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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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Leveling all your cards is kinda like climbing a plateau, you struggle up a steep slope then it flattens out and you're like... Well, now what? Sure, there will be small hills here and there, but you're already assustomed to the climb so it's easy.

On a side note, only 4 more songs and I have all hits A clear. Think I'll work on those between events.

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Yeah it's kinda what happens for any game in general where you have to grind to reach max level; once you actually reach it, it's like "Okay what do I do now?" xD

My point to Ezee was that he didn't have to obliterate all of his Rares for the sake of max leveling his cards. The grind is part of the fun to this game so I don't think it was a good idea to rush it. But if the temptation was real then I guess what can you do :P.


Well, my playtime is limited because of work. So I have only about 6 hours where I can play (6 hours on block). Grinding (like some of you are doing) isn't really an option for me. So for the comming Score match i wanted to raise my chances to get first place in the matches with strong teams. And don't worry over me, I've enough goals in mind than can fulfill my urges :P ... 

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Dammit. :(

Oh well. I'll just have to wait until they release the guaranteed SRs for those then....

Edit: so I decided to YOLO and do a 50 draw along with my 3 tickets. Got another sr hanayo and.... A UR kotori!!!!! I don't care even if her skill is stamina healing, I'm just sooo happy to finally have a UR. T-T

I'll post the picture later.

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Dammit. :(

Oh well. I'll just have to wait until they release the guaranteed SRs for those then....

Edit: so I decided to YOLO and do a 50 draw along with my 3 tickets. Got another sr hanayo and.... A UR kotori!!!!! I don't care even if her skill is stamina healing, I'm just sooo happy to finally have a UR. T-T

I'll post the picture later.

Congrats on finally joining the UR club! Now, who was left that didn't have an UR?

Congrats on your first UR~ I remember that happy feeling when I got my first one ;w;

My wish is now trying to get an idolized SR/UR D:

Get top 1000 in an event to get an easy idolized SR :D I have 2 idolized non-event SRs though I consider that bad luck, since they weren't the cards I was looking for :(

I've been so tempted to yolosolo for a while now... But I need to save gems!

Well, to satisfied the urge, I did it on my JP account and while I only got a rare, I got a new one so it was still not wasted :D


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Valentines UR Maki is a must get for Maki~chan, IMO it's her best UR (followed by the brand new one in JP). My favorite Rin UR isn't until September, by then, I will DEFINITELY have a job, and I am guaranteed to get that card, I'll spend without thinking for it (10 10+1s isn't crazy... right?)

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So many events passed didnot get a UR why would I get ultra lucky and get a Maki ur suddenly? :( 4.5 months passed already and my teams are so weak :/

I just realized, have you posted your teams here? I don't remember seeing them. They must be around my level, since we faced each other twice in that score match, and you beat me in one of them.

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I want to face you guys at least once this time but I think my team is too weak T_____T. Then there's timezones as well.


Smile: 36890 w/ SR leader

Pure: 36380 w/ SR leader

Cool: 35710 w/ UR leader


Note: I don't have duplicates in my teams, I like having one of each which drops my team by a bit. Also my SR/UR are all unidolized.

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