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Hello everyone, this introduction is extremely late...


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As anyone who views my joining-date will most likely realize, I created my profile back in September and well... eh, stuff happens. I saw that there was an introduction board and never got around to writing one myself until now.


My name is Azaroth, my free-time is primarily spent with video-games, anime, some manga, light-novels, some books, and as of late a renewed love of visual novels. I originally got into Visual Novels after a friend whom I've unfortunately lost contact with showed me Katawa Shoujo... Hanako became my love in Katawa Shoujo instantly.


I'm not very good at explaining about myself, so if you have a question about me I'll do my best to answer it.



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>September 14th.



Hallo, hallo.

Welcome to the forums!

Please do give us presents.

And do take your spear up and point it up the heavens!

'Cause it's kind of long. Might stab us.


Anyway, nice name.

I like it.

Reminds me of Astaroth.


Hope to see more of you here. <3

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Welcome to the forums Azaroth-senpai. Where are you from? I don't know why but my favorite heroine in G-senjou is mizuha.

I was born, and am currently living in the United States at the moment. I hope to change that in a few years since I've been wanting to visit Japan for about three or so years now.

Mizuha was my second favorite heroine behind Haru. G-Senjou no Maou is currently my favorite VN out of the admittedly small amount I have read so far... Haru's ending made me cry for a little while...

Hello and welcome to the forum, though judging by the time you've already spent here it looks you don't really need one.

As you may have noticed, most of us have got Christmas hats on their avatar. So just in case you want one as well:


Thank you very much, as you have gone through the trouble of making this for me I shall wear my new Santa Hat with pride.

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