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hey fuwan's wanna play some smite?


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well i tried league of legends and dota2 and was pretty sucky at them and couldn't get in to them for one reason or another and still wanted to learn to play moba's so i downloaded smite and have been playing the last few days. its been alot of fun and now im looking to get in touch with any other players here on fuwa to play with while i learn the ins and outs of playing a moba. if you play smite and want to add me my name is the same there as it is most other places otakukrill. hopefully ill get to play with some of you soon.

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completely a Representative image , guy in a hoodie and sunglasses leaning against a telephone pole in the parking lot of the local taco bell, a few geeky highschoolers  walking over as he slides his psp in to the front pocket of the hoodie and selling them copies of sao hentai doujin printed from local copy stores off a pdf copy on a thumb drive for 30 times the price of the printing. this is what has gone on in my head when i imagine who crunchy taco would be we can easily replace the psp for a gaming tablet by razer, and now im done derailing my own thread. 

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