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Winter 2015 Anime Discussion


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Pretty sure its gonna be crap any time any anime has done something like diverge from the manga it's always inferior for example FMA and FMA brotherhood the later followed the manga and is favored over the original anime

FMA's first adaptation is excellent and the turn it took after it stopped following the manga is certainly on par with what the manga later did.

In fact, Brotherhood is often deemed of less interest because of it being equal or inferior to the former adaptation in terms of technique despite the few years gap (and at the beginning of the 2000s, which was a period of transition, that really meant something) and budget difference, and because some more minor choices of adaptation (pacing, etc) were so-so.

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I dont know everyone has their own opinion but lets look at claymore it took a left turn into wtf and most people consider it crap just cause the way the last few episodes went so its all a matter of opinion but as far as tokyo ghoul goes it might as well be a entirely different anime with what it just pulled

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Most anime follow the manga to a degree even if they take a left turn at some point the main character never does something so out of character. In the manga Kaneki never joins aogiri as a matter of fact he's anti aogiri so thats why im pretty sure its gonna be shite.

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Rolling Girls was.. interesting.

Sort of Kill la Kill esque feeling.

I really am not sure what's happening though (probably because i watched it at 2am) but i love the visuals at least.

That fight was also pretty nifty.

Will definitely keep watching and hoping for more fights and crazyness.

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Season 2 Tokyo Ghoul ep 1 >>>>>> the entire season 1

I'm glad it went original otherwise cramping the last 80 chapters in 12 episodes and season 2 frankly could become the worst anime this season.

Also alternative route by Ishida therefore Aogiri may has a different objective which allows Kaneki to be not out of character

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Pretty sure its gonna be crap any time any anime has done something like diverge from the manga it's always inferior for example FMA and FMA brotherhood the later followed the manga and is favored over the original anime

Say that to desert punk, wich completely ditched the manga and whent off in its own direction and was a fantastic series.


But it is not abnormal for a anime show to deviate in a wrong way from the origional, but wait for the ending.

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I'm not saying that Cross Ange is bad, but it's bad. Really bad. Yet for some reason I can't stop enjoying it.... is it the girls? The mechas? Maybe the soundtracks? Or the trainwreck of deus ex?I don't know.... But arrgh, maybe I have awful taste now....


Too rushed for its own good but certainly gives great prospects for the second half of the series. Here's hoping, because despite doing nice world building, first part was a bit so-so!

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Aldnoah.Zero 2 is a pathetic excuse to continue the plot left from season 1.


If the series was 2 cour, I would have excused this, but no, season 1 ended on the suspense note that characters died, and season 2 comes back and goes "lel no everyone's alive because friendship and love and humongous plot holes".

Inaho is still breaking common sense and physics so I guess if you enjoyed that part, you have more of it!

The princess is alive because.. more humongous plot holes!


I didn't like Slaine but I have no problems with him going to the dark side, and I definitely see the potential in a new makeshift princess, that's cool, but everything else around it is just so lackluster.

I wanted new characters, new plot elements, just.. something!


But nope, all the characters are the same, the plot is still the same, nothing's changed!

This is literally just a pathetic excuse to reset the plot back to square one so they can push out another season.


Again if this was 2 cour with a logical following, i'd excuse it, but they advertised it as a second season and all I got was a pathetic excuse for the season's existence.


Season 1 of Aldnoah is basically pointless with this.


Good job.


This series is Aldnoah/Zero/10

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