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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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I can never play SIF with my thumbs, feels too slow and sluggish. Imagine trying to get past the beginning of Wild Stars - Too hard for me.

I've been playing with my thumbs because if I didn't I'd have to place my phone on my desk and bend over all the time. I did this at the beginning, but switched because wasn't very good for my neck.

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I'm at 7278 event points but can play the daily song in 30min, then I can play Love Novels again and get above 7500. No idea what rank that is, it hasn't updated for me. Probably around 600. Gonna have those love gems ready on that last day.

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Get only C rank after 3 plays of hard event songs ~ Sitting on 7837 rank T_T

You mean, rank for the score?

Oh, ok ~ Sorry for bad understand.

It's ok. Although, am I the only one here who's playing this game and faces the impending doom which is school (because it seriously ruins my schedule for playing SIF)?

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You mean, rank for the score?

It's ok. Although, am I the only one here who's playing this game and faces the impending doom which is school (because it seriously ruins my schedule for playing SIF)?

You can't play inbetween classes? Just this morning, I literally sat in my car to play a song on SIF before class, making me 2min late to a test (otherwise I would have been right on time)
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Yesterday once again I got my internet shut off in my face and wasn't able to play SIF for hours.

I'm dropping in the ranks quickly because I'm not being given enough time.

This sucks and I'll have to use love gems to compesate for wasted time.

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You can't play inbetween classes? Just this morning, I literally sat in my car to play a song on SIF before class, making me 2min late to a test (otherwise I would have been right on time)

I've already mentioned this before, but I use my family's tablet. So obviously i can't bring it with me to school or else they'll notice it. Even if I ask, they would never let me bring it.


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You mean, rank for the score?

It's ok. Although, am I the only one here who's playing this game and faces the impending doom which is school (because it seriously ruins my schedule for playing SIF)?

Rank of event ponins =w=

I think here's more student. I'm the only one working? =w=

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Yesterday once again I got my internet shut off in my face and wasn't able to play SIF for hours.

I'm dropping in the ranks quickly because I'm not being given enough time.

This sucks and I'll have to use love gems to compesate for wasted time.

The world is against you having this Nico!


I've already mentioned this before, but I use my family's tablet. So obviously i can't bring it with me to school or else they'll notice it. Even if I ask, they would never let me bring it.


My bad, I lose track of how everyone plays.
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I S-S it first try yesterday. It's payback.

 Hope it's just a one time thing :(


Dat one miss had to be painful. :P

I have gotten 1-good/bad/miss so many times... This time I noticed it like 20 notes after it happened. Didn't care too much since I hadn't picked an UR leader to pair with so I couldn't get an S in score anyway. Just hoping I can get an FC later tonight.
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It's ok. Although, am I the only one here who's playing this game and faces the impending doom which is school (because it seriously ruins my schedule for playing SIF)?

I'm in high school, but summer vacation started today for me, so for the next 6-8 weeks (don't even know how long it exactly lasts) I won't have any school.


Although, during the last event I had school during it, but I'd just play if I had no lessons.

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That's.. really sad.. yeah, sad.
My first ever 1-good run on the song, I hit a good on those fast double at the end. This time I dropped on some random slider around the beginning. On the bright side, I'm 5k points from earning the Nico.
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I'm sadly never going to FC this song despite it being the easiest daily song :( Just got a 5-good run. Always break my streak really early on this certain slider to note combination. Kinda sad since this is my favorite daily song...

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