0WyT.png (30×30)...what I AM!!!




Madoka mustered up her courage, and then charged valiantly into the room.

But it was too late.

At the center of all the chaos was a berserk Yuuna, her fists pounding mercilessly onto a lifeless Inori. AnYQroj.png (30×30) "MONSTER...!!! MONSTER...!!! MOOOOONSTER!!!" 

xNimSbA.png (30×30) "Yuuna-chan, stop!!!" Madoka ran over to Yuuna and grabbed her shoulders. "It's over... you can stop now..."

AnYQroj.png (30×30) "Madoka...chan....??? You're still... alive?" Yuuna gazed upon Inori's body. "What... What have I done...?" She began weeping.

Madoka embraced the sobbing Yuuna. xNimSbA.png (30×30) "You had no choice... You did what you had to do."

Yuuna began crying louder. Madoka hugged her harder in return, silently apologizing as she resigned herself to her fate.

xNimSbA.png (30×30) "...Just like I had no choice in what I'm going to do next-"

AnYQroj.png (30×30) "!!!"

Yuuna gave Madoka a hard shove, escaping from the latter's embrace. Madoka landed on the ground with a glorious light thud, revealing a peculiar pink arrow in her hand. It was obvious what her intent was.

Yuuna was speechless. AnYQroj.png (30×30) "Madoka-chan... Not you too..." Tears were resurfacing in her eyes. Madoka was the most innocent, the most sweet of them all. How could she...? Yuuna couldn't understand it. Everybody had unresolved conflicts in their world, but to actually consider killing others just to return...?

xNimSbA.png (30×30) "I'm sorry, Yuuna-chan. I really am..." Madoka spawned a magical pink bow. "But I have to become the Best Pink. I have to return to my world. Homura-chan and the others are waiting for me."

AnYQroj.png (30×30) Yuuna closed her eyes. "So that's how it's going to be, huh..." She opened her eyes, facing Madoka with the eyes of a hero. She readied her fists- "Well, at least now we'll get to see who's the better Magical Girl!!" -and began charging at the other Magical Girl.

xNimSbA.png (30×30) "..."

Madoka knew this wouldn't be a fair fight. She took aim at the determined-looking Yuuna... and fired.


zvh2NJ8.jpg (640×360)




Madoka stood victorious over Yuuna. 

xNimSbA.png (30×30) "Mankai form. A phase where your Magical powers blossom to their full potential. But every flower that blooms must also wilt... If you hadn't faced Inori, you probably could've defeated me..." She grimaced. "I wish you did."

"Well done. Simply well done!"

xNimSbA.png (30×30) "???" Madoka was startled at the sudden voice. She was the last of the Pink Maidens, so that voice could only belong to one person-

"I am Zero. Congratulations on becoming the Best Pink."

xNimSbA.png (30×30) "Thanks..." Madoka analyzed Zero. She couldn't identify the figure thanks to the ominous black robe and gas mask, and Zero was likely using a voice scrambler.

Suddenly Kyubey came running in.  D7e8TVR.png (30×30) "There you go, Zero! Madoka has become the sole survivor- the Best Pink! Surely you will allow her to return to her homeworld now?"

Zero glanced at Kyubey, then gave a quick snap of the fingers.

D7e8TVR.png (30×30) "!!!" Kyubey immediately was torn apart violently, atom by atom. Madoka could only spectate in absolute horror. xNimSbA.png (30×30) "K-K-kkKyu...bey...?"

"Do not grieve. The Kyubey can replicate itself infinitely in its quest to prevent Entropy." Zero explained. "But never mind that. We have more important matters to attend to..." Zero turned to face Madoka, and took off the gas mask, grinning ever so maliciously at the crowned Best Pink.

Madoka could not believe what she saw under the mask. 

xNimSbA.png (30×30) "No... It can't be..."





/Madoka End/

Chapter 5 - The Best Pink III




There were only two Pink Maidens left.

0MHO9e5.png (30×31) "Don't play dumb! I know you're Zero!!!" Nana was chasing down 'Zero' with all of her might. "It should've been obvious from the very start!"

DtKQx8Y.png (30×30) "I'm telling you, I'm not Zero!!!" Louise was frantically trying to reason with Nana, but to no avail.

0MHO9e5.png (30×31) "Uh huh, sure, LOUISE THE ZERO!!" Nana scoffed. "It can't get anymore obvious than that!!"



LRVbwnI.png (193×417) 

DtKQx8Y.png (30×30) "That's just a coincidence!!!"

Louise could not believe her luck. Her failures as a Mage led to her being labeled Louise the Zero which then led her to being suspected for being this world's 'Zero'.

0MHO9e5.png (30×31) "Lies!!" Nana clenched her teeth. "Everyone... Everyone's gone because of you." A bright light began forming at the tip of the Devilukean Princess's tail. "I won't forgive you!" She charged at Louise.

DtKQx8Y.png (30×30) "Kh-!" Louise had no choice but to defend herself. She took out her wand. "Explosion!" 

Nana easily dodged the epicenter of the explosion and lunged at Louise, elbowing her in the gut and sending her flying backwards. DtKQx8Y.png (30×30) "GghhGH-" this isn't good... I don't have Saito here to protect me while I cast my Void Magic...!

Nana started making her way to the collapsed Louise. 0MHO9e5.png (30×31) "Why... why do all of this...?" The bright light on Nana's tail grew larger with each passing second. 

DtKQx8Y.png (30×30) "I'm.. telling.. you... I'm... not...Zero..." 

0MHO9e5.png (30×31) "..." 

Nana was unconvinced. It certainly did not help either that a very, very big explosion was what ended the lives of the other Pink Maidens after everyone gathered when Clover claimed to have 'found an exit', leaving only Louise and Nana the remaining survivors. It was only natural that Nana would thus claim Louise- a wielder of explosion magic- to be the mastermind.

0MHO9e5.png (30×31) "Tch. Stubborn until the very end, huh... Well, whatever."

Nana leaped high into the air, taking aim with her tail...

0MHO9e5.png (30×31) "Sayonara."

and fired a beautiful ray of light at the fallen Louise.




The attack enveloped the room with dirt and debris, obscuring all vision.

When it finally settled, a defeated Nana was collapsed on the ground, nearing death. 0MHO9e5.png (30×31) *Cough* "I see... so you used your World Door magic to... redirect my own attack to me..." she coughed up blood.

DtKQx8Y.png (30×30) "Nana... I'm sorry..."

0MHO9e5.png (30×31) "Don't be. I... I know you're not Zero. Besides, since it was just between us two... I thought it would be fun to finally settle... who was the Best Pink... once and for all..." Her voice became faint. "And it looks like... You're the better pink..."

Louise broke down in tears. She hugged Nana. DtKQx8Y.png (30×30) "I- I won't let Zero get away with this! I swear I will avenge you all!" 

Nana used the last of her strength to force a smile and gave Louise a slight pat on the back. 0MHO9e5.png (30×31) "Yeah... You do that." Satisfied, she finally closed her eyes.

"Marvelous. Simply MARVELOUS!" a cloaked mask figure stepped out of the shadows, giving Louise a slow applause.

DtKQx8Y.png (30×30) "!!!" Louise faced the enigmatic being.

"So, you're the Best Pink this time around huh Louise? Jeez, it only took you like, what, 26 tries?! Pfffft"

DtKQx8Y.png (30×30) "You're...!!!"




/Louise End/

Chapter 6 - The Ultimate Pink


(continued from Louise End)

"So, you're the Best Pink this time around huh Louise? Jeez Luis, it only took you like, what, 26 tries?! Pfffft. Y'know, I can't believe you all fell for Clover's 'I found the exit!' herpa-derpa bomb trap for that many timelines!"

DtKQx8Y.png (30×30) "You're...!!!"

She didn't even have time to exclaim the usual "You're Zero?! IT CAN'T BE!!! WHY?!@#". BS cliffhanger quotes before I so easily slit her throat. I've waited long enough. I've waited for each of the Nine Pink Maidens to become the Best Pink. All for this very moment.

DtKQx8Y.png (30×30) "Gh...gkH!!!.." Louise collapsed, mortally wounded. "Wh....W-"

"Why, you ask?" I scoffed, ready to begin my long awaited dark monologue. "Simple! Because I LOVE pink!" I roared. "Pink is the best color! Pink is master race! Pink is life! Pink is EVERYTHING!!" I flashed a sinister smile. "And now that I have finally killed all of the Best Pinks..." 

I removed my mask in front of the dying Louise in one final act of mockery. Tears welled up in her eyes as she gazed upon me."Sorry. Guess I was the better pink, after all. The best of the best." I turned my back to her, walking away victorious.

"The Ultimate Pink."

///True(?) End///

Louise couldn't let it end there. As Zero walked away, with the last of her strength, she wrote a phrase because writing the killer's name straight up would be no fun: LITTLE GOB

///True End///

This concludes the vol 1. Saga of Pink. If noone deduces the Ultimate Pink by 12:00AM PST next week (March 23rd), the culprit's identity will be revealed and the Danganronpa Steam Giveaway cancelled/no winner.

@Dergonu <Lucy Giveaway Winner> has accessed the Morphogenetic Field
s6ZbHeh.png (30×30) "It would have to be Nana. She has motive! She is also an alien, and alien chicks are nuts"

@SoliduBattuManu <Solidbatman's clone> has accessed the Morphogenetic Field
"Littlebusters is a 4/10 VN, so the killer is Haruka."

@Tiagfvarela <Tiag > Tiago> has accessed the Morphogenetic Field
"You are doing yourself a service if you listen to what I say. Louise is obviously the killer, having killed herself so it would look like she couldn't have been the killer so that she could get away with not being the killer."

@Flutters <TheTrueKudster> has accessed the Morphogenetic Field

@Clephas0 <AbsoluteZeroStomach> has accessed the Morphogenetic Field
"Mmmm... If you're using a Fuwanovel theme that doesn't have a white background, you probably saw it already... other than that, try highlighting the text below ///True(?) End///. Solve that, and you'll probably solve the mystery once and for all."

@ZenonThePhiloftheFutureDelicious <Disney Fanboy Ex-Sachi Fate-Geeker> has accessed the Morphogenetic Field
"Saw the True End, wtf is a Gob?!"

@OriginalRen <Most Original Guy> has accessed the Morphogenetic Field
"Stop copying my games, I am entitled to be the only person doing giveaways, and no matter what idea you come up with, I will claim you copied me, because I am the originator of original."
A/N: Just teasing, don't be butthurt if you read this Ren :3

@Half-Life <Decay> has accessed the Morphogenetic Field
"Umm... why bring me into this?"

Chapter 7 - The Fuwans

Louise couldn't let it end there. With the last of her strength, she soaked her finger with her own blood and began etching her last words onto the ground.

"Hoh... is this your final act of defiance, my precious Louise?" I kneeled over beside her and read the phrase out loud. "LITTLE... GOB...? That's your dying message?"  Poor Louise. I was expecting something far more ominous, far more significant. Not that I knew what a 'Gob' was, anyway. Probably some alien cousin to Nana's pet Meda-Q. 

I looked at Louise one last time. She wasn't breathing anymore... I ran my fingers through her hair affectionately. "Good bye, Louise."

"Now then..."  I stood up. "It appears the Morphogenetic Field has been accessed... by them..." I put on my gas mask and took off into the shadows as I prepared to make my final stand as the Ultimate Pink.

"The Fuwans."




@Clephas0 <AbsoluteZeroStomach> has accessed the Morphogenetic Field
@Dergonu <Lucy Giveaway Winner> has accessed the Morphogenetic Field
@Ekuripsu <Clipsy-chan> has accessed the Morphogenetic Field
@Flutters <TheTrueKudster> has accessed the Morphogenetic Field
@Half-Life <Decay> has accessed the Morphogenetic Field
@OriginalRen <Most Original Guy> has accessed the Morphogenetic Field
@SoliduBattuManu <Solidbatman's clone> has accessed the Morphogenetic Field
@Tiagfvarela <Tiag > Tiago> has accessed the Morphogenetic Field
@ZenonThePhiloftheFutureDelicious <Disney Fanboy Ex-Sachi Fate-Geeker> has accessed the Morphogenetic Field

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 1z7BMxq.png (200×200) i4WPZnB.png (200×200) Mryqgp6.png (200×200) 7cgTuol.png (200×200)

The Nine Chosen Heroes have finally arrived!!! 

Can you solve the mystery behind the Ultimate Pink before they do?


Because I'll be busy for the rest of the week I'm cutting this short

The mastermind, Ultimate Pink, is me Eclipsed

Louise's dying message, LITTLE BOG unscrambles into BLOG TITLE



Recommended Comments

Hey Hey Eclipsed is that why you killed yourself off? To switch Avatars? You made Run do all that work, to switch avatars? 

Also, WHY DID FUWA SAY THIS WAS JUST POSTED :conspiracy: Every other comment was from months ago...

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5 minutes ago, LiquidShu said:

Hey Hey Eclipsed is that why you killed yourself off? To switch Avatars? You made Run do all that work, to switch avatars? 

Also, WHY DID FUWA SAY THIS WAS JUST POSTED :conspiracy: Every other comment was from months ago...


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