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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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Just played No Brand Girls and it is so extremely addicting + catchy. The chorus just takes me away completely. I wonder why I didn't like it as much in the anime.

I can't answer that for you since I fell in love with the song the first time I heard it in the anime, coupled with the performance, instantly became (and still is) my favorite Muse song.


Nevermind... anyway, it's funny that Yeokso got a perfect run but still didnt even get close to beating his high score 0.0

Yeah, I thought the same thing




This is what i most worry ~ well, its happened on my 1st draw =w= (heart attacked...

You have convinced me to never do a 50gem draw outside guaranteed ever again.

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not aware of any uses for that kanji, since it's most commonly 占 (nozomi uses this one) 

Ah it wasn't Love Live related :P


You see there's this character named 夜ト (Yato) as you can see it uses the kana "to" after the kanji.

But then I discover it's actually a boku (卜) and his true name is Yaboku and then I rage for a couple minutes realizing how i've been decieved all along (although that was the intention of the author).


I've said this before and I'll say it again, I hate katakana.


Well regardless, thanks for clarifying the other post, i really couldn't figure it out. I need to start dedicating more time to studying than actually attempting to translate.

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Okay ~ I'm definitely taking a break for now. New personal record for myself.


Nevermind... anyway, it's funny that Yeokso got a perfect run but still didnt even get close to beating his high score 0.0

Yea... None of my event Nicos decided to trigger as much. Skills too overpowered. xD
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It measures how much score you earned in one day I believe, which corresponds with him suddenly being in first in the event as well.

If I had money to throw at this game, I'd be in the top 5 for every event just because I'm dedicated to Love Live. As it is, I'm going to at least be top 200 for the Rin event, I don't care how many love gems it takes. I'll be saving up love gems a month in advance and have a little money set aside for an emergency purchase of a few :P

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It measures how much score you earned in one day I believe, which corresponds with him suddenly being in first in the event as well.

If I had money to throw at this game, I'd be in the top 5 for every event just because I'm dedicated to Love Live. As it is, I'm going to at least be top 200 for the Rin event, I don't care how many love gems it takes. I'll be saving up love gems a month in advance and have a little money set aside for an emergency purchase of a few :P

Obviously if I had money Sylph wouldn't have been first in the last event.


I have 17 love gems, doubt i'll get anymore anytime soon. I'm below 3k in the event ranking, not even trying hard for it anyway.

This event has been the worst for me so far.

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I wouldn't say it's a marketing gimmick.

I honestly believe it's because of incompatibility between the 2 OS and not KLab's fault.

You know what would fix this?

Accounts, you know, with email or google+

Just something to tie down all your data no matter in what OS you are.

I really wish KLab would implement that

I'd much rather take a few steps to register than to risk losing stuff in my account.

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I wonder if it is incompatibility or if they meant it to happen, because the pricing is different. You could transfer to the platform that has cheaper love gems, buy them, then transfer back.

And as for losing stuff, I have my account's code saved in a "notes" section on MAL, that only I can see, and I can access even if I don't have my computer.

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I wouldn't say it's a marketing gimmick.

I honestly believe it's because of incompatibility between the 2 OS and not KLab's fault.

You know what would fix this?

Accounts, you know, with email or google+

Just something to tie down all your data no matter in what OS you are.

I really wish KLab would implement that

I'd much rather take a few steps to register than to risk losing stuff in my account.


Why can't you be cynical and believe in the evils of corporations, Nosebleed?

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I wonder if it is incompatibility or if they meant it to happen, because the pricing is different. You could transfer to the platform that has cheaper love gems, buy them, then transfer back.

And as for losing stuff, I have my account's code saved in a "notes" section on MAL, that only I can see, and I can access even if I don't have my computer.


I just noticed that it's a little bit more expensive on the Iphone. But it's also a lot smoother (Apple bias?) on this than my Samsung Tab 7" screen. I get the choppiness on that thing. 


Anyone else play this on an android system with smooth performance?

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Depends, sometimes if my android has been on for a while, I get major choppiness. I have an app that helps boost my available RAM and if I use that then play SIF, the game usually plays a lot smoother. My phone isn't all that strong, so every bit of RAM counts. I also get lag spikes every ~5 songs, where the notes will teleport, with varying degrees of damage done, anywhere from moving slightly different than they should to notes just disappearing and it saying I missed.


So yeah, when I my only combo break is due to those spikes of lag, i get extremely annoyed... That's why I wanted to switch to my family tablet, but then found out you can't switch OS if you have love gems, so I ruled that idea out, since I have the only android based thing in the house while everyone else has Apple stuff (due to family reasons)

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Depends, sometimes if my android has been on for a while, I get major choppiness. I have an app that helps boost my available RAM and if I use that then play SIF, the game usually plays a lot smoother. My phone isn't all that strong, so every bit of RAM counts. I also get lag spikes every ~5 songs, where the notes will teleport, with varying degrees of damage done, anywhere from moving slightly different than they should to notes just disappearing and it saying I missed.


So yeah, when I my only combo break is due to those spikes of lag, i get extremely annoyed... That's why I wanted to switch to my family tablet, but then found out you can't switch OS if you have love gems, so I ruled that idea out, since I have the only android based thing in the house while everyone else has Apple stuff (due to family reasons)


I just FCed two hard songs just now that I couldn't on my android due to choppiness. But that was consistently every game for me. I wonder if downloading that app you had would have helped. I'm pretty sure my tab has more ram than this iphone though. I don't think it was able to handle too many notes on the screen. 

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it's only choppy on my Samsung Galaxy S3 if it's been running for a long time inthe background. I usually just restart the app as a matter of habit and maybe 1/6 or 1/8 will get random and sparse note lag spikes that Ceris mentioned. 9/10 times with the lag spikes, though, the notes just change visually, and if you remember the beat you are ok, so it rarely messes me up regardless.

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