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ef - a fairy tale of the two gets rare "AO" rating from ESRB


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While looking on MangaGamer's website, I happened to notice that ef - a fairy tale of the two was carrying an actual ESRB AO rating on it, as opposed to the usual 18+ sticker. Curious, I looked to see if it had been officially rated.


Yep. "Adults Only 18+: Content Descriptors: Blood, Nudity, Sexual Violence, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content."


This is a visual novel/adventure game in which players follow the story of a young couple discussing the events of their lives. Players follow along with the story and make decisions at key points in order to further the plot. The game includes several scenes dealing with sexuality and sexual assault: one still-frame scene depicts a male character forcibly kissing a woman and touching her genitals (e.g., dialogue includes her saying “no” and telling him that his actions are hurting her); dialogue also goes into detail about instances of sexual assault (e.g., “She struggled to get away. I wouldn't let her. My shoulder and free hand holding her down wouldn't permit it”; “That night, I was raped many, many times . . . Blood and semen mingled down there.”). Animated still-frame images sometimes depict sexual activity: acts of fellatio, with male genitals partially obscured; sexual intercourse with exposed breasts and genitalia partially obscured. Several scenes include prolonged audio of sexual moaning. A handful of scenes depict characters with blood stains on their hands, underwear, and genitals. The word “f**k" appears in dialogue.


I thought this was noteworthy as very few visual novels are submitted to the ESRB to begin with, and an "AO" rating is very rare for a game to get. Perhaps it could be a selling point? I know that Seduce Me, some sort of trashy sex RPG, sold quite well on Amazon for quite some time due to its AO rating.



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Minori had MangaGamer do it when they created the limited edition physical release just this week. Even though MG was never planning on selling it in stores, minori seems to take a really cautious approach to selling their stuff abroad. See also, their statement when MG initially released ef: http://blog.mangagamer.org/2012/04/19/a-word-about-the-upcoming-ef-release/#_=_

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Would this be that AO rating they were banging on about a few months ago?


Tempted to preorder the box set, but I've never played it and I have no idea if I would like it. I'm a bit iffy on the artwork, but I do love some of the CG. I also like the weird perspective it uses with characters backs in the foreground talking to people in the background.

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Would this be that AO rating they were banging on about a few months ago?


Tempted to preorder the box set, but I've never played it and I have no idea if I would like it. I'm a bit iffy on the artwork, but I do love some of the CG. I also like the weird perspective it uses with characters backs in the foreground talking to people in the background.


Ef's art is a mixed bag because there is SO MUCH of it. It actually has a pretty insane CG count. Almost every scene of at least mild importance has a CG. Some of the CGs look pretty good but some are just so-so. It's nice though, they never describe a scene that you don't also see illustrated.

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We already had a thread about this (edit: thread merged!). This was mandated by Minori who are super paranoid about selling games overseas and MangaGamer would not have done this otherwise, and will not do it again unless one of their partners force them to do it again. It slows down the process of releasing physical copies considerably.


MG has no interest in attempting to sell their eroge in the normal US retail channels (it's basically impossible) and the ESRB rating doesn't mean anything for any other purpose, so it really is completely pointless. 

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